try {
HiveConf hiveConf = HCatUtil.getHiveConf(conf);
client = HCatUtil.getHiveClient(hiveConf);
Table table = HCatUtil.getTable(client, outputJobInfo.getDatabaseName(),
List<String> indexList = client.listIndexNames(outputJobInfo.getDatabaseName(), outputJobInfo.getTableName(), Short.MAX_VALUE);
for (String indexName : indexList) {
Index index = client.getIndex(outputJobInfo.getDatabaseName(), outputJobInfo.getTableName(), indexName);
if (!index.isDeferredRebuild()) {
throw new HCatException(ErrorType.ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Store into a table with an automatic index from Pig/Mapreduce is not supported");
StorageDescriptor sd = table.getTTable().getSd();
if (sd.isCompressed()) {
throw new HCatException(ErrorType.ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Store into a compressed partition from Pig/Mapreduce is not supported");
if (sd.getBucketCols() != null && !sd.getBucketCols().isEmpty()) {
throw new HCatException(ErrorType.ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Store into a partition with bucket definition from Pig/Mapreduce is not supported");
if (sd.getSortCols() != null && !sd.getSortCols().isEmpty()) {
throw new HCatException(ErrorType.ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Store into a partition with sorted column definition from Pig/Mapreduce is not supported");
if (table.getTTable().getPartitionKeysSize() == 0) {
if ((outputJobInfo.getPartitionValues() != null) && (!outputJobInfo.getPartitionValues().isEmpty())) {
// attempt made to save partition values in non-partitioned table - throw error.
throw new HCatException(ErrorType.ERROR_INVALID_PARTITION_VALUES,
"Partition values specified for non-partitioned table");
// non-partitioned table
outputJobInfo.setPartitionValues(new HashMap<String, String>());
} else {
// partitioned table, we expect partition values
// convert user specified map to have lower case key names
Map<String, String> valueMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
if (outputJobInfo.getPartitionValues() != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : outputJobInfo.getPartitionValues().entrySet()) {
valueMap.put(entry.getKey().toLowerCase(), entry.getValue());
if ((outputJobInfo.getPartitionValues() == null)
|| (outputJobInfo.getPartitionValues().size() < table.getTTable().getPartitionKeysSize())) {
// dynamic partition usecase - partition values were null, or not all were specified
// need to figure out which keys are not specified.
List<String> dynamicPartitioningKeys = new ArrayList<String>();
boolean firstItem = true;
for (FieldSchema fs : table.getPartitionKeys()) {
if (!valueMap.containsKey(fs.getName().toLowerCase())) {
if (valueMap.size() + dynamicPartitioningKeys.size() != table.getTTable().getPartitionKeysSize()) {
// If this isn't equal, then bogus key values have been inserted, error out.
throw new HCatException(ErrorType.ERROR_INVALID_PARTITION_VALUES, "Invalid partition keys specified");
String dynHash;
if ((dynHash = conf.get(HCatConstants.HCAT_DYNAMIC_PTN_JOBID)) == null) {
dynHash = String.valueOf(Math.random());
//"New dynHash : ["+dynHash+"]");
// }else{
//"Old dynHash : ["+dynHash+"]");
conf.set(HCatConstants.HCAT_DYNAMIC_PTN_JOBID, dynHash);
// To get around hbase failure on single node, see BUG-4383
conf.set("", "false");
HCatSchema tableSchema = HCatUtil.extractSchema(table);
StorerInfo storerInfo =
InternalUtil.extractStorerInfo(table.getTTable().getSd(), table.getParameters());
List<String> partitionCols = new ArrayList<String>();
for (FieldSchema schema : table.getPartitionKeys()) {
HiveStorageHandler storageHandler = HCatUtil.getStorageHandler(conf, storerInfo);
//Serialize the output info into the configuration
harRequested = getHarRequested(hiveConf);
maxDynamicPartitions = getMaxDynamicPartitions(hiveConf);
HCatUtil.configureOutputStorageHandler(storageHandler, conf, outputJobInfo);
Path tblPath = new Path(table.getTTable().getSd().getLocation());
/* Set the umask in conf such that files/dirs get created with table-dir
* permissions. Following three assumptions are made:
* 1. Actual files/dirs creation is done by RecordWriter of underlying
* output format. It is assumed that they use default permissions while creation.