protected void dispatch(Event event) {
if (event instanceof TaskAttemptEvent) {
TaskAttemptEvent killEvent = (TaskAttemptEvent) event;
if (killEvent.getType() == TaskAttemptEventType.TA_KILL) {
TaskAttemptId taID = killEvent.getTaskAttemptID();
if (taID.getTaskId().getTaskType() == TaskType.REDUCE
&& taID.getTaskId().getId() == 0 && taID.getId() == 0) {
// Task is asking the reduce TA to kill itself. 'Create' a race
// condition. Make the task succeed and then inform the task that
// TA has succeeded. Once Task gets the TA succeeded event at
// KILL_WAIT, then relay the actual kill signal to TA
super.dispatch(new TaskAttemptEvent(taID,