//as instantiateAMProxy is not called at all
if(!isAMReachableFromClient) {
MRClientProtocol historyServerProxy = mock(MRClientProtocol.class);
// RM returns AM1 url, null, null and AM2 url on invocations.
// Nulls simulate the time when AM2 is in the process of restarting.
ResourceMgrDelegate rmDelegate = mock(ResourceMgrDelegate.class);
try {
getRunningApplicationReport("am1", 78)).thenReturn(
getRunningApplicationReport(null, 0)).thenReturn(
getRunningApplicationReport(null, 0)).thenReturn(
getRunningApplicationReport("am2", 90));
} catch (YarnException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
GetJobReportResponse jobReportResponse1 = mock(GetJobReportResponse.class);
MRBuilderUtils.newJobReport(jobId, "jobName-firstGen", "user",
JobState.RUNNING, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "anything", null,
false, ""));
// First AM returns a report with jobName firstGen and simulates AM shutdown
// on second invocation.
MRClientProtocol firstGenAMProxy = mock(MRClientProtocol.class);
new RuntimeException("AM is down!"));
GetJobReportResponse jobReportResponse2 = mock(GetJobReportResponse.class);
MRBuilderUtils.newJobReport(jobId, "jobName-secondGen", "user",
JobState.RUNNING, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "anything", null,
false, ""));
// Second AM generation returns a report with jobName secondGen
MRClientProtocol secondGenAMProxy = mock(MRClientProtocol.class);
ClientServiceDelegate clientServiceDelegate = spy(getClientServiceDelegate(
historyServerProxy, rmDelegate));
// First time, connection should be to AM1, then to AM2. Further requests