map1.put("key11", "value11");
map2.put("key20", "value20");
map2.put("key21", "value21");
ByteArrayRef byteRef = new ByteArrayRef();
// Default separators are 1-indexed (instead of 0-indexed), thus the separator at offset 1 is
// (byte) 2
// The separator for the hive row is \x02, for the row Id struct, \x03, and the maps \x04 and
// \x05
String accumuloRow = "key10\5value10\4key11\5value11\3key20\5value20\4key21\5value21";
LazyStruct entireStruct = (LazyStruct) LazyFactory.createLazyObject(structOI);
byteRef.setData((accumuloRow + "\2foo").getBytes());
entireStruct.init(byteRef, 0, byteRef.getData().length);
Mutation m = serializer.serialize(entireStruct, structOI);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(accumuloRow.getBytes(), m.getRow());
Assert.assertEquals(1, m.getUpdates().size());
ColumnUpdate update = m.getUpdates().get(0);