Package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.AMResponse

      AllocateResponse allocResponse = amClient.allocate(0.1f);
      assertTrue(amClient.ask.size() == 0);
      assertTrue(amClient.release.size() == 0);
      assertTrue(nodeCount == amClient.getClusterNodeCount());
      AMResponse amResponse = allocResponse.getAMResponse();
      allocatedContainerCount += amResponse.getAllocatedContainers().size();
      for(Container container : amResponse.getAllocatedContainers()) {
        ContainerId rejectContainerId = container.getId();
      if(allocatedContainerCount < containersRequestedAny) {
        // sleep to let NM's heartbeat to RM and trigger allocations

    assertTrue(allocatedContainerCount == containersRequestedAny);
    assertTrue(amClient.release.size() == 2);
    assertTrue(amClient.ask.size() == 0);
    // need to tell the AMRMClient that we dont need these resources anymore
    amClient.removeContainerRequest(new ContainerRequest(capability, nodes,
        racks, priority, 2));
    assertTrue(amClient.ask.size() == 3);
    // send 0 container count request for resources that are no longer needed
    ResourceRequest snoopRequest = amClient.ask.iterator().next();
    assertTrue(snoopRequest.getNumContainers() == 0);
    // test RPC exception handling
    amClient.addContainerRequest(new ContainerRequest(capability, nodes,
        racks, priority, 2));
    snoopRequest = amClient.ask.iterator().next();
    assertTrue(snoopRequest.getNumContainers() == 2);
    AMRMProtocol realRM = amClient.rmClient;
    try {
      AMRMProtocol mockRM = mock(AMRMProtocol.class);
          new Answer<AllocateResponse>() {
            public AllocateResponse answer(InvocationOnMock invocation)
                throws Exception {
              amClient.removeContainerRequest(new ContainerRequest(capability,
                  nodes, racks, priority, 2));
              throw new Exception();
      amClient.rmClient = mockRM;
    }catch (Exception ioe) {}
    finally {
      amClient.rmClient = realRM;

    assertTrue(amClient.release.size() == 2);
    assertTrue(amClient.ask.size() == 3);
    snoopRequest = amClient.ask.iterator().next();
    // verify that the remove request made in between makeRequest and allocate
    // has not been lost
    assertTrue(snoopRequest.getNumContainers() == 0);
    iterationsLeft = 2;
    // do a few iterations to ensure RM is not going send new containers
    while(!releases.isEmpty() || iterationsLeft-- > 0) {
      // inform RM of rejection
      AllocateResponse allocResponse = amClient.allocate(0.1f);
      AMResponse amResponse = allocResponse.getAMResponse();
      // RM did not send new containers because AM does not need any
      assertTrue(amResponse.getAllocatedContainers().size() == 0);
      if(amResponse.getCompletedContainersStatuses().size() > 0) {
        for(ContainerStatus cStatus : amResponse.getCompletedContainersStatuses()) {
          if(releases.contains(cStatus.getContainerId())) {
            assertTrue(cStatus.getState() == ContainerState.COMPLETE);
            assertTrue(cStatus.getExitStatus() == -100);
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    AllocateRequest allocateRequest = BuilderUtils.newAllocateRequest(
        this.applicationAttemptId, this.lastResponseID, super
            .getApplicationProgress(), new ArrayList<ResourceRequest>(),
        new ArrayList<ContainerId>());
    AllocateResponse allocateResponse = scheduler.allocate(allocateRequest);
    AMResponse response;
    try {
      response = allocateResponse.getAMResponse();
      // Reset retry count if no exception occurred.
      retrystartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // This can happen when the connection to the RM has gone down. Keep
      // re-trying until the retryInterval has expired.
      if (System.currentTimeMillis() - retrystartTime >= retryInterval) {
        eventHandler.handle(new JobEvent(this.getJob().getID(),
        throw new YarnException("Could not contact RM after " +
                                retryInterval + " milliseconds.");
      // Throw this up to the caller, which may decide to ignore it and
      // continue to attempt to contact the RM.
      throw e;
    if (response.getReboot()) {"Event from RM: shutting down Application Master");
      // This can happen if the RM has been restarted. If it is in that state,
      // this application must clean itself up.
      eventHandler.handle(new JobEvent(this.getJob().getID(),
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    AllocateRequest allocateRequest = BuilderUtils.newAllocateRequest(
        applicationAttemptId, lastResponseID, super.getApplicationProgress(),
        new ArrayList<ResourceRequest>(ask), new ArrayList<ContainerId>(
    AllocateResponse allocateResponse = scheduler.allocate(allocateRequest);
    AMResponse response = allocateResponse.getAMResponse();
    lastResponseID = response.getResponseId();
    availableResources = response.getAvailableResources();"getResources() for " + applicationId + ":" + " ask="
        + ask.size() + " release= " + release.size() +
        " newContainers=" + response.getAllocatedContainers().size() +
        " finishedContainers=" +
        response.getCompletedContainersStatuses().size() +
        " resourcelimit=" + availableResources);

    return response;
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  private List<Container> getResources() throws Exception {
    int headRoom = getAvailableResources() != null ? getAvailableResources().getMemory() : 0;//first time it would be null
    AMResponse response;
     * If contact with RM is lost, the AM will wait MR_AM_TO_RM_WAIT_INTERVAL_MS
     * milliseconds before aborting. During this interval, AM will still try
     * to contact the RM.
    try {
      response = makeRemoteRequest();
      // Reset retry count if no exception occurred.
      retrystartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // This can happen when the connection to the RM has gone down. Keep
      // re-trying until the retryInterval has expired.
      if (System.currentTimeMillis() - retrystartTime >= retryInterval) {
        eventHandler.handle(new JobEvent(this.getJob().getID(),
        throw new YarnException("Could not contact RM after " +
                                retryInterval + " milliseconds.");
      // Throw this up to the caller, which may decide to ignore it and
      // continue to attempt to contact the RM.
      throw e;
    if (response.getReboot()) {
      // This can happen if the RM has been restarted. If it is in that state,
      // this application must clean itself up.
      eventHandler.handle(new JobEvent(this.getJob().getID(),
      throw new YarnException("Resource Manager doesn't recognize AttemptId: " +
    int newHeadRoom = getAvailableResources() != null ? getAvailableResources().getMemory() : 0;
    List<Container> newContainers = response.getAllocatedContainers();
    List<ContainerStatus> finishedContainers = response.getCompletedContainersStatuses();
    if (newContainers.size() + finishedContainers.size() > 0 || headRoom != newHeadRoom) {
      //something changed
      recalculateReduceSchedule = true;
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      // Send the request to RM"Asking RM for containers"
          + ", askCount=" + askCount);
      AMResponse amResp =  sendContainerAskToRM(resourceReq);     

      // Retrieve list of allocated containers from the response
      List<Container> allocatedContainers = amResp.getAllocatedContainers();"Got response from RM for container ask, allocatedCnt=" + allocatedContainers.size());
      for (Container allocatedContainer : allocatedContainers) {"Launching shell command on a new container."
            + ", containerId=" + allocatedContainer.getId()
            + ", containerNode=" + allocatedContainer.getNodeId().getHost()
            + ":" + allocatedContainer.getNodeId().getPort()
            + ", containerNodeURI=" + allocatedContainer.getNodeHttpAddress()
            + ", containerState" + allocatedContainer.getState()
            + ", containerResourceMemory" + allocatedContainer.getResource().getMemory());
        //            + ", containerToken" + allocatedContainer.getContainerToken().getIdentifier().toString());

        LaunchContainerRunnable runnableLaunchContainer = new LaunchContainerRunnable(allocatedContainer);
        Thread launchThread = new Thread(runnableLaunchContainer)

        // launch and start the container on a separate thread to keep the main thread unblocked
        // as all containers may not be allocated at one go.

      // Check what the current available resources in the cluster are
      // TODO should we do anything if the available resources are not enough?
      Resource availableResources = amResp.getAvailableResources();"Current available resources in the cluster " + availableResources);     

      // Check the completed containers      
      List<ContainerStatus> completedContainers = amResp.getCompletedContainersStatuses();"Got response from RM for container ask, completedCnt=" + completedContainers.size());
      for (ContainerStatus containerStatus : completedContainers) {      "Got container status for containerID= " + containerStatus.getContainerId()
            + ", state=" + containerStatus.getState() 
            + ", exitStatus=" + containerStatus.getExitStatus()
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            .newAllocateRequest(appAttemptId, lastResponseId, progressIndicator,
                askList, releaseList);

      allocateResponse = rmClient.allocate(allocateRequest);
      AMResponse response = allocateResponse.getAMResponse();

      synchronized (this) {
        // update these on successful RPC
        clusterNodeCount = allocateResponse.getNumClusterNodes();
        lastResponseId = response.getResponseId();
        clusterAvailableResources = response.getAvailableResources();
    } finally {
      // TODO how to differentiate remote yarn exception vs error in rpc
      if(allocateResponse == null) {
        // we hit an exception in allocate()
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    Assert.assertEquals(1, loadedApp2.getAppAttempts().size());
    // verify old AM is not accepted
    // change running AM to talk to new RM
    AMResponse amResponse = am1.allocate(new ArrayList<ResourceRequest>(),
        new ArrayList<ContainerId>());
    // NM should be rebooted on heartbeat, even first heartbeat for nm2
    HeartbeatResponse hbResponse = nm1.nodeHeartbeat(true);
    Assert.assertEquals(NodeAction.REBOOT, hbResponse.getNodeAction());
    hbResponse = nm2.nodeHeartbeat(true);
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    Assert.assertEquals(2 * GB, report_nm2.getUsedResource().getMemory());

    // add request for containers
    am1.addRequests(new String[] { "h1", "h2" }, GB, 1, 1);
    AMResponse am1Response = am1.schedule(); // send the request
    // add request for containers
    am2.addRequests(new String[] { "h1", "h2" }, 3 * GB, 0, 1);
    AMResponse am2Response = am2.schedule(); // send the request

    // kick the scheduler, 1 GB and 3 GB given to AM1 and AM2, remaining 0
    while (am1Response.getAllocatedContainers().size() < 1) {"Waiting for containers to be created for app 1...");
      am1Response = am1.schedule();
    while (am2Response.getAllocatedContainers().size() < 1) {"Waiting for containers to be created for app 2...");
      am2Response = am2.schedule();
    // kick the scheduler, nothing given remaining 2 GB.

    List<Container> allocated1 = am1Response.getAllocatedContainers();
    Assert.assertEquals(1, allocated1.size());
    Assert.assertEquals(1 * GB, allocated1.get(0).getResource().getMemory());
    Assert.assertEquals(nm1.getNodeId(), allocated1.get(0).getNodeId());

    List<Container> allocated2 = am2Response.getAllocatedContainers();
    Assert.assertEquals(1, allocated2.size());
    Assert.assertEquals(3 * GB, allocated2.get(0).getResource().getMemory());
    Assert.assertEquals(nm1.getNodeId(), allocated2.get(0).getNodeId());
    report_nm1 = rm.getResourceScheduler().getNodeReport(nm1.getNodeId());
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  private List<Container> getResources() throws Exception {
    int headRoom = getAvailableResources() != null ? getAvailableResources().getMemory() : 0;//first time it would be null
    AMResponse response;
     * If contact with RM is lost, the AM will wait MR_AM_TO_RM_WAIT_INTERVAL_MS
     * milliseconds before aborting. During this interval, AM will still try
     * to contact the RM.
    try {
      response = makeRemoteRequest();
      // Reset retry count if no exception occurred.
      retrystartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // This can happen when the connection to the RM has gone down. Keep
      // re-trying until the retryInterval has expired.
      if (System.currentTimeMillis() - retrystartTime >= retryInterval) {
        LOG.error("Could not contact RM after " + retryInterval + " milliseconds.");
        eventHandler.handle(new JobEvent(this.getJob().getID(),
        throw new YarnException("Could not contact RM after " +
                                retryInterval + " milliseconds.");
      // Throw this up to the caller, which may decide to ignore it and
      // continue to attempt to contact the RM.
      throw e;
    if (response.getReboot()) {
      // This can happen if the RM has been restarted. If it is in that state,
      // this application must clean itself up.
      eventHandler.handle(new JobEvent(this.getJob().getID(),
      throw new YarnException("Resource Manager doesn't recognize AttemptId: " +
    int newHeadRoom = getAvailableResources() != null ? getAvailableResources().getMemory() : 0;
    List<Container> newContainers = response.getAllocatedContainers();
    List<ContainerStatus> finishedContainers = response.getCompletedContainersStatuses();
    if (newContainers.size() + finishedContainers.size() > 0 || headRoom != newHeadRoom) {
      //something changed
      recalculateReduceSchedule = true;
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled() && headRoom != newHeadRoom) {
        LOG.debug("headroom=" + newHeadRoom);
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    AllocateRequest allocateRequest = BuilderUtils.newAllocateRequest(
        applicationAttemptId, lastResponseID, super.getApplicationProgress(),
        new ArrayList<ResourceRequest>(ask), new ArrayList<ContainerId>(
    AllocateResponse allocateResponse = scheduler.allocate(allocateRequest);
    AMResponse response = allocateResponse.getAMResponse();
    lastResponseID = response.getResponseId();
    availableResources = response.getAvailableResources();
    lastClusterNmCount = clusterNmCount;
    clusterNmCount = allocateResponse.getNumClusterNodes();

    if (ask.size() > 0 || release.size() > 0) {"getResources() for " + applicationId + ":" + " ask="
          + ask.size() + " release= " + release.size() + " newContainers="
          + response.getAllocatedContainers().size() + " finishedContainers="
          + response.getCompletedContainersStatuses().size()
          + " resourcelimit=" + availableResources + " knownNMs="
          + clusterNmCount);

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Related Classes of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.AMResponse

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