Package org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.Statistics

    long maxSize = context.conf.getLongVar(

    int bigTablePosition = -1;

    Statistics bigInputStat = null;
    long totalSize = 0;
    int pos = 0;

    // bigTableFound means we've encountered a table that's bigger than the
    // max. This table is either the the big table or we cannot convert.
    boolean bigTableFound = false;

    for (Operator<? extends OperatorDesc> parentOp : joinOp.getParentOperators()) {

      Statistics currInputStat = parentOp.getStatistics();
      if (currInputStat == null) {
        LOG.warn("Couldn't get statistics from: "+parentOp);
        return -1;

      long inputSize = currInputStat.getDataSize();
      if ((bigInputStat == null) ||
          ((bigInputStat != null) &&
           (inputSize > bigInputStat.getDataSize()))) {

        if (bigTableFound) {
          // cannot convert to map join; we've already chosen a big table
          // on size and there's another one that's bigger.
          return -1;

        if (inputSize/buckets > maxSize) {
          if (!bigTableCandidateSet.contains(pos)) {
            // can't use the current table as the big table, but it's too
            // big for the map side.
            return -1;

          bigTableFound = true;

        if (bigInputStat != null) {
          // we're replacing the current big table with a new one. Need
          // to count the current one as a map table then.
          totalSize += bigInputStat.getDataSize();

        if (totalSize/buckets > maxSize) {
          // sum of small tables size in this join exceeds configured limit
          // hence cannot convert.
          return -1;

        if (bigTableCandidateSet.contains(pos)) {
          bigTablePosition = pos;
          bigInputStat = currInputStat;
      } else {
        totalSize += currInputStat.getDataSize();
        if (totalSize/buckets > maxSize) {
          // cannot hold all map tables in memory. Cannot convert.
          return -1;
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    public Object process(Node nd, Stack<Node> stack, NodeProcessorCtx procCtx,
        Object... nodeOutputs) throws SemanticException {

      GroupByOperator gop = (GroupByOperator) nd;
      Operator<? extends OperatorDesc> parent = gop.getParentOperators().get(0);
      Statistics parentStats = parent.getStatistics();

      // parent stats are not populated yet
      if (parentStats == null) {
        return null;

      AnnotateStatsProcCtx aspCtx = (AnnotateStatsProcCtx) procCtx;
      HiveConf conf = aspCtx.getConf();
      long maxSplitSize = HiveConf.getLongVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.MAPREDMAXSPLITSIZE);
      List<AggregationDesc> aggDesc = gop.getConf().getAggregators();
      Map<String, ExprNodeDesc> colExprMap = gop.getColumnExprMap();
      RowSchema rs = gop.getSchema();
      Statistics stats = null;
      List<ColStatistics> colStats = StatsUtils.getColStatisticsFromExprMap(conf, parentStats,
          colExprMap, rs);
      long cardinality;
      long parallelism = 1L;
      boolean mapSide = false;
      boolean mapSideHashAgg = false;
      long inputSize = 1L;
      boolean containsGroupingSet = gop.getConf().isGroupingSetsPresent();
      long sizeOfGroupingSet =
          containsGroupingSet ? gop.getConf().getListGroupingSets().size() : 1L;

      // There are different cases for Group By depending on map/reduce side, hash aggregation,
      // grouping sets and column stats. If we don't have column stats, we just assume hash
      // aggregation is disabled. Following are the possible cases and rule for cardinality
      // estimation

      // MAP SIDE:
      // Case 1: NO column stats, NO hash aggregation, NO grouping sets — numRows
      // Case 2: NO column stats, NO hash aggregation, grouping sets — numRows * sizeOfGroupingSet
      // Case 3: column stats, hash aggregation, NO grouping sets — Min(numRows / 2, ndvProduct * parallelism)
      // Case 4: column stats, hash aggregation, grouping sets — Min((numRows * sizeOfGroupingSet) / 2, ndvProduct * parallelism * sizeOfGroupingSet)
      // Case 5: column stats, NO hash aggregation, NO grouping sets — numRows
      // Case 6: column stats, NO hash aggregation, grouping sets — numRows * sizeOfGroupingSet

      // REDUCE SIDE:
      // Case 7: NO column stats — numRows / 2
      // Case 8: column stats, grouping sets — Min(numRows, ndvProduct * sizeOfGroupingSet)
      // Case 9: column stats, NO grouping sets - Min(numRows, ndvProduct)

      if (gop.getChildOperators().get(0) instanceof ReduceSinkOperator ||
          gop.getChildOperators().get(0) instanceof AppMasterEventOperator) {

        mapSide = true;

        // consider approximate map side parallelism to be table data size
        // divided by max split size
        TableScanOperator top = OperatorUtils.findSingleOperatorUpstream(gop,
        // if top is null then there are multiple parents (RS as well), hence
        // lets use parent statistics to get data size. Also maxSplitSize should
        // be updated to bytes per reducer (1GB default)
        if (top == null) {
          inputSize = parentStats.getDataSize();
          maxSplitSize = HiveConf.getLongVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.BYTESPERREDUCER);
        } else {
          inputSize = top.getConf().getStatistics().getDataSize();
        parallelism = (int) Math.ceil((double) inputSize / maxSplitSize);

      if (isDebugEnabled) {
        LOG.debug("STATS-" + gop.toString() + ": inputSize: " + inputSize + " maxSplitSize: " +
            maxSplitSize + " parallelism: " + parallelism + " containsGroupingSet: " +
            containsGroupingSet + " sizeOfGroupingSet: " + sizeOfGroupingSet);

      try {
        // satisfying precondition means column statistics is available
        if (satisfyPrecondition(parentStats)) {

          // check if map side aggregation is possible or not based on column stats
          mapSideHashAgg = checkMapSideAggregation(gop, colStats, conf);

          if (isDebugEnabled) {
            LOG.debug("STATS-" + gop.toString() + " mapSideHashAgg: " + mapSideHashAgg);

          stats = parentStats.clone();
          long ndvProduct = 1;
          final long parentNumRows = stats.getNumRows();

          // compute product of distinct values of grouping columns
          for (ColStatistics cs : colStats) {
            if (cs != null) {
              long ndv = cs.getCountDistint();
              if (cs.getNumNulls() > 0) {
                ndv = StatsUtils.safeAdd(ndv, 1);
              ndvProduct = StatsUtils.safeMult(ndvProduct, ndv);
            } else {
              if (parentStats.getColumnStatsState().equals(Statistics.State.COMPLETE)) {
                // the column must be an aggregate column inserted by GBY. We
                // don't have to account for this column when computing product
                // of NDVs
              } else {
                // partial column statistics on grouping attributes case.
                // if column statistics on grouping attribute is missing, then
                // assume worst case.
                // GBY rule will emit half the number of rows if ndvProduct is 0
                ndvProduct = 0;

          // if ndvProduct is 0 then column stats state must be partial and we are missing
          // column stats for a group by column
          if (ndvProduct == 0) {
            ndvProduct = parentNumRows / 2;

            if (isDebugEnabled) {
              LOG.debug("STATS-" + gop.toString() + ": ndvProduct became 0 as some column does not" +
                  " have stats. ndvProduct changed to: " + ndvProduct);

          if (mapSide) {
            // MAP SIDE

            if (mapSideHashAgg) {
              if (containsGroupingSet) {
                // Case 4: column stats, hash aggregation, grouping sets
                cardinality = Math.min(
                    (StatsUtils.safeMult(parentNumRows, sizeOfGroupingSet)) / 2,
                    StatsUtils.safeMult(StatsUtils.safeMult(ndvProduct, parallelism), sizeOfGroupingSet));

                if (isDebugEnabled) {
                  LOG.debug("[Case 4] STATS-" + gop.toString() + ": cardinality: " + cardinality);
              } else {
                // Case 3: column stats, hash aggregation, NO grouping sets
                cardinality = Math.min(parentNumRows / 2, StatsUtils.safeMult(ndvProduct, parallelism));

                if (isDebugEnabled) {
                  LOG.debug("[Case 3] STATS-" + gop.toString() + ": cardinality: " + cardinality);
            } else {
              if (containsGroupingSet) {
                // Case 6: column stats, NO hash aggregation, grouping sets
                cardinality = StatsUtils.safeMult(parentNumRows, sizeOfGroupingSet);

                if (isDebugEnabled) {
                  LOG.debug("[Case 6] STATS-" + gop.toString() + ": cardinality: " + cardinality);
              } else {
                // Case 5: column stats, NO hash aggregation, NO grouping sets
                cardinality = parentNumRows;

                if (isDebugEnabled) {
                  LOG.debug("[Case 5] STATS-" + gop.toString() + ": cardinality: " + cardinality);
          } else {
            // REDUCE SIDE

            // in reduce side GBY, we don't know if the grouping set was present or not. so get it
            // from map side GBY
            GroupByOperator mGop = OperatorUtils.findSingleOperatorUpstream(parent, GroupByOperator.class);
            if (mGop != null) {
              containsGroupingSet = mGop.getConf().isGroupingSetsPresent();
              sizeOfGroupingSet = mGop.getConf().getListGroupingSets().size();

            if (containsGroupingSet) {
              // Case 8: column stats, grouping sets
              cardinality = Math.min(parentNumRows, StatsUtils.safeMult(ndvProduct, sizeOfGroupingSet));

              if (isDebugEnabled) {
                LOG.debug("[Case 8] STATS-" + gop.toString() + ": cardinality: " + cardinality);
            } else {
              // Case 9: column stats, NO grouping sets
              cardinality = Math.min(parentNumRows, ndvProduct);

              if (isDebugEnabled) {
                LOG.debug("[Case 9] STATS-" + gop.toString() + ": cardinality: " + cardinality);

          // update stats, but don't update NDV as it will not change
          updateStats(stats, cardinality, true, gop, false);
        } else {

          // NO COLUMN STATS
          if (parentStats != null) {

            stats = parentStats.clone();
            final long parentNumRows = stats.getNumRows();

            // if we don't have column stats, we just assume hash aggregation is disabled
            if (mapSide) {
              // MAP SIDE

              if (containsGroupingSet) {
                // Case 2: NO column stats, NO hash aggregation, grouping sets
                cardinality = StatsUtils.safeMult(parentNumRows, sizeOfGroupingSet);

                if (isDebugEnabled) {
                  LOG.debug("[Case 2] STATS-" + gop.toString() + ": cardinality: " + cardinality);
              } else {
                // Case 1: NO column stats, NO hash aggregation, NO grouping sets
                cardinality = parentNumRows;

                if (isDebugEnabled) {
                  LOG.debug("[Case 1] STATS-" + gop.toString() + ": cardinality: " + cardinality);
            } else {
              // REDUCE SIDE

              // Case 7: NO column stats
              cardinality = parentNumRows / 2;

              if (isDebugEnabled) {
                LOG.debug("[Case 7] STATS-" + gop.toString() + ": cardinality: " + cardinality);

            updateStats(stats, cardinality, false, gop);

        // if UDAFs are present, new columns needs to be added
        if (!aggDesc.isEmpty() && stats != null) {
          List<ColStatistics> aggColStats = Lists.newArrayList();
          for (ColumnInfo ci : rs.getSignature()) {

            // if the columns in row schema is not contained in column
            // expression map, then those are the aggregate columns that
            // are added GBY operator. we will estimate the column statistics
            // for those newly added columns
            if (!colExprMap.containsKey(ci.getInternalName())) {
              String colName = ci.getInternalName();
              String tabAlias = ci.getTabAlias();
              String colType = ci.getTypeName();
              ColStatistics cs = new ColStatistics(tabAlias, colName, colType);

          // add the new aggregate column and recompute data size
          if (aggColStats.size() > 0) {

            // only if the column stats is available, update the data size from
            // the column stats
            if (!stats.getColumnStatsState().equals(Statistics.State.NONE)) {
              updateStats(stats, stats.getNumRows(), true, gop);

          // if UDAF present and if column expression map is empty then it must
          // be full aggregation query like count(*) in which case number of
          // rows will be 1
          if (colExprMap.isEmpty()) {
            updateStats(stats, 1, true, gop);


        if (isDebugEnabled && stats != null) {
          LOG.debug("[0] STATS-" + gop.toString() + ": " + stats.extendedToString());
      } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
        throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.STATISTICS_CLONING_FAILED.getMsg());
      return null;
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        if (allSatisfyPreCondition) {

          // statistics object that is combination of statistics from all
          // relations involved in JOIN
          Statistics stats = new Statistics();
          Map<String, Long> rowCountParents = new HashMap<String, Long>();
          List<Long> distinctVals = Lists.newArrayList();
          int numParent = parents.size();
          Map<String, ColStatistics> joinedColStats = Maps.newHashMap();
          Map<Integer, List<String>> joinKeys = Maps.newHashMap();
          List<Long> rowCounts = Lists.newArrayList();

          // detect if there are multiple attributes in join key
          ReduceSinkOperator rsOp = (ReduceSinkOperator) jop.getParentOperators().get(0);
          List<String> keyExprs = rsOp.getConf().getOutputKeyColumnNames();
          numAttr = keyExprs.size();

          // infer PK-FK relationship in single attribute join case
          pkfkInferred = false;

          // get the join keys from parent ReduceSink operators
          for (int pos = 0; pos < parents.size(); pos++) {
            ReduceSinkOperator parent = (ReduceSinkOperator) jop.getParentOperators().get(pos);

            Statistics parentStats = parent.getStatistics();
            keyExprs = parent.getConf().getOutputKeyColumnNames();

            // Parent RS may have column statistics from multiple parents.
            // Populate table alias to row count map, this will be used later to
            // scale down/up column statistics based on new row count
            // NOTE: JOIN with UNION as parent of RS will not have table alias
            // propagated properly. UNION operator does not propagate the table
            // alias of subqueries properly to expression nodes. Hence union20.q
            // will have wrong number of rows.
            Set<String> tableAliases = StatsUtils.getAllTableAlias(parent.getColumnExprMap());
            for (String tabAlias : tableAliases) {
              rowCountParents.put(tabAlias, parentStats.getNumRows());

            // compute fully qualified join key column names. this name will be
            // used to quickly look-up for column statistics of join key.
            // TODO: expressions in join condition will be ignored. assign
            // internal name for expressions and estimate column statistics for expression.
            List<String> fqCols = StatsUtils.getFullyQualifedReducerKeyNames(keyExprs,
            joinKeys.put(pos, fqCols);

            // get column statistics for all output columns
            for (ColStatistics cs : parentStats.getColumnStats()) {
              joinedColStats.put(cs.getFullyQualifiedColName(), cs);

            // since new statistics is derived from all relations involved in
            // JOIN, we need to update the state information accordingly

          // compute denominator i.e, max(V(R,Y), V(S,Y)) in case of single
          // attribute join, else max(V(R,y1), V(S,y1)) * max(V(R,y2), V(S,y2))
          // in case of multi-attribute join
          long denom = 1;
          if (numAttr > 1) {
            List<Long> perAttrDVs = Lists.newArrayList();
            for (int idx = 0; idx < numAttr; idx++) {
              for (Integer i : joinKeys.keySet()) {
                String col = joinKeys.get(i).get(idx);
                ColStatistics cs = joinedColStats.get(col);
                if (cs != null) {


            if (numAttr > numParent) {
              // To avoid denominator getting larger and aggressively reducing
              // number of rows, we will ease out denominator.
              denom = getEasedOutDenominator(distinctVals);
            } else {
              for (Long l : distinctVals) {
                denom = StatsUtils.safeMult(denom, l);
          } else {
            for (List<String> jkeys : joinKeys.values()) {
              for (String jk : jkeys) {
                ColStatistics cs = joinedColStats.get(jk);
                if (cs != null) {
            denom = getDenominator(distinctVals);

          // Update NDV of joined columns to be min(V(R,y), V(S,y))
          updateJoinColumnsNDV(joinKeys, joinedColStats, numAttr);

          // column statistics from different sources are put together and rename
          // fully qualified column names based on output schema of join operator
          Map<String, ExprNodeDesc> colExprMap = jop.getColumnExprMap();
          RowSchema rs = jop.getSchema();
          List<ColStatistics> outColStats = Lists.newArrayList();
          Map<String, String> outInTabAlias = new HashMap<String, String>();
          for (ColumnInfo ci : rs.getSignature()) {
            String key = ci.getInternalName();
            ExprNodeDesc end = colExprMap.get(key);
            if (end instanceof ExprNodeColumnDesc) {
              String colName = ((ExprNodeColumnDesc) end).getColumn();
              String tabAlias = ((ExprNodeColumnDesc) end).getTabAlias();
              String fqColName = StatsUtils.getFullyQualifiedColumnName(tabAlias, colName);
              ColStatistics cs = joinedColStats.get(fqColName);
              String outColName = key;
              String outTabAlias = ci.getTabAlias();
              outInTabAlias.put(outTabAlias, tabAlias);
              if (cs != null) {

          // update join statistics
          long newRowCount = pkfkInferred ? newNumRows : computeNewRowCount(rowCounts, denom);
          updateStatsForJoinType(stats, newRowCount, jop, rowCountParents,outInTabAlias);

          if (isDebugEnabled) {
            LOG.debug("[0] STATS-" + jop.toString() + ": " + stats.extendedToString());
        } else {

          // worst case when there are no column statistics
          float joinFactor = HiveConf.getFloatVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_STATS_JOIN_FACTOR);
          int numParents = parents.size();
          List<Long> parentRows = Lists.newArrayList();
          List<Long> parentSizes = Lists.newArrayList();
          int maxRowIdx = 0;
          long maxRowCount = 0;
          int idx = 0;

          for (Operator<? extends OperatorDesc> op : parents) {
            Statistics ps = op.getStatistics();
            long rowCount = ps.getNumRows();
            if (rowCount > maxRowCount) {
              maxRowCount = rowCount;
              maxRowIdx = idx;

          long maxDataSize = parentSizes.get(maxRowIdx);
          long newNumRows = StatsUtils.safeMult(StatsUtils.safeMult(maxRowCount, (numParents - 1)), joinFactor);
          long newDataSize = StatsUtils.safeMult(StatsUtils.safeMult(maxDataSize, (numParents - 1)), joinFactor);
          Statistics wcStats = new Statistics();
          if (isDebugEnabled) {
            LOG.debug("[1] STATS-" + jop.toString() + ": " + wcStats.extendedToString());
      return null;
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    public Object process(Node nd, Stack<Node> stack, NodeProcessorCtx procCtx,
        Object... nodeOutputs) throws SemanticException {
      LimitOperator lop = (LimitOperator) nd;
      Operator<? extends OperatorDesc> parent = lop.getParentOperators().get(0);
      Statistics parentStats = parent.getStatistics();

      try {
        long limit = -1;
        limit = lop.getConf().getLimit();

        if (satisfyPrecondition(parentStats)) {
          Statistics stats = parentStats.clone();

          // if limit is greater than available rows then do not update
          // statistics
          if (limit <= parentStats.getNumRows()) {
            updateStats(stats, limit, true, lop);

          if (isDebugEnabled) {
            LOG.debug("[0] STATS-" + lop.toString() + ": " + stats.extendedToString());
        } else {
          if (parentStats != null) {

            // in the absence of column statistics, compute data size based on
            // based on average row size
            Statistics wcStats = parentStats.clone();
            limit = StatsUtils.getMaxIfOverflow(limit);
            if (limit <= parentStats.getNumRows()) {
              long numRows = limit;
              long avgRowSize = parentStats.getAvgRowSize();
              long dataSize = StatsUtils.safeMult(avgRowSize, limit);

            if (isDebugEnabled) {
              LOG.debug("[1] STATS-" + lop.toString() + ": " + wcStats.extendedToString());
      } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
        throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.STATISTICS_CLONING_FAILED.getMsg());
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    public Object process(Node nd, Stack<Node> stack, NodeProcessorCtx procCtx,
        Object... nodeOutputs) throws SemanticException {
      ReduceSinkOperator rop = (ReduceSinkOperator) nd;
      Operator<? extends OperatorDesc> parent = rop.getParentOperators().get(0);
      Statistics parentStats = parent.getStatistics();
      if (parentStats != null) {
        AnnotateStatsProcCtx aspCtx = (AnnotateStatsProcCtx) procCtx;
        HiveConf conf = aspCtx.getConf();

        List<String> outKeyColNames = rop.getConf().getOutputKeyColumnNames();
        List<String> outValueColNames = rop.getConf().getOutputValueColumnNames();
        Map<String, ExprNodeDesc> colExprMap = rop.getColumnExprMap();
        try {
          Statistics outStats = parentStats.clone();
          if (satisfyPrecondition(parentStats)) {
            List<ColStatistics> colStats = Lists.newArrayList();
            for (String key : outKeyColNames) {
              String prefixedKey = Utilities.ReduceField.KEY.toString() + "." + key;
              ExprNodeDesc end = colExprMap.get(prefixedKey);
              if (end != null) {
                ColStatistics cs = StatsUtils
                    .getColStatisticsFromExpression(conf, parentStats, end);
                if (cs != null) {

            for (String val : outValueColNames) {
              String prefixedVal = Utilities.ReduceField.VALUE.toString() + "." + val;
              ExprNodeDesc end = colExprMap.get(prefixedVal);
              if (end != null) {
                ColStatistics cs = StatsUtils
                    .getColStatisticsFromExpression(conf, parentStats, end);
                if (cs != null) {

          if (isDebugEnabled) {
            LOG.debug("[0] STATS-" + rop.toString() + ": " + outStats.extendedToString());
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
          throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.STATISTICS_CLONING_FAILED.getMsg());
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      OperatorDesc conf = op.getConf();
      AnnotateStatsProcCtx aspCtx = (AnnotateStatsProcCtx) procCtx;
      HiveConf hconf = aspCtx.getConf();

      if (conf != null) {
        Statistics stats = conf.getStatistics();
        if (stats == null) {
          if (op.getParentOperators() != null) {

            // if parent statistics is null then that branch of the tree is not
            // walked yet. don't update the stats until all branches are walked
            if (isAllParentsContainStatistics(op)) {
              stats = new Statistics();
              for (Operator<? extends OperatorDesc> parent : op.getParentOperators()) {
                if (parent.getStatistics() != null) {
                  Statistics parentStats = parent.getStatistics();
                  List<ColStatistics> colStats = StatsUtils.getColStatisticsFromExprMap(hconf,
                      parentStats, op.getColumnExprMap(), op.getSchema());
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          aspCtx.getParseContext().getPrunedPartitions(tsop.getName(), tsop);
      Table table = aspCtx.getParseContext().getTopToTable().get(tsop);

      try {
        // gather statistics for the first time and the attach it to table scan operator
        Statistics stats = StatsUtils.collectStatistics(aspCtx.getConf(), partList, table, tsop);

        if (isDebugEnabled) {
          LOG.debug("[0] STATS-" + tsop.toString() + " (" + table.getTableName() + "): " +
      } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
        throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.STATISTICS_CLONING_FAILED.getMsg());
      } catch (HiveException e) {
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    public Object process(Node nd, Stack<Node> stack, NodeProcessorCtx procCtx,
        Object... nodeOutputs) throws SemanticException {

      SelectOperator sop = (SelectOperator) nd;
      Operator<? extends OperatorDesc> parent = sop.getParentOperators().get(0);
      Statistics parentStats = parent.getStatistics();
      AnnotateStatsProcCtx aspCtx = (AnnotateStatsProcCtx) procCtx;
      HiveConf conf = aspCtx.getConf();
      Statistics stats = null;

      if (parentStats != null) {
        try {
          stats = parentStats.clone();
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
          throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.STATISTICS_CLONING_FAILED.getMsg());

      try {
        if (satisfyPrecondition(parentStats)) {
          // this will take care of mapping between input column names and output column names. The
          // returned column stats will have the output column names.
          List<ColStatistics> colStats = StatsUtils.getColStatisticsFromExprMap(conf, parentStats,
              sop.getColumnExprMap(), sop.getSchema());
          // in case of select(*) the data size does not change
          if (!sop.getConf().isSelectStar() && !sop.getConf().isSelStarNoCompute()) {
            long dataSize = StatsUtils.getDataSizeFromColumnStats(stats.getNumRows(), colStats);

          if (isDebugEnabled) {
            LOG.debug("[0] STATS-" + sop.toString() + ": " + stats.extendedToString());
        } else {
          if (parentStats != null) {

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    long maxSize = context.conf.getLongVar(

    int bigTablePosition = -1;

    Statistics bigInputStat = null;
    long totalSize = 0;
    int pos = 0;

    // bigTableFound means we've encountered a table that's bigger than the
    // max. This table is either the the big table or we cannot convert.
    boolean bigTableFound = false;

    for (Operator<? extends OperatorDesc> parentOp : joinOp.getParentOperators()) {

      Statistics currInputStat = parentOp.getStatistics();
      if (currInputStat == null) {
        LOG.warn("Couldn't get statistics from: "+parentOp);
        return -1;

      long inputSize = currInputStat.getDataSize();
      if ((bigInputStat == null) ||
          ((bigInputStat != null) &&
          (inputSize > bigInputStat.getDataSize()))) {

        if (bigTableFound) {
          // cannot convert to map join; we've already chosen a big table
          // on size and there's another one that's bigger.
          return -1;

        if (inputSize/buckets > maxSize) {
          if (!bigTableCandidateSet.contains(pos)) {
            // can't use the current table as the big table, but it's too
            // big for the map side.
            return -1;

          bigTableFound = true;

        if (bigInputStat != null) {
          // we're replacing the current big table with a new one. Need
          // to count the current one as a map table then.
          totalSize += bigInputStat.getDataSize();

        if (totalSize/buckets > maxSize) {
          // sum of small tables size in this join exceeds configured limit
          // hence cannot convert.
          return -1;

        if (bigTableCandidateSet.contains(pos)) {
          bigTablePosition = pos;
          bigInputStat = currInputStat;
      } else {
        totalSize += currInputStat.getDataSize();
        if (totalSize/buckets > maxSize) {
          // cannot hold all map tables in memory. Cannot convert.
          return -1;
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    public Object process(Node nd, Stack<Node> stack, NodeProcessorCtx procCtx,
        Object... nodeOutputs) throws SemanticException {
      AnnotateStatsProcCtx aspCtx = (AnnotateStatsProcCtx) procCtx;
      FilterOperator fop = (FilterOperator) nd;
      Operator<? extends OperatorDesc> parent = fop.getParentOperators().get(0);
      Statistics parentStats = parent.getStatistics();
      List<String> neededCols = null;
      if (parent instanceof TableScanOperator) {
        TableScanOperator tsop = (TableScanOperator) parent;
        neededCols = tsop.getNeededColumns();

      try {
        if (parentStats != null) {
          ExprNodeDesc pred = fop.getConf().getPredicate();

          // evaluate filter expression and update statistics
          long newNumRows = evaluateExpression(parentStats, pred, aspCtx,
              neededCols, fop);
          Statistics st = parentStats.clone();

          if (satisfyPrecondition(parentStats)) {

            // update statistics based on column statistics.
            // OR conditions keeps adding the stats independently, this may
            // result in number of rows getting more than the input rows in
            // which case stats need not be updated
            if (newNumRows <= parentStats.getNumRows()) {
              updateStats(st, newNumRows, true, fop);

            if (isDebugEnabled) {
              LOG.debug("[0] STATS-" + fop.toString() + ": " + st.extendedToString());
          } else {

            // update only the basic statistics in the absence of column statistics
            if (newNumRows <= parentStats.getNumRows()) {
              updateStats(st, newNumRows, false, fop);

            if (isDebugEnabled) {
              LOG.debug("[1] STATS-" + fop.toString() + ": " + st.extendedToString());
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Related Classes of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.Statistics

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