AllocateResponse allocResponse = amClient.allocate(0.1f);
assertTrue(amClient.ask.size() == 0);
assertTrue(amClient.release.size() == 0);
assertTrue(nodeCount == amClient.getClusterNodeCount());
AMResponse amResponse = allocResponse.getAMResponse();
allocatedContainerCount += amResponse.getAllocatedContainers().size();
for(Container container : amResponse.getAllocatedContainers()) {
ContainerId rejectContainerId = container.getId();
if(allocatedContainerCount < containersRequestedAny) {
// sleep to let NM's heartbeat to RM and trigger allocations
assertTrue(allocatedContainerCount == containersRequestedAny);
assertTrue(amClient.release.size() == 2);
assertTrue(amClient.ask.size() == 0);
// need to tell the AMRMClient that we dont need these resources anymore
amClient.removeContainerRequest(new ContainerRequest(capability, nodes,
racks, priority, 2));
assertTrue(amClient.ask.size() == 3);
// send 0 container count request for resources that are no longer needed
ResourceRequest snoopRequest = amClient.ask.iterator().next();
assertTrue(snoopRequest.getNumContainers() == 0);
// test RPC exception handling
amClient.addContainerRequest(new ContainerRequest(capability, nodes,
racks, priority, 2));
snoopRequest = amClient.ask.iterator().next();
assertTrue(snoopRequest.getNumContainers() == 2);
AMRMProtocol realRM = amClient.rmClient;
try {
AMRMProtocol mockRM = mock(AMRMProtocol.class);
new Answer<AllocateResponse>() {
public AllocateResponse answer(InvocationOnMock invocation)
throws Exception {
amClient.removeContainerRequest(new ContainerRequest(capability,
nodes, racks, priority, 2));
throw new Exception();
amClient.rmClient = mockRM;
}catch (Exception ioe) {}
finally {
amClient.rmClient = realRM;
assertTrue(amClient.release.size() == 2);
assertTrue(amClient.ask.size() == 3);
snoopRequest = amClient.ask.iterator().next();
// verify that the remove request made in between makeRequest and allocate
// has not been lost
assertTrue(snoopRequest.getNumContainers() == 0);
iterationsLeft = 2;
// do a few iterations to ensure RM is not going send new containers
while(!releases.isEmpty() || iterationsLeft-- > 0) {
// inform RM of rejection
AllocateResponse allocResponse = amClient.allocate(0.1f);
AMResponse amResponse = allocResponse.getAMResponse();
// RM did not send new containers because AM does not need any
assertTrue(amResponse.getAllocatedContainers().size() == 0);
if(amResponse.getCompletedContainersStatuses().size() > 0) {
for(ContainerStatus cStatus : amResponse.getCompletedContainersStatuses()) {
if(releases.contains(cStatus.getContainerId())) {
assertTrue(cStatus.getState() == ContainerState.COMPLETE);
assertTrue(cStatus.getExitStatus() == -100);