p.add(FAMILYA, QUAL, now + 4, QUAL);
String[] args = new String[] { EXPORT_TABLE, OUTPUT_DIR, "1000" };
GenericOptionsParser opts = new GenericOptionsParser(new Configuration(
cluster.getConfiguration()), args);
Configuration conf = opts.getConfiguration();
args = opts.getRemainingArgs();
Job job = Export.createSubmittableJob(conf, args);
job.getConfiguration().set("mapreduce.framework.name", "yarn");
String IMPORT_TABLE = "importWithFilter";
desc = new HTableDescriptor(IMPORT_TABLE);
desc.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(FAMILYA).setMaxVersions(5));
HTable importTable = new HTable(UTIL.getConfiguration(), IMPORT_TABLE);
args = new String[] { "-D" + Import.FILTER_CLASS_CONF_KEY + "=" + PrefixFilter.class.getName(),
"-D" + Import.FILTER_ARGS_CONF_KEY + "=" + Bytes.toString(ROW1), IMPORT_TABLE, OUTPUT_DIR,
"1000" };
opts = new GenericOptionsParser(new Configuration(cluster.getConfiguration()), args);
conf = opts.getConfiguration();
args = opts.getRemainingArgs();
job = Import.createSubmittableJob(conf, args);
job.getConfiguration().set("mapreduce.framework.name", "yarn");
// get the count of the source table for that time range
PrefixFilter filter = new PrefixFilter(ROW1);
int count = getCount(exportTable, filter);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected row count between export and import tables", count,
getCount(importTable, null));
// and then test that a broken command doesn't bork everything - easier here because we don't
// need to re-run the export job
args = new String[] { "-D" + Import.FILTER_CLASS_CONF_KEY + "=" + Filter.class.getName(),
"-D" + Import.FILTER_ARGS_CONF_KEY + "=" + Bytes.toString(ROW1) + "", EXPORT_TABLE,
OUTPUT_DIR, "1000" };
opts = new GenericOptionsParser(new Configuration(cluster.getConfiguration()), args);
conf = opts.getConfiguration();
args = opts.getRemainingArgs();
job = Import.createSubmittableJob(conf, args);
job.getConfiguration().set("mapreduce.framework.name", "yarn");
assertFalse("Job succeeedd, but it had a non-instantiable filter!", job.isSuccessful());