
Examples of

    private DataOutputBuffer dataOutputBuffer;

    public ReducePartitionIFileReader() throws IOException {
      super(null, null, getCollectedBytesSize(), null, null);
      keyValueIterator = getKeyValueSpillIterator();
      dataOutputBuffer = new DataOutputBuffer();
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        synchronized (out) {
          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
            LOG.debug(getName() + " sending #" +;
          try {
            writingCall = call;
            DataOutputBuffer d = new DataOutputBuffer(); //for serializing the
                                                         //data to be written
            byte[] data = d.getData();
            int dataLength = d.getLength();

            out.writeInt(dataLength);      //first put the data length
            out.write(data, 0, dataLength);//write the data
          } finally {
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    LocatedBlocks blockLocations = callGetBlockLocations(namenode, src, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
    if (null == blockLocations) {
      throw new FileNotFoundException("File does not exist: " + src);
    List<LocatedBlock> locatedblocks = blockLocations.getLocatedBlocks();
    final DataOutputBuffer md5out = new DataOutputBuffer();
    int bytesPerCRC = -1;
    DataChecksum.Type crcType = DataChecksum.Type.DEFAULT;
    long crcPerBlock = 0;
    boolean refetchBlocks = false;
    int lastRetriedIndex = -1;

    //get block checksum for each block
    for(int i = 0; i < locatedblocks.size(); i++) {
      if (refetchBlocks) {  // refetch to get fresh tokens
        blockLocations = callGetBlockLocations(namenode, src, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
        if (null == blockLocations) {
          throw new FileNotFoundException("File does not exist: " + src);
        locatedblocks = blockLocations.getLocatedBlocks();
        refetchBlocks = false;
      LocatedBlock lb = locatedblocks.get(i);
      final ExtendedBlock block = lb.getBlock();
      final DatanodeInfo[] datanodes = lb.getLocations();
      //try each datanode location of the block
      final int timeout = 3000 * datanodes.length + socketTimeout;
      boolean done = false;
      for(int j = 0; !done && j < datanodes.length; j++) {
        DataOutputStream out = null;
        DataInputStream in = null;
        try {
          //connect to a datanode
          IOStreamPair pair = connectToDN(socketFactory, connectToDnViaHostname,
              encryptionKey, datanodes[j], timeout);
          out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(pair.out,
          in = new DataInputStream(;

          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("write to " + datanodes[j] + ": "
                + Op.BLOCK_CHECKSUM + ", block=" + block);
          // get block MD5
          new Sender(out).blockChecksum(block, lb.getBlockToken());

          final BlockOpResponseProto reply =

          if (reply.getStatus() != Status.SUCCESS) {
            if (reply.getStatus() == Status.ERROR_ACCESS_TOKEN) {
              throw new InvalidBlockTokenException();
            } else {
              throw new IOException("Bad response " + reply + " for block "
                  + block + " from datanode " + datanodes[j]);
          OpBlockChecksumResponseProto checksumData =

          //read byte-per-checksum
          final int bpc = checksumData.getBytesPerCrc();
          if (i == 0) { //first block
            bytesPerCRC = bpc;
          else if (bpc != bytesPerCRC) {
            throw new IOException("Byte-per-checksum not matched: bpc=" + bpc
                + " but bytesPerCRC=" + bytesPerCRC);
          //read crc-per-block
          final long cpb = checksumData.getCrcPerBlock();
          if (locatedblocks.size() > 1 && i == 0) {
            crcPerBlock = cpb;

          //read md5
          final MD5Hash md5 = new MD5Hash(
          // read crc-type
          final DataChecksum.Type ct;
          if (checksumData.hasCrcType()) {
            ct = PBHelper.convert(checksumData
          } else {
            LOG.debug("Retrieving checksum from an earlier-version DataNode: " +
                      "inferring checksum by reading first byte");
            ct = inferChecksumTypeByReading(
                clientName, socketFactory, socketTimeout, lb, datanodes[j],
                encryptionKey, connectToDnViaHostname);

          if (i == 0) { // first block
            crcType = ct;
          } else if (crcType != DataChecksum.Type.MIXED
              && crcType != ct) {
            // if crc types are mixed in a file
            crcType = DataChecksum.Type.MIXED;

          done = true;

          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            if (i == 0) {
              LOG.debug("set bytesPerCRC=" + bytesPerCRC
                  + ", crcPerBlock=" + crcPerBlock);
            LOG.debug("got reply from " + datanodes[j] + ": md5=" + md5);
        } catch (InvalidBlockTokenException ibte) {
          if (i > lastRetriedIndex) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
              LOG.debug("Got access token error in response to OP_BLOCK_CHECKSUM "
                  + "for file " + src + " for block " + block
                  + " from datanode " + datanodes[j]
                  + ". Will retry the block once.");
            lastRetriedIndex = i;
            done = true; // actually it's not done; but we'll retry
            i--; // repeat at i-th block
            refetchBlocks = true;
        } catch (IOException ie) {
          LOG.warn("src=" + src + ", datanodes["+j+"]=" + datanodes[j], ie);
        } finally {

      if (!done) {
        throw new IOException("Fail to get block MD5 for " + block);

    //compute file MD5
    final MD5Hash fileMD5 = MD5Hash.digest(md5out.getData());
    switch (crcType) {
      case CRC32:
        return new MD5MD5CRC32GzipFileChecksum(bytesPerCRC,
            crcPerBlock, fileMD5);
      case CRC32C:
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    } catch(IOException e) {
      Storage.LOG.error("Error connecting to: " + bnAddress, e);
      throw e;
    this.doubleBuf = new EditsDoubleBuffer(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
    this.out = new DataOutputBuffer(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
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    LocatedBlocks blockLocations = callGetBlockLocations(namenode, src, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
    if (null == blockLocations) {
      throw new FileNotFoundException("File does not exist: " + src);
    List<LocatedBlock> locatedblocks = blockLocations.getLocatedBlocks();
    final DataOutputBuffer md5out = new DataOutputBuffer();
    int bytesPerCRC = -1;
    DataChecksum.Type crcType = DataChecksum.Type.DEFAULT;
    long crcPerBlock = 0;
    boolean refetchBlocks = false;
    int lastRetriedIndex = -1;

    //get block checksum for each block
    for(int i = 0; i < locatedblocks.size(); i++) {
      if (refetchBlocks) {  // refetch to get fresh tokens
        blockLocations = callGetBlockLocations(namenode, src, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
        if (null == blockLocations) {
          throw new FileNotFoundException("File does not exist: " + src);
        locatedblocks = blockLocations.getLocatedBlocks();
        refetchBlocks = false;
      LocatedBlock lb = locatedblocks.get(i);
      final ExtendedBlock block = lb.getBlock();
      final DatanodeInfo[] datanodes = lb.getLocations();
      //try each datanode location of the block
      final int timeout = 3000 * datanodes.length + socketTimeout;
      boolean done = false;
      for(int j = 0; !done && j < datanodes.length; j++) {
        Socket sock = null;
        DataOutputStream out = null;
        DataInputStream in = null;
        try {
          //connect to a datanode
          sock = socketFactory.createSocket();
          String dnAddr = datanodes[j].getXferAddr(connectToDnViaHostname);
          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Connecting to datanode " + dnAddr);
          NetUtils.connect(sock, NetUtils.createSocketAddr(dnAddr), timeout);

          OutputStream unbufOut = NetUtils.getOutputStream(sock);
          InputStream unbufIn = NetUtils.getInputStream(sock);
          if (encryptionKey != null) {
            IOStreamPair encryptedStreams =
                    unbufOut, unbufIn, encryptionKey);
            unbufOut = encryptedStreams.out;
            unbufIn =;
          out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(unbufOut,
          in = new DataInputStream(unbufIn);

          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("write to " + datanodes[j] + ": "
                + Op.BLOCK_CHECKSUM + ", block=" + block);
          // get block MD5
          new Sender(out).blockChecksum(block, lb.getBlockToken());

          final BlockOpResponseProto reply =

          if (reply.getStatus() != Status.SUCCESS) {
            if (reply.getStatus() == Status.ERROR_ACCESS_TOKEN
                && i > lastRetriedIndex) {
              if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Got access token error in response to OP_BLOCK_CHECKSUM "
                    + "for file " + src + " for block " + block
                    + " from datanode " + datanodes[j]
                    + ". Will retry the block once.");
              lastRetriedIndex = i;
              done = true; // actually it's not done; but we'll retry
              i--; // repeat at i-th block
              refetchBlocks = true;
            } else {
              throw new IOException("Bad response " + reply + " for block "
                  + block + " from datanode " + datanodes[j]);
          OpBlockChecksumResponseProto checksumData =

          //read byte-per-checksum
          final int bpc = checksumData.getBytesPerCrc();
          if (i == 0) { //first block
            bytesPerCRC = bpc;
          else if (bpc != bytesPerCRC) {
            throw new IOException("Byte-per-checksum not matched: bpc=" + bpc
                + " but bytesPerCRC=" + bytesPerCRC);
          //read crc-per-block
          final long cpb = checksumData.getCrcPerBlock();
          if (locatedblocks.size() > 1 && i == 0) {
            crcPerBlock = cpb;

          //read md5
          final MD5Hash md5 = new MD5Hash(
          // read crc-type
          final DataChecksum.Type ct = HdfsProtoUtil.
          if (i == 0) { // first block
            crcType = ct;
          } else if (crcType != DataChecksum.Type.MIXED
              && crcType != ct) {
            // if crc types are mixed in a file
            crcType = DataChecksum.Type.MIXED;

          done = true;

          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            if (i == 0) {
              LOG.debug("set bytesPerCRC=" + bytesPerCRC
                  + ", crcPerBlock=" + crcPerBlock);
            LOG.debug("got reply from " + datanodes[j] + ": md5=" + md5);
        } catch (IOException ie) {
          LOG.warn("src=" + src + ", datanodes["+j+"]=" + datanodes[j], ie);
        } finally {

      if (!done) {
        throw new IOException("Fail to get block MD5 for " + block);

    //compute file MD5
    final MD5Hash fileMD5 = MD5Hash.digest(md5out.getData());
    switch (crcType) {
      case CRC32:
        return new MD5MD5CRC32GzipFileChecksum(bytesPerCRC,
            crcPerBlock, fileMD5);
      case CRC32C:
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      // 1) The IPC code has no way of specifying to send only a slice of
      //    a larger array.
      // 2) because the calls to the underlying nodes are asynchronous, we
      //    need a defensive copy to avoid accidentally mutating the buffer
      //    before it is sent.
      DataOutputBuffer bufToSend = new DataOutputBuffer(numReadyBytes);
      assert bufToSend.getLength() == numReadyBytes;
      byte[] data = bufToSend.getData();
      assert data.length == bufToSend.getLength();

      QuorumCall<AsyncLogger, Void> qcall = loggers.sendEdits(
          segmentTxId, firstTxToFlush,
          numReadyTxns, data);
      loggers.waitForWriteQuorum(qcall, writeTimeoutMs, "sendEdits");
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  private void writeSplitsFile(InputSplit[] splits, FSDataOutputStream out) throws IOException {
    WritableUtils.writeVInt(out, CURRENT_SPLIT_FILE_VERSION);
    WritableUtils.writeVInt(out, splits.length);
    DataOutputBuffer buffer = new DataOutputBuffer();
    RawSplit rawSplit = new RawSplit();
    for(InputSplit split: splits) {
      rawSplit.setBytes(buffer.getData(), 0, buffer.getLength());
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        if (numReduceTasks > 1 || numReduceTasks < 0) {
          // we only allow 0 or 1 reducer in local mode
          numReduceTasks = 1;
        DataOutputBuffer buffer = new DataOutputBuffer();
        for (int i = 0; i < splits.length; i++) {
          String mapId = "map_" + idFormat.format(i);
          BytesWritable split = new BytesWritable();
          split.set(buffer.getData(), 0, buffer.getLength());
          MapTask map = new MapTask(jobId, file.toString(), "tip_m_" + mapId,
                                    mapId, i,
          JobConf localConf = new JobConf(job);
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                           Reporter reporter) throws IOException {
      this.partitions = job.getNumReduceTasks();
      this.partitioner = (Partitioner)ReflectionUtils.newInstance(
                                                                  job.getPartitionerClass(), job);
      maxBufferSize = job.getInt("io.sort.mb", 100) * 1024 * 1024;
      keyValBuffer = new DataOutputBuffer();

      this.job = job;
      this.reporter = reporter;
      this.umbilical = umbilical;
      this.comparator = job.getOutputKeyComparator();
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                              + value.getClass().getName());
      synchronized (this) {
        if (keyValBuffer == null) {
          keyValBuffer = new DataOutputBuffer();
        //dump the key/value to buffer
        int keyOffset = keyValBuffer.getLength();
        int keyLength = keyValBuffer.getLength() - keyOffset;
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