outputs.add(new WriteEntity(partition));
} else {
if (isFullSpec(table, partSpec)) {
Partition partition = getPartition(table, partSpec, true);
outputs.add(new WriteEntity(partition));
} else {
for (Partition partition : getPartitions(table, partSpec, false)) {
outputs.add(new WriteEntity(partition));
TruncateTableDesc truncateTblDesc = new TruncateTableDesc(tableName, partSpec);
DDLWork ddlWork = new DDLWork(getInputs(), getOutputs(), truncateTblDesc);
Task<? extends Serializable> truncateTask = TaskFactory.get(ddlWork, conf);
// Is this a truncate column command
List<String> columnNames = null;
if (ast.getChildCount() == 2) {
try {
columnNames = getColumnNames((ASTNode)ast.getChild(1));
// Throw an error if the table is indexed
List<Index> indexes = db.getIndexes(table.getDbName(), tableName, (short)1);
if (indexes != null && indexes.size() > 0) {
throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.TRUNCATE_COLUMN_INDEXED_TABLE.getMsg());
List<String> bucketCols = null;
Class<? extends InputFormat> inputFormatClass = null;
boolean isArchived = false;
Path newTblPartLoc = null;
Path oldTblPartLoc = null;
List<FieldSchema> cols = null;
ListBucketingCtx lbCtx = null;
boolean isListBucketed = false;
List<String> listBucketColNames = null;
if (table.isPartitioned()) {
Partition part = db.getPartition(table, partSpec, false);
Path tabPath = table.getPath();
Path partPath = part.getPartitionPath();
// if the table is in a different dfs than the partition,
// replace the partition's dfs with the table's dfs.
newTblPartLoc = new Path(tabPath.toUri().getScheme(), tabPath.toUri()
.getAuthority(), partPath.toUri().getPath());
oldTblPartLoc = partPath;
cols = part.getCols();
bucketCols = part.getBucketCols();
inputFormatClass = part.getInputFormatClass();
isArchived = ArchiveUtils.isArchived(part);
lbCtx = constructListBucketingCtx(part.getSkewedColNames(), part.getSkewedColValues(),
part.getSkewedColValueLocationMaps(), part.isStoredAsSubDirectories(), conf);
isListBucketed = part.isStoredAsSubDirectories();
listBucketColNames = part.getSkewedColNames();
} else {
// input and output are the same
oldTblPartLoc = table.getPath();
newTblPartLoc = table.getPath();
cols = table.getCols();