
Examples of

    } else {
      taskId = MRBuilderUtils.newTaskId(jobId, 0, TaskType.MAP);
    TaskAttemptId attemptId = MRBuilderUtils.newTaskAttemptId(taskId,
    return new ContainerFailedEvent(attemptId, host);   
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        task.commitAttempt = null;
      TaskAttempt attempt = task.attempts.get(castEvent.getTaskAttemptID());
      if (attempt.getAssignedContainerMgrAddress() != null) {
        //container was assigned
        task.eventHandler.handle(new ContainerFailedEvent(attempt.getID(),
      if (task.failedAttempts < task.maxAttempts) {
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    List<TaskAttemptContainerAssignedEvent> assigned = allocator.schedule();
    Assert.assertEquals("No of assignments must be 0", 0, assigned.size());

    // Send events to blacklist nodes h1 and h2
    ContainerFailedEvent f1 = createFailEvent(jobId, 1, "h1", false);           
    ContainerFailedEvent f2 = createFailEvent(jobId, 1, "h2", false);           

    // update resources in scheduler
    nodeManager1.nodeHeartbeat(true); // Node heartbeat
    nodeManager2.nodeHeartbeat(true); // Node heartbeat
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    Assert.assertEquals("No of assignments must be 1", 1, assigned.size());"Failing container _1 on H1 (Node should be blacklisted and"
        + " ignore blacklisting enabled");
    // Send events to blacklist nodes h1 and h2
    ContainerFailedEvent f1 = createFailEvent(jobId, 1, "h1", false);

    // Test single node.
    // Known=1, blacklisted=1, ignore should be true - assign 1
    assigned =
        getContainerOnHost(jobId, 2, 1024, new String[] { "h1" },
            nodeManagers[0], dispatcher, allocator);
    Assert.assertEquals("No of assignments must be 1", 1, assigned.size());

    nodeManagers[nmNum] = registerNodeManager(nmNum++, rm, dispatcher);
    // Known=2, blacklisted=1, ignore should be true - assign 1 anyway.
    assigned =
        getContainerOnHost(jobId, 3, 1024, new String[] { "h2" },
            nodeManagers[1], dispatcher, allocator);
    Assert.assertEquals("No of assignments must be 1", 1, assigned.size());

    nodeManagers[nmNum] = registerNodeManager(nmNum++, rm, dispatcher);
    // Known=3, blacklisted=1, ignore should be true - assign 1 anyway.
    assigned =
        getContainerOnHost(jobId, 4, 1024, new String[] { "h3" },
            nodeManagers[2], dispatcher, allocator);
    Assert.assertEquals("No of assignments must be 1", 1, assigned.size());

    // Known=3, blacklisted=1, ignore should be true - assign 1
    assigned =
        getContainerOnHost(jobId, 5, 1024, new String[] { "h1" },
            nodeManagers[0], dispatcher, allocator);
    Assert.assertEquals("No of assignments must be 1", 1, assigned.size());

    nodeManagers[nmNum] = registerNodeManager(nmNum++, rm, dispatcher);
    // Known=4, blacklisted=1, ignore should be false - assign 1 anyway
    assigned =
        getContainerOnHost(jobId, 6, 1024, new String[] { "h4" },
            nodeManagers[3], dispatcher, allocator);
    Assert.assertEquals("No of assignments must be 1", 1, assigned.size());

    // Test blacklisting re-enabled.
    // Known=4, blacklisted=1, ignore should be false - no assignment on h1
    assigned =
        getContainerOnHost(jobId, 7, 1024, new String[] { "h1" },
            nodeManagers[0], dispatcher, allocator);
    Assert.assertEquals("No of assignments must be 0", 0, assigned.size());
    // RMContainerRequestor would have created a replacement request.

    // Blacklist h2
    ContainerFailedEvent f2 = createFailEvent(jobId, 3, "h2", false);

    // Test ignore blacklisting re-enabled
    // Known=4, blacklisted=2, ignore should be true. Should assign 2
    // containers.
    assigned =
        getContainerOnHost(jobId, 8, 1024, new String[] { "h1" },
            nodeManagers[0], dispatcher, allocator);
    Assert.assertEquals("No of assignments must be 2", 2, assigned.size());

    // Known=4, blacklisted=2, ignore should be true.
    assigned =
        getContainerOnHost(jobId, 9, 1024, new String[] { "h2" },
            nodeManagers[1], dispatcher, allocator);
    Assert.assertEquals("No of assignments must be 1", 1, assigned.size());

    // Test blacklist while ignore blacklisting enabled
    ContainerFailedEvent f3 = createFailEvent(jobId, 4, "h3", false);

    nodeManagers[nmNum] = registerNodeManager(nmNum++, rm, dispatcher);
    // Known=5, blacklisted=3, ignore should be true.
    assigned =
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    Assert.assertEquals("No of assignments must be 1", 1, assigned.size());  "Failing container _1 on H1 (should blacklist the node)");
    // Send events to blacklist nodes h1 and h2
    ContainerFailedEvent f1 = createFailEvent(jobId, 1, "h1", false);

    //At this stage, a request should be created for a fast fail map
    //Create a FAST_FAIL request for a previously failed map.
    ContainerRequestEvent event1f = createReq(jobId, 1, 1024,
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    } else {
      taskId = MRBuilderUtils.newTaskId(jobId, 0, TaskType.MAP);
    TaskAttemptId attemptId = MRBuilderUtils.newTaskAttemptId(taskId,
    return new ContainerFailedEvent(attemptId, host);   
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        task.commitAttempt = null;
      TaskAttempt attempt = task.attempts.get(taskAttemptId);
      if (attempt.getAssignedContainerMgrAddress() != null) {
        //container was assigned
        task.eventHandler.handle(new ContainerFailedEvent(attempt.getID(),
      if (task.failedAttempts.size() < task.maxAttempts) {
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    } else {
      taskId = MRBuilderUtils.newTaskId(jobId, 0, TaskType.MAP);
    TaskAttemptId attemptId = MRBuilderUtils.newTaskAttemptId(taskId,
    return new ContainerFailedEvent(attemptId, host);   
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    List<TaskAttemptContainerAssignedEvent> assigned = allocator.schedule();
    Assert.assertEquals("No of assignments must be 0", 0, assigned.size());

    // Send events to blacklist nodes h1 and h2
    ContainerFailedEvent f1 = createFailEvent(jobId, 1, "h1", false);           
    ContainerFailedEvent f2 = createFailEvent(jobId, 1, "h2", false);           

    // update resources in scheduler
    nodeManager1.nodeHeartbeat(true); // Node heartbeat
    nodeManager2.nodeHeartbeat(true); // Node heartbeat
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    Assert.assertEquals("No of assignments must be 1", 1, assigned.size());"Failing container _1 on H1 (Node should be blacklisted and"
        + " ignore blacklisting enabled");
    // Send events to blacklist nodes h1 and h2
    ContainerFailedEvent f1 = createFailEvent(jobId, 1, "h1", false);

    // Test single node.
    // Known=1, blacklisted=1, ignore should be true - assign 1
    assigned =
        getContainerOnHost(jobId, 2, 1024, new String[] { "h1" },
            nodeManagers[0], dispatcher, allocator);
    Assert.assertEquals("No of assignments must be 1", 1, assigned.size());

    nodeManagers[nmNum] = registerNodeManager(nmNum++, rm, dispatcher);
    // Known=2, blacklisted=1, ignore should be true - assign 1 anyway.
    assigned =
        getContainerOnHost(jobId, 3, 1024, new String[] { "h2" },
            nodeManagers[1], dispatcher, allocator);
    Assert.assertEquals("No of assignments must be 1", 1, assigned.size());

    nodeManagers[nmNum] = registerNodeManager(nmNum++, rm, dispatcher);
    // Known=3, blacklisted=1, ignore should be true - assign 1 anyway.
    assigned =
        getContainerOnHost(jobId, 4, 1024, new String[] { "h3" },
            nodeManagers[2], dispatcher, allocator);
    Assert.assertEquals("No of assignments must be 1", 1, assigned.size());

    // Known=3, blacklisted=1, ignore should be true - assign 1
    assigned =
        getContainerOnHost(jobId, 5, 1024, new String[] { "h1" },
            nodeManagers[0], dispatcher, allocator);
    Assert.assertEquals("No of assignments must be 1", 1, assigned.size());

    nodeManagers[nmNum] = registerNodeManager(nmNum++, rm, dispatcher);
    // Known=4, blacklisted=1, ignore should be false - assign 1 anyway
    assigned =
        getContainerOnHost(jobId, 6, 1024, new String[] { "h4" },
            nodeManagers[3], dispatcher, allocator);
    Assert.assertEquals("No of assignments must be 1", 1, assigned.size());

    // Test blacklisting re-enabled.
    // Known=4, blacklisted=1, ignore should be false - no assignment on h1
    assigned =
        getContainerOnHost(jobId, 7, 1024, new String[] { "h1" },
            nodeManagers[0], dispatcher, allocator);
    Assert.assertEquals("No of assignments must be 0", 0, assigned.size());
    // RMContainerRequestor would have created a replacement request.

    // Blacklist h2
    ContainerFailedEvent f2 = createFailEvent(jobId, 3, "h2", false);

    // Test ignore blacklisting re-enabled
    // Known=4, blacklisted=2, ignore should be true. Should assign 2
    // containers.
    assigned =
        getContainerOnHost(jobId, 8, 1024, new String[] { "h1" },
            nodeManagers[0], dispatcher, allocator);
    Assert.assertEquals("No of assignments must be 2", 2, assigned.size());

    // Known=4, blacklisted=2, ignore should be true.
    assigned =
        getContainerOnHost(jobId, 9, 1024, new String[] { "h2" },
            nodeManagers[1], dispatcher, allocator);
    Assert.assertEquals("No of assignments must be 1", 1, assigned.size());

    // Test blacklist while ignore blacklisting enabled
    ContainerFailedEvent f3 = createFailEvent(jobId, 4, "h3", false);

    nodeManagers[nmNum] = registerNodeManager(nmNum++, rm, dispatcher);
    // Known=5, blacklisted=3, ignore should be true.
    assigned =
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