private void parseMetaData() throws IOException {
Text line;
long read;
FSDataInputStream in = null;
LineReader lin = null;
try {
in =;
FileStatus masterStat = fs.getFileStatus(masterIndexPath);
masterIndexTimestamp = masterStat.getModificationTime();
lin = new LineReader(in, getConf());
line = new Text();
read = lin.readLine(line);
// the first line contains the version of the index file
String versionLine = line.toString();
String[] arr = versionLine.split(" ");
version = Integer.parseInt(arr[0]);
// make it always backwards-compatible
if (this.version > HarFileSystem.VERSION) {
throw new IOException("Invalid version " +
this.version + " expected " + HarFileSystem.VERSION);
// each line contains a hashcode range and the index file name
String[] readStr = null;
while(read < masterStat.getLen()) {
int b = lin.readLine(line);
read += b;
readStr = line.toString().split(" ");
int startHash = Integer.parseInt(readStr[0]);
int endHash = Integer.parseInt(readStr[1]);
stores.add(new Store(Long.parseLong(readStr[2]),
Long.parseLong(readStr[3]), startHash,
} finally {
IOUtils.cleanup(LOG, lin, in);
FSDataInputStream aIn =;
try {
FileStatus archiveStat = fs.getFileStatus(archiveIndexPath);
archiveIndexTimestamp = archiveStat.getModificationTime();
LineReader aLin;
// now start reading the real index file
for (Store s: stores) {
read = 0;;
aLin = new LineReader(aIn, getConf());
while (read + s.begin < s.end) {
int tmp = aLin.readLine(line);
read += tmp;
String lineFeed = line.toString();
String[] parsed = lineFeed.split(" ");
parsed[0] = decodeFileName(parsed[0]);
archive.put(new Path(parsed[0]), new HarStatus(lineFeed));