//we should be safe since this is set by our own code
Path src = new Path(srcfilelist);
FileSystem fs = src.getFileSystem(jconf);
FileStatus fstatus = fs.getFileStatus(src);
ArrayList<FileSplit> splits = new ArrayList<FileSplit>(numSplits);
LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
Text value = new Text();
SequenceFile.Reader reader = null;
// the remaining bytes in the file split
long remaining = fstatus.getLen();
// the count of sizes calculated till now
long currentCount = 0L;
// the endposition of the split
long lastPos = 0L;
// the start position of the split
long startPos = 0L;
long targetSize = totalSize/numSplits;
// create splits of size target size so that all the maps
// have equals sized data to read and write to.
try {
reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, src, jconf);
while(reader.next(key, value)) {
if (currentCount + key.get() > targetSize && currentCount != 0){
long size = lastPos - startPos;
splits.add(new FileSplit(src, startPos, size, (String[]) null));
remaining = remaining - size;
startPos = lastPos;
currentCount = 0L;
currentCount += key.get();
lastPos = reader.getPosition();
// the remaining not equal to the target size.
if (remaining != 0) {
splits.add(new FileSplit(src, startPos, remaining, (String[])null));