public <T extends TokenIdentifier> void testReadWriteStorage()
throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException{
// create tokenStorage Object
TokenStorage ts = new TokenStorage();
Token<T> token1 = new Token();
Token<T> token2 = new Token();
Text service1 = new Text("service1");
Text service2 = new Text("service2");
Collection<Text> services = new ArrayList<Text>();
ts.addToken(new Text("sometoken1"), token1);
ts.addToken(new Text("sometoken2"), token2);
// create keys and put it in
final KeyGenerator kg = KeyGenerator.getInstance(DEFAULT_HMAC_ALGORITHM);
String alias = "alias";
Map<Text, byte[]> m = new HashMap<Text, byte[]>(10);
for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {
Key key = kg.generateKey();
m.put(new Text(alias+i), key.getEncoded());
ts.addSecretKey(new Text(alias+i), key.getEncoded());
// create file to store
File tmpFileName = new File(tmpDir, "tokenStorageTest");
DataOutputStream dos =
new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmpFileName));
// open and read it back
DataInputStream dis =
new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(tmpFileName));
ts = new TokenStorage();
// get the tokens and compare the services
Collection<Token<? extends TokenIdentifier>> list = ts.getAllTokens();
assertEquals("getAllTokens should return collection of size 2",
list.size(), 2);
boolean foundFirst = false;
boolean foundSecond = false;
for (Token<? extends TokenIdentifier> token : list) {
if (token.getService().equals(service1)) {
foundFirst = true;
if (token.getService().equals(service2)) {
foundSecond = true;
assertTrue("Tokens for services service1 and service2 must be present",
foundFirst && foundSecond);
// compare secret keys
int mapLen = m.size();
assertEquals("wrong number of keys in the Storage",
mapLen, ts.numberOfSecretKeys());
for(Text a : m.keySet()) {
byte [] kTS = ts.getSecretKey(a);
byte [] kLocal = m.get(a);
assertTrue("keys don't match for " + a,
WritableComparator.compareBytes(kTS, 0, kTS.length, kLocal,
0, kLocal.length)==0);