// a cumulative cpu usage emulator with fake core
CumulativeCpuUsageEmulatorPlugin cpuPlugin =
new CumulativeCpuUsageEmulatorPlugin(fakeCore);
// test with invalid or missing resource usage value
ResourceUsageMetrics invalidUsage = createMetrics(0);
cpuPlugin.initialize(conf, invalidUsage, null, null);
// test if disabled cpu emulation plugin's emulate() call is a no-operation
// this will test if the emulation plugin is disabled or not
int numCallsPre = fakeCore.getNumCalls();
long cpuUsagePre = fakeCore.getCpuUsage();
int numCallsPost = fakeCore.getNumCalls();
long cpuUsagePost = fakeCore.getCpuUsage();
// test if no calls are made cpu usage emulator core
assertEquals("Disabled cumulative CPU usage emulation plugin works!",
numCallsPre, numCallsPost);
// test if no calls are made cpu usage emulator core
assertEquals("Disabled cumulative CPU usage emulation plugin works!",
cpuUsagePre, cpuUsagePost);
// test with get progress
float progress = cpuPlugin.getProgress();
assertEquals("Invalid progress of disabled cumulative CPU usage emulation "
+ "plugin!", 1.0f, progress, 0f);
// test with valid resource usage value
ResourceUsageMetrics metrics = createMetrics(targetCpuUsage);
// fake monitor
ResourceCalculatorPlugin monitor = new FakeResourceUsageMonitor(fakeCore);
// test with default emulation interval