protected void processResponseQueue()
throws InterruptedException, YarnException, IOException {
while (! responseQueue.isEmpty()) {
AllocateResponse response = responseQueue.take();
// check completed containers
if (! response.getCompletedContainersStatuses().isEmpty()) {
for (ContainerStatus cs : response.getCompletedContainersStatuses()) {
ContainerId containerId = cs.getContainerId();
if (cs.getExitStatus() == ContainerExitStatus.SUCCESS) {
if (assignedMaps.containsKey(containerId)) {
LOG.debug(MessageFormat.format("Application {0} has one" +
"mapper finished ({1}).", appId, containerId));
mapFinished ++;
finishedContainers ++;
} else if (assignedReduces.containsKey(containerId)) {
LOG.debug(MessageFormat.format("Application {0} has one" +
"reducer finished ({1}).", appId, containerId));
reduceFinished ++;
finishedContainers ++;
} else {
// am container released event
isFinished = true;
LOG.info(MessageFormat.format("Application {0} goes to " +
"finish.", appId));
} else {
// container to be killed
if (assignedMaps.containsKey(containerId)) {
LOG.debug(MessageFormat.format("Application {0} has one " +
"mapper killed ({1}).", appId, containerId));
} else if (assignedReduces.containsKey(containerId)) {
LOG.debug(MessageFormat.format("Application {0} has one " +
"reducer killed ({1}).", appId, containerId));
} else {
LOG.info(MessageFormat.format("Application {0}'s AM is " +
"going to be killed. Restarting...", appId));
// check finished
if (isAMContainerRunning &&
(mapFinished == mapTotal) &&
(reduceFinished == reduceTotal)) {
// to release the AM container
isAMContainerRunning = false;
LOG.debug(MessageFormat.format("Application {0} sends out event " +
"to clean up its AM container.", appId));
isFinished = true;
// check allocated containers
for (Container container : response.getAllocatedContainers()) {
if (! scheduledMaps.isEmpty()) {
ContainerSimulator cs = scheduledMaps.remove();
LOG.debug(MessageFormat.format("Application {0} starts a " +
"launch a mapper ({1}).", appId, container.getId()));
assignedMaps.put(container.getId(), cs);