for (String path : emptyPath) {
// create fetch work
FetchWork fetchWork = null;
List<Path> partDir = new ArrayList<Path>();
List<PartitionDesc> partDesc = new ArrayList<PartitionDesc>();
for (String tablePath : pathSet) {
PartitionDesc partitionDesc = newWork.getMapWork().getPathToPartitionInfo().get(tablePath);
// create fetchwork for non partitioned table
if (partitionDesc.getPartSpec() == null || partitionDesc.getPartSpec().size() == 0) {
fetchWork = new FetchWork(new Path(tablePath), partitionDesc.getTableDesc());
// if table is partitioned,add partDir and partitionDesc
partDir.add(new Path(tablePath));
// create fetchwork for partitioned table
if (fetchWork == null) {
TableDesc table = newWork.getMapWork().getAliasToPartnInfo().get(alias).getTableDesc();
fetchWork = new FetchWork(partDir, partDesc, table);
// set alias to fetch work
newLocalWork.getAliasToFetchWork().put(alias, fetchWork);
// remove small table ailias from aliasToWork;Avoid concurrent modification