public synchronized WritableComparable getClosest(WritableComparable key,
Writable val)
throws IOException {
WritableComparable closest = null;
if (top) {
// If top, the lowest possible key is midkey. Do not have to check
// what comes back from super getClosest. Will return exact match or
// greater.
closest = (key.compareTo(this.midkey) < 0)?
this.midkey: super.getClosest(key, val);
} else {
// We're serving bottom of the file.
if (key.compareTo(this.midkey) < 0) {
// Check key is within range for bottom.
closest = super.getClosest(key, val);
// midkey was made against largest store file at time of split. Smaller
// store files could have anything in them. Check return value is
// not beyond the midkey (getClosest returns exact match or next
// after).
if (closest != null && closest.compareTo(this.midkey) >= 0) {
// Don't let this value out.
closest = null;
// Else, key is > midkey so let out closest = null.