Package org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SerDeException

  public static List<ColumnMapping> parseColumnsMapping(String columnsMappingSpec)
      throws SerDeException {

    if (columnsMappingSpec == null) {
      throw new SerDeException("Error: hbase.columns.mapping missing for this HBase table.");

    if (columnsMappingSpec.equals("") || columnsMappingSpec.equals(HBASE_KEY_COL)) {
      throw new SerDeException("Error: hbase.columns.mapping specifies only the HBase table"
          + " row key. A valid Hive-HBase table must specify at least one additional column.");

    int rowKeyIndex = -1;
    List<ColumnMapping> columnsMapping = new ArrayList<ColumnMapping>();
    String [] columnSpecs = columnsMappingSpec.split(",");
    ColumnMapping columnMapping = null;

    for (int i = 0; i < columnSpecs.length; i++) {
      String mappingSpec = columnSpecs[i].trim();
      String [] mapInfo = mappingSpec.split("#");
      String colInfo = mapInfo[0];

      int idxFirst = colInfo.indexOf(":");
      int idxLast = colInfo.lastIndexOf(":");

      if (idxFirst < 0 || !(idxFirst == idxLast)) {
        throw new SerDeException("Error: the HBase columns mapping contains a badly formed " +
            "column family, column qualifier specification.");

      columnMapping = new ColumnMapping();

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    if (hbaseTableDefaultStorageType != null && !"".equals(hbaseTableDefaultStorageType)) {
      if (hbaseTableDefaultStorageType.equals("binary")) {
        tableBinaryStorage = true;
      } else if (!hbaseTableDefaultStorageType.equals("string")) {
        throw new SerDeException("Error: " + HBASE_TABLE_DEFAULT_STORAGE_TYPE +
            " parameter must be specified as" +
            " 'string' or 'binary'; '" + hbaseTableDefaultStorageType +
            "' is not a valid specification for this table/serde property.");

    // parse the string to determine column level storage type for primitive types
    // 's' is for variable length string format storage
    // 'b' is for fixed width binary storage of bytes
    // '-' is for table storage type, which defaults to UTF8 string
    // string data is always stored in the default escaped storage format; the data types
    // byte, short, int, long, float, and double have a binary byte oriented storage option
    List<TypeInfo> columnTypes = serdeParams.getColumnTypes();

    for (int i = 0; i < columnsMapping.size(); i++) {

      ColumnMapping colMap = columnsMapping.get(i);
      TypeInfo colType = columnTypes.get(i);
      String mappingSpec = colMap.mappingSpec;
      String [] mapInfo = mappingSpec.split("#");
      String [] storageInfo = null;

      if (mapInfo.length == 2) {
        storageInfo = mapInfo[1].split(":");

      if (storageInfo == null) {

        // use the table default storage specification
        if (colType.getCategory() == Category.PRIMITIVE) {
          if (!colType.getTypeName().equals(serdeConstants.STRING_TYPE_NAME)) {
          } else {
        } else if (colType.getCategory() == Category.MAP) {
          TypeInfo keyTypeInfo = ((MapTypeInfo) colType).getMapKeyTypeInfo();
          TypeInfo valueTypeInfo = ((MapTypeInfo) colType).getMapValueTypeInfo();

          if (keyTypeInfo.getCategory() == Category.PRIMITIVE &&
              !keyTypeInfo.getTypeName().equals(serdeConstants.STRING_TYPE_NAME)) {
          } else {

          if (valueTypeInfo.getCategory() == Category.PRIMITIVE &&
              !valueTypeInfo.getTypeName().equals(serdeConstants.STRING_TYPE_NAME)) {
          } else {
        } else {

      } else if (storageInfo.length == 1) {
        // we have a storage specification for a primitive column type
        String storageOption = storageInfo[0];

        if ((colType.getCategory() == Category.MAP) ||
            !(storageOption.equals("-") || "string".startsWith(storageOption) ||
                "binary".startsWith(storageOption))) {
          throw new SerDeException("Error: A column storage specification is one of the following:"
              + " '-', a prefix of 'string', or a prefix of 'binary'. "
              + storageOption + " is not a valid storage option specification for "
              + serdeParams.getColumnNames().get(i));

        if (colType.getCategory() == Category.PRIMITIVE &&
            !colType.getTypeName().equals(serdeConstants.STRING_TYPE_NAME)) {

          if ("-".equals(storageOption)) {
          } else if ("binary".startsWith(storageOption)) {
          } else {
        } else {

      } else if (storageInfo.length == 2) {
        // we have a storage specification for a map column type

        String keyStorage = storageInfo[0];
        String valStorage = storageInfo[1];

        if ((colType.getCategory() != Category.MAP) ||
            !(keyStorage.equals("-") || "string".startsWith(keyStorage) ||
                "binary".startsWith(keyStorage)) ||
            !(valStorage.equals("-") || "string".startsWith(valStorage) ||
                "binary".startsWith(valStorage))) {
          throw new SerDeException("Error: To specify a valid column storage type for a Map"
              + " column, use any two specifiers from '-', a prefix of 'string', "
              + " and a prefix of 'binary' separated by a ':'."
              + " Valid examples are '-:-', 's:b', etc. They specify the storage type for the"
              + " key and value parts of the Map<?,?> respectively."
              + " Invalid storage specification for column "
              + serdeParams.getColumnNames().get(i)
              + "; " + storageInfo[0] + ":" + storageInfo[1]);

        TypeInfo keyTypeInfo = ((MapTypeInfo) colType).getMapKeyTypeInfo();
        TypeInfo valueTypeInfo = ((MapTypeInfo) colType).getMapValueTypeInfo();

        if (keyTypeInfo.getCategory() == Category.PRIMITIVE &&
            !keyTypeInfo.getTypeName().equals(serdeConstants.STRING_TYPE_NAME)) {

          if (keyStorage.equals("-")) {
          } else if ("binary".startsWith(keyStorage)) {
          } else {
        } else {

        if (valueTypeInfo.getCategory() == Category.PRIMITIVE &&
            !valueTypeInfo.getTypeName().equals(serdeConstants.STRING_TYPE_NAME)) {
          if (valStorage.equals("-")) {
          } else if ("binary".startsWith(valStorage)) {
          } else {
        } else {

        if (colMap.binaryStorage.size() != 2) {
          throw new SerDeException("Error: In parsing the storage specification for column "
              + serdeParams.getColumnNames().get(i));

      } else {
        // error in storage specification
        throw new SerDeException("Error: " + HBASE_COLUMNS_MAPPING + " storage specification "
            + mappingSpec + " is not valid for column: "
            + serdeParams.getColumnNames().get(i));
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    serdeParams = LazySimpleSerDe.initSerdeParams(job, tbl, serdeName);

    if (columnsMapping.size() != serdeParams.getColumnNames().size()) {
      throw new SerDeException(serdeName + ": columns has " +
        serdeParams.getColumnNames().size() +
        " elements while hbase.columns.mapping has " +
        columnsMapping.size() + " elements" +
        " (counting the key if implicit)");

    separators = serdeParams.getSeparators();
    escaped = serdeParams.isEscaped();
    escapeChar = serdeParams.getEscapeChar();
    needsEscape = serdeParams.getNeedsEscape();

    // check that the mapping schema is right;
    // check that the "column-family:" is mapped to  Map<key,?>
    // where key extends LazyPrimitive<?, ?> and thus has type Category.PRIMITIVE
    for (int i = 0; i < columnsMapping.size(); i++) {
      ColumnMapping colMap = columnsMapping.get(i);
      if (colMap.qualifierName == null && !colMap.hbaseRowKey) {
        TypeInfo typeInfo = serdeParams.getColumnTypes().get(i);
        if ((typeInfo.getCategory() != Category.MAP) ||
          (((MapTypeInfo) typeInfo).getMapKeyTypeInfo().getCategory()
            !=  Category.PRIMITIVE)) {

          throw new SerDeException(
            serdeName + ": hbase column family '" + colMap.familyName
            + "' should be mapped to Map<? extends LazyPrimitive<?, ?>,?>, that is "
            + "the Key for the map should be of primitive type, but is mapped to "
            + typeInfo.getTypeName());
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  public Object deserialize(Writable result) throws SerDeException {

    if (!(result instanceof Result)) {
      throw new SerDeException(getClass().getName() + ": expects Result!");

    cachedHBaseRow.init((Result) result, columnsMapping);

    return cachedHBaseRow;
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  public Writable serialize(Object obj, ObjectInspector objInspector)
      throws SerDeException {
    if (objInspector.getCategory() != Category.STRUCT) {
      throw new SerDeException(getClass().toString()
          + " can only serialize struct types, but we got: "
          + objInspector.getTypeName());

    // Prepare the field ObjectInspectors
    StructObjectInspector soi = (StructObjectInspector) objInspector;
    List<? extends StructField> fields = soi.getAllStructFieldRefs();
    List<Object> list = soi.getStructFieldsDataAsList(obj);
    List<? extends StructField> declaredFields =
      (serdeParams.getRowTypeInfo() != null &&
        ((StructTypeInfo) serdeParams.getRowTypeInfo())
        .getAllStructFieldNames().size() > 0) ?
      : null;

    Put put = null;

    try {
      byte [] key = serializeField(iKey, null, fields, list, declaredFields);

      if (key == null) {
        throw new SerDeException("HBase row key cannot be NULL");

      if(putTimestamp >= 0)
        put = new Put(key,putTimestamp);
        put = new Put(key);

      // Serialize each field
      for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
        if (i == iKey) {
          // already processed the key above
        serializeField(i, put, fields, list, declaredFields);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new SerDeException(e);

    return put;
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      if (colMap.hbaseRowKey && colMap.familyName.equals(HBASE_KEY_COL)) {
        return i;

    throw new SerDeException("HBaseSerDe Error: columns mapping list does not contain" +
      " row key column.");
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    numColumns = columnNames.size();

    // All columns have to be primitive.
    for (int c = 0; c < numColumns; c++) {
      if (columnTypes.get(c).getCategory() != Category.PRIMITIVE) {
        throw new SerDeException(getClass().getName()
            + " only accepts primitive columns, but column[" + c + "] named "
            + columnNames.get(c) + " has category "
            + columnTypes.get(c).getCategory());
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      // The next byte should be the marker
      assert tbIn.readTypeCode() == Type.ENDOFRECORD;

    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new SerDeException(e);

    return row;
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      // End of the record is part of the data

      serializeBytesWritable.set(barrStr.getData(), 0, barrStr.getLength());
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new SerDeException(e.getMessage());
    return serializeBytesWritable;
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    numColumns = columnNames.size();

    // All columns have to be of type STRING.
    for (int c = 0; c < numColumns; c++) {
      if (!columnTypes.get(c).equals(TypeInfoFactory.stringTypeInfo)) {
        throw new SerDeException(getClass().getName()
            + " only accepts string columns, but column[" + c + "] named "
            + columnNames.get(c) + " has type " + columnTypes.get(c));
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Related Classes of org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SerDeException

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