} else if (GenerateDistCacheData.JOB_NAME.equals(jobName)) {
final String originalJobId = configuration.get(Gridmix.ORIGINAL_JOB_ID);
final JobStory spec = sub.get(originalJobId);
assertNotNull("No spec for " + jobName, spec);
assertNotNull("No counters for " + jobName, job.getCounters());
final String originalJobName = spec.getName();
System.out.println("originalJobName=" + originalJobName
+ ";GridmixJobName=" + jobName + ";originalJobID=" + originalJobId);
assertTrue("Original job name is wrong.",
// Gridmix job seqNum contains 6 digits
int seqNumLength = 6;
String jobSeqNum = new DecimalFormat("000000").format(configuration.getInt(
GridmixJob.GRIDMIX_JOB_SEQ, -1));
// Original job name is of the format MOCKJOB<6 digit sequence number>
// because MockJob jobNames are of this format.
originalJobName.length() - seqNumLength).equals(jobSeqNum));
assertTrue("Gridmix job name is not in the expected format.",
jobName.equals(GridmixJob.JOB_NAME_PREFIX + jobSeqNum));
final FileStatus stat = GridmixTestUtils.dfs.getFileStatus(new Path(
GridmixTestUtils.DEST, "" + Integer.valueOf(jobSeqNum)));
assertEquals("Wrong owner for " + jobName, spec.getUser(),
final int nMaps = spec.getNumberMaps();
final int nReds = spec.getNumberReduces();
final JobClient client = new JobClient(
final TaskReport[] mReports = client.getMapTaskReports(JobID