AlterTableDesc alterTable = work.getAlterTblDesc();
if (alterTable != null) {
Table table = hive.getTable(SessionState.get().getCurrentDatabase(),
alterTable.getOldName(), false);
Partition part = null;
if (alterTable.getPartSpec() != null) {
part = hive.getPartition(table, alterTable.getPartSpec(), false);
String newLocation = alterTable.getNewLocation();
/* Hcat requires ALTER_DATA privileges for ALTER TABLE LOCATION statements
* for the old table/partition location and the new location.
if (alterTable.getOp() == AlterTableDesc.AlterTableTypes.ALTERLOCATION) {
if (part != null) {
authorize(part, Privilege.ALTER_DATA); // authorize for the old
// location, and new location
authorize(part, Privilege.ALTER_DATA);