public synchronized FSVolumeInterface chooseVolume(
List<FSVolumeInterface> volumes, long blockSize) throws IOException {
if(volumes.size() < 1) {
throw new DiskOutOfSpaceException("No more available volumes");
// since volumes could've been removed because of the failure
// make sure we are not out of bounds
if(curVolume >= volumes.size()) {
curVolume = 0;
int startVolume = curVolume;
long maxAvailable = 0;
while (true) {
FSVolumeInterface volume = volumes.get(curVolume);
curVolume = (curVolume + 1) % volumes.size();
long availableVolumeSize = volume.getAvailable();
if (availableVolumeSize > blockSize) { return volume; }
if (availableVolumeSize > maxAvailable) {
maxAvailable = availableVolumeSize;
if (curVolume == startVolume) {
throw new DiskOutOfSpaceException(
"Insufficient space for an additional block. Volume with the most available space has "
+ maxAvailable
+ " bytes free, configured block size is "
+ blockSize);