Package org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.log

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.log.PerfLogger

   * obtained from he inputs and outputs populated by the compiler. The lock acuisition scheme is
   * pretty simple. If all the locks cannot be obtained, error out. Deadlock is avoided by making
   * sure that the locks are lexicographically sorted.
  public int acquireReadWriteLocks() {
    PerfLogger perfLogger = PerfLogger.getPerfLogger();
    perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(LOG, PerfLogger.ACQUIRE_READ_WRITE_LOCKS);

    try {
      boolean supportConcurrency = conf.getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_SUPPORT_CONCURRENCY);
      if (!supportConcurrency) {
        return 0;

      List<HiveLockObj> lockObjects = new ArrayList<HiveLockObj>();

      // Sort all the inputs, outputs.
      // If a lock needs to be acquired on any partition, a read lock needs to be acquired on all
      // its parents also
      for (ReadEntity input : plan.getInputs()) {
        if (input.getType() == ReadEntity.Type.TABLE) {
          lockObjects.addAll(getLockObjects(input.getTable(), null, HiveLockMode.SHARED));
        } else {
          lockObjects.addAll(getLockObjects(null, input.getPartition(), HiveLockMode.SHARED));

      for (WriteEntity output : plan.getOutputs()) {
        if (output.getTyp() == WriteEntity.Type.TABLE) {
          lockObjects.addAll(getLockObjects(output.getTable(), null,
              output.isComplete() ? HiveLockMode.EXCLUSIVE : HiveLockMode.SHARED));
        } else if (output.getTyp() == WriteEntity.Type.PARTITION) {
          lockObjects.addAll(getLockObjects(null, output.getPartition(), HiveLockMode.EXCLUSIVE));
        // In case of dynamic queries, it is possible to have incomplete dummy partitions
        else if (output.getTyp() == WriteEntity.Type.DUMMYPARTITION) {
          lockObjects.addAll(getLockObjects(null, output.getPartition(), HiveLockMode.SHARED));

      if (lockObjects.isEmpty() && !ctx.isNeedLockMgr()) {
        return 0;

      HiveLockObjectData lockData =
        new HiveLockObjectData(plan.getQueryId(),

      // Lock the database also
      try {
        Hive db = Hive.get(conf);
        lockObjects.add(new HiveLockObj(
                                        new HiveLockObject(db.getCurrentDatabase(), lockData),
      } catch (HiveException e) {
        throw new SemanticException(e.getMessage());

      List<HiveLock> hiveLocks = ctx.getHiveLockMgr().lock(lockObjects, false);

      if (hiveLocks == null) {
        throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.LOCK_CANNOT_BE_ACQUIRED.getMsg());
      } else {

      return (0);
    } catch (SemanticException e) {
      errorMessage = "FAILED: Error in acquiring locks: " + e.getMessage();
      SQLState = ErrorMsg.findSQLState(e.getMessage());
      console.printError(errorMessage, "\n"
          + org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
      return (10);
    } catch (LockException e) {
      errorMessage = "FAILED: Error in acquiring locks: " + e.getMessage();
      SQLState = ErrorMsg.findSQLState(e.getMessage());
      console.printError(errorMessage, "\n"
          + org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
      return (10);
    } finally {
      perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(LOG, PerfLogger.ACQUIRE_READ_WRITE_LOCKS);
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   * @param hiveLocks
   *          list of hive locks to be released Release all the locks specified. If some of the
   *          locks have already been released, ignore them
  private void releaseLocks(List<HiveLock> hiveLocks) {
    PerfLogger perfLogger = PerfLogger.getPerfLogger();
    perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(LOG, PerfLogger.RELEASE_LOCKS);

    if (hiveLocks != null) {

    perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(LOG, PerfLogger.RELEASE_LOCKS);
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    return ofhooks;

  public int execute() throws CommandNeedRetryException {
    PerfLogger perfLogger = PerfLogger.getPerfLogger();
    perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(LOG, PerfLogger.DRIVER_EXECUTE);

    boolean noName = StringUtils.isEmpty(conf.getVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HADOOPJOBNAME));
    int maxlen = conf.getIntVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVEJOBNAMELENGTH);

    String queryId = plan.getQueryId();
    String queryStr = plan.getQueryStr();

    conf.setVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVEQUERYID, queryId);
    conf.setVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVEQUERYSTRING, queryStr);
    maxthreads = HiveConf.getIntVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.EXECPARALLETHREADNUMBER);

    try {"Starting command: " + queryStr);


      if (SessionState.get() != null) {
      resStream = null;

      HookContext hookContext = new HookContext(plan, conf, ctx.getPathToCS());

      for (Hook peh : getPreExecHooks()) {
        if (peh instanceof ExecuteWithHookContext) {
          perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(LOG, PerfLogger.PRE_HOOK + peh.getClass().getName());

          ((ExecuteWithHookContext) peh).run(hookContext);

          perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(LOG, PerfLogger.PRE_HOOK + peh.getClass().getName());
        } else if (peh instanceof PreExecute) {
          perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(LOG, PerfLogger.PRE_HOOK + peh.getClass().getName());

          ((PreExecute) peh).run(SessionState.get(), plan.getInputs(), plan.getOutputs(),

          perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(LOG, PerfLogger.PRE_HOOK + peh.getClass().getName());

      int jobs = Utilities.getMRTasks(plan.getRootTasks()).size();
      if (jobs > 0) {
        console.printInfo("Total MapReduce jobs = " + jobs);
      if (SessionState.get() != null) {
        SessionState.get().getHiveHistory().setQueryProperty(queryId, Keys.QUERY_NUM_TASKS,
      String jobname = Utilities.abbreviate(queryStr, maxlen - 6);

      // A runtime that launches runnable tasks as separate Threads through
      // TaskRunners
      // As soon as a task isRunnable, it is put in a queue
      // At any time, at most maxthreads tasks can be running
      // The main thread polls the TaskRunners to check if they have finished.

      Queue<Task<? extends Serializable>> runnable = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Task<? extends Serializable>>();
      Map<TaskResult, TaskRunner> running = new HashMap<TaskResult, TaskRunner>();

      DriverContext driverCxt = new DriverContext(runnable, ctx);

      SessionState.get().setLastMapRedStatsList(new ArrayList<MapRedStats>());

      // Add root Tasks to runnable

      for (Task<? extends Serializable> tsk : plan.getRootTasks()) {

      // Loop while you either have tasks running, or tasks queued up

      while (running.size() != 0 || runnable.peek() != null) {
        // Launch upto maxthreads tasks
        while (runnable.peek() != null && running.size() < maxthreads) {
          Task<? extends Serializable> tsk = runnable.remove();
          launchTask(tsk, queryId, noName, running, jobname, jobs, driverCxt);

        // poll the Tasks to see which one completed
        TaskResult tskRes = pollTasks(running.keySet());
        TaskRunner tskRun = running.remove(tskRes);
        Task<? extends Serializable> tsk = tskRun.getTask();

        int exitVal = tskRes.getExitVal();
        if (exitVal != 0) {
          if (tsk.ifRetryCmdWhenFail()) {
            if (running.size() != 0) {
            // in case we decided to run everything in local mode, restore the
            // the jobtracker setting to its initial value
            throw new CommandNeedRetryException();
          Task<? extends Serializable> backupTask = tsk.getAndInitBackupTask();
          if (backupTask != null) {
            errorMessage = "FAILED: Execution Error, return code " + exitVal + " from "
                + tsk.getClass().getName();

            errorMessage = "ATTEMPT: Execute BackupTask: " + backupTask.getClass().getName();

            // add backup task to runnable
            if (DriverContext.isLaunchable(backupTask)) {

          } else {
            // Get all the failure execution hooks and execute them.
            for (Hook ofh : getOnFailureHooks()) {
              perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(LOG, PerfLogger.FAILURE_HOOK + ofh.getClass().getName());

              ((ExecuteWithHookContext) ofh).run(hookContext);

              perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(LOG, PerfLogger.FAILURE_HOOK + ofh.getClass().getName());

            // TODO: This error messaging is not very informative. Fix that.
            errorMessage = "FAILED: Execution Error, return code " + exitVal + " from "
                + tsk.getClass().getName();
            SQLState = "08S01";
            if (running.size() != 0) {
            // in case we decided to run everything in local mode, restore the
            // the jobtracker setting to its initial value
            return 9;

        if (SessionState.get() != null) {
          SessionState.get().getHiveHistory().setTaskProperty(queryId, tsk.getId(),
              Keys.TASK_RET_CODE, String.valueOf(exitVal));
          SessionState.get().getHiveHistory().endTask(queryId, tsk);

        if (tsk.getChildTasks() != null) {
          for (Task<? extends Serializable> child : tsk.getChildTasks()) {
            if (DriverContext.isLaunchable(child)) {

      // in case we decided to run everything in local mode, restore the
      // the jobtracker setting to its initial value

      // remove incomplete outputs.
      // Some incomplete outputs may be added at the beginning, for eg: for dynamic partitions.
      // remove them
      HashSet<WriteEntity> remOutputs = new HashSet<WriteEntity>();
      for (WriteEntity output : plan.getOutputs()) {
        if (!output.isComplete()) {

      for (WriteEntity output : remOutputs) {

      // Get all the post execution hooks and execute them.
      for (Hook peh : getPostExecHooks()) {
        if (peh instanceof ExecuteWithHookContext) {
          perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(LOG, PerfLogger.POST_HOOK + peh.getClass().getName());

          ((ExecuteWithHookContext) peh).run(hookContext);

          perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(LOG, PerfLogger.POST_HOOK + peh.getClass().getName());
        } else if (peh instanceof PostExecute) {
          perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(LOG, PerfLogger.POST_HOOK + peh.getClass().getName());

          ((PostExecute) peh).run(SessionState.get(), plan.getInputs(), plan.getOutputs(),
              (SessionState.get() != null ? SessionState.get().getLineageState().getLineageInfo()
                  : null), ShimLoader.getHadoopShims().getUGIForConf(conf));

          perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(LOG, PerfLogger.POST_HOOK + peh.getClass().getName());

      if (SessionState.get() != null) {
        SessionState.get().getHiveHistory().setQueryProperty(queryId, Keys.QUERY_RET_CODE,
    } catch (CommandNeedRetryException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      if (SessionState.get() != null) {
        SessionState.get().getHiveHistory().setQueryProperty(queryId, Keys.QUERY_RET_CODE,
      // TODO: do better with handling types of Exception here
      errorMessage = "FAILED: Hive Internal Error: " + Utilities.getNameMessage(e);
      SQLState = "08S01";
      console.printError(errorMessage + "\n"
          + org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
      return (12);
    } finally {
      if (SessionState.get() != null) {
      if (noName) {
        conf.setVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HADOOPJOBNAME, "");
      perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(LOG, PerfLogger.DRIVER_EXECUTE);

      if (SessionState.get().getLastMapRedStatsList() != null
          && SessionState.get().getLastMapRedStatsList().size() > 0) {
        long totalCpu = 0;
        console.printInfo("MapReduce Jobs Launched: ");
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   * obtained from he inputs and outputs populated by the compiler. The lock acuisition scheme is
   * pretty simple. If all the locks cannot be obtained, error out. Deadlock is avoided by making
   * sure that the locks are lexicographically sorted.
  public int acquireReadWriteLocks() {
    PerfLogger perfLogger = PerfLogger.getPerfLogger();
    perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(LOG, PerfLogger.ACQUIRE_READ_WRITE_LOCKS);

    try {
      boolean supportConcurrency = conf.getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_SUPPORT_CONCURRENCY);
      if (!supportConcurrency) {
        return 0;

      List<HiveLockObj> lockObjects = new ArrayList<HiveLockObj>();

      // Sort all the inputs, outputs.
      // If a lock needs to be acquired on any partition, a read lock needs to be acquired on all
      // its parents also
      for (ReadEntity input : plan.getInputs()) {
        if (input.getType() == ReadEntity.Type.TABLE) {
          lockObjects.addAll(getLockObjects(input.getTable(), null, HiveLockMode.SHARED));
        } else {
          lockObjects.addAll(getLockObjects(null, input.getPartition(), HiveLockMode.SHARED));

      for (WriteEntity output : plan.getOutputs()) {
        if (output.getTyp() == WriteEntity.Type.TABLE) {
          lockObjects.addAll(getLockObjects(output.getTable(), null,
              output.isComplete() ? HiveLockMode.EXCLUSIVE : HiveLockMode.SHARED));
        } else if (output.getTyp() == WriteEntity.Type.PARTITION) {
          lockObjects.addAll(getLockObjects(null, output.getPartition(), HiveLockMode.EXCLUSIVE));
        // In case of dynamic queries, it is possible to have incomplete dummy partitions
        else if (output.getTyp() == WriteEntity.Type.DUMMYPARTITION) {
          lockObjects.addAll(getLockObjects(null, output.getPartition(), HiveLockMode.SHARED));

      if (lockObjects.isEmpty() && !ctx.isNeedLockMgr()) {
        return 0;

      HiveLockObjectData lockData =
        new HiveLockObjectData(plan.getQueryId(),

      // Lock the database also
      try {
        Hive db = Hive.get(conf);
        lockObjects.add(new HiveLockObj(
                                        new HiveLockObject(db.getCurrentDatabase(), lockData),
      } catch (HiveException e) {
        throw new SemanticException(e.getMessage());

      List<HiveLock> hiveLocks = ctx.getHiveLockMgr().lock(lockObjects, false);

      if (hiveLocks == null) {
        throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.LOCK_CANNOT_BE_ACQUIRED.getMsg());
      } else {

      return (0);
    } catch (SemanticException e) {
      errorMessage = "FAILED: Error in acquiring locks: " + e.getMessage();
      SQLState = ErrorMsg.findSQLState(e.getMessage());
      console.printError(errorMessage, "\n"
          + org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
      return (10);
    } catch (LockException e) {
      errorMessage = "FAILED: Error in acquiring locks: " + e.getMessage();
      SQLState = ErrorMsg.findSQLState(e.getMessage());
      console.printError(errorMessage, "\n"
          + org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
      return (10);
    } finally {
      perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(LOG, PerfLogger.ACQUIRE_READ_WRITE_LOCKS);
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   * @param hiveLocks
   *          list of hive locks to be released Release all the locks specified. If some of the
   *          locks have already been released, ignore them
  private void releaseLocks(List<HiveLock> hiveLocks) {
    PerfLogger perfLogger = PerfLogger.getPerfLogger();
    perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(LOG, PerfLogger.RELEASE_LOCKS);

    if (hiveLocks != null) {

    perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(LOG, PerfLogger.RELEASE_LOCKS);
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          + org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
      return new CommandProcessorResponse(12, errorMessage, SQLState);

    // Reset the perf logger
    PerfLogger perfLogger = PerfLogger.getPerfLogger(true);
    perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(LOG, PerfLogger.DRIVER_RUN);

    int ret = compile(command);
    if (ret != 0) {
      return new CommandProcessorResponse(ret, errorMessage, SQLState);

    boolean requireLock = false;
    boolean ckLock = checkLockManager();

    if (ckLock) {
      boolean lockOnlyMapred = HiveConf.getBoolVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_LOCK_MAPRED_ONLY);
      if(lockOnlyMapred) {
        Queue<Task<? extends Serializable>> taskQueue = new LinkedList<Task<? extends Serializable>>();
        while (taskQueue.peek() != null) {
          Task<? extends Serializable> tsk = taskQueue.remove();
          requireLock = requireLock || tsk.requireLock();
          if(requireLock) {
          if (tsk instanceof ConditionalTask) {
          if(tsk.getChildTasks()!= null) {
          // does not add back up task here, because back up task should be the same
          // type of the original task.
      } else {
        requireLock = true;

    if (requireLock) {
      ret = acquireReadWriteLocks();
      if (ret != 0) {
        return new CommandProcessorResponse(ret, errorMessage, SQLState);

    ret = execute();
    if (ret != 0) {
      //if needRequireLock is false, the release here will do nothing because there is no lock
      return new CommandProcessorResponse(ret, errorMessage, SQLState);

    //if needRequireLock is false, the release here will do nothing because there is no lock

    perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(LOG, PerfLogger.DRIVER_RUN);
    perfLogger.close(LOG, plan);

    // Take all the driver run hooks and post-execute them.
    try {
      for (HiveDriverRunHook driverRunHook : driverRunHooks) {
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    return hooks;

  public int execute() throws CommandNeedRetryException {
    PerfLogger perfLogger = PerfLogger.getPerfLogger();
    perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(LOG, PerfLogger.DRIVER_EXECUTE);

    boolean noName = StringUtils.isEmpty(conf.getVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HADOOPJOBNAME));
    int maxlen = conf.getIntVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVEJOBNAMELENGTH);

    String queryId = plan.getQueryId();
    String queryStr = plan.getQueryStr();

    conf.setVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVEQUERYID, queryId);
    conf.setVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVEQUERYSTRING, queryStr);
    maxthreads = HiveConf.getIntVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.EXECPARALLETHREADNUMBER);

    try {"Starting command: " + queryStr);


      if (SessionState.get() != null) {
      resStream = null;

      HookContext hookContext = new HookContext(plan, conf, ctx.getPathToCS());

      for (Hook peh : getHooks(HiveConf.ConfVars.PREEXECHOOKS)) {
        if (peh instanceof ExecuteWithHookContext) {
          perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(LOG, PerfLogger.PRE_HOOK + peh.getClass().getName());

          ((ExecuteWithHookContext) peh).run(hookContext);

          perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(LOG, PerfLogger.PRE_HOOK + peh.getClass().getName());
        } else if (peh instanceof PreExecute) {
          perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(LOG, PerfLogger.PRE_HOOK + peh.getClass().getName());

          ((PreExecute) peh).run(SessionState.get(), plan.getInputs(), plan.getOutputs(),

          perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(LOG, PerfLogger.PRE_HOOK + peh.getClass().getName());

      int jobs = Utilities.getMRTasks(plan.getRootTasks()).size();
      if (jobs > 0) {
        console.printInfo("Total MapReduce jobs = " + jobs);
      if (SessionState.get() != null) {
        SessionState.get().getHiveHistory().setQueryProperty(queryId, Keys.QUERY_NUM_TASKS,
      String jobname = Utilities.abbreviate(queryStr, maxlen - 6);

      // A runtime that launches runnable tasks as separate Threads through
      // TaskRunners
      // As soon as a task isRunnable, it is put in a queue
      // At any time, at most maxthreads tasks can be running
      // The main thread polls the TaskRunners to check if they have finished.

      Queue<Task<? extends Serializable>> runnable = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Task<? extends Serializable>>();
      Map<TaskResult, TaskRunner> running = new HashMap<TaskResult, TaskRunner>();

      DriverContext driverCxt = new DriverContext(runnable, ctx);

      SessionState.get().setLastMapRedStatsList(new ArrayList<MapRedStats>());
      SessionState.get().setStackTraces(new HashMap<String, List<List<String>>>());
      SessionState.get().setLocalMapRedErrors(new HashMap<String, List<String>>());

      // Add root Tasks to runnable

      for (Task<? extends Serializable> tsk : plan.getRootTasks()) {

      // Loop while you either have tasks running, or tasks queued up

      while (running.size() != 0 || runnable.peek() != null) {
        // Launch upto maxthreads tasks
        while (runnable.peek() != null && running.size() < maxthreads) {
          Task<? extends Serializable> tsk = runnable.remove();
          launchTask(tsk, queryId, noName, running, jobname, jobs, driverCxt);

        // poll the Tasks to see which one completed
        TaskResult tskRes = pollTasks(running.keySet());
        TaskRunner tskRun = running.remove(tskRes);
        Task<? extends Serializable> tsk = tskRun.getTask();

        int exitVal = tskRes.getExitVal();
        if (exitVal != 0) {
          if (tsk.ifRetryCmdWhenFail()) {
            if (running.size() != 0) {
            // in case we decided to run everything in local mode, restore the
            // the jobtracker setting to its initial value
            throw new CommandNeedRetryException();
          Task<? extends Serializable> backupTask = tsk.getAndInitBackupTask();
          if (backupTask != null) {
            errorMessage = "FAILED: Execution Error, return code " + exitVal + " from "
                + tsk.getClass().getName();

            errorMessage = "ATTEMPT: Execute BackupTask: " + backupTask.getClass().getName();

            // add backup task to runnable
            if (DriverContext.isLaunchable(backupTask)) {

          } else {
            // Get all the failure execution hooks and execute them.
            for (Hook ofh : getHooks(HiveConf.ConfVars.ONFAILUREHOOKS)) {
              perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(LOG, PerfLogger.FAILURE_HOOK + ofh.getClass().getName());

              ((ExecuteWithHookContext) ofh).run(hookContext);

              perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(LOG, PerfLogger.FAILURE_HOOK + ofh.getClass().getName());

            // TODO: This error messaging is not very informative. Fix that.
            errorMessage = "FAILED: Execution Error, return code " + exitVal + " from "
                + tsk.getClass().getName();
            SQLState = "08S01";
            if (running.size() != 0) {
            // in case we decided to run everything in local mode, restore the
            // the jobtracker setting to its initial value
            return 9;

        if (SessionState.get() != null) {
          SessionState.get().getHiveHistory().setTaskProperty(queryId, tsk.getId(),
              Keys.TASK_RET_CODE, String.valueOf(exitVal));
          SessionState.get().getHiveHistory().endTask(queryId, tsk);

        if (tsk.getChildTasks() != null) {
          for (Task<? extends Serializable> child : tsk.getChildTasks()) {
            if (DriverContext.isLaunchable(child)) {

      // in case we decided to run everything in local mode, restore the
      // the jobtracker setting to its initial value

      // remove incomplete outputs.
      // Some incomplete outputs may be added at the beginning, for eg: for dynamic partitions.
      // remove them
      HashSet<WriteEntity> remOutputs = new HashSet<WriteEntity>();
      for (WriteEntity output : plan.getOutputs()) {
        if (!output.isComplete()) {

      for (WriteEntity output : remOutputs) {

      // Get all the post execution hooks and execute them.
      for (Hook peh : getHooks(HiveConf.ConfVars.POSTEXECHOOKS)) {
        if (peh instanceof ExecuteWithHookContext) {
          perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(LOG, PerfLogger.POST_HOOK + peh.getClass().getName());

          ((ExecuteWithHookContext) peh).run(hookContext);

          perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(LOG, PerfLogger.POST_HOOK + peh.getClass().getName());
        } else if (peh instanceof PostExecute) {
          perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(LOG, PerfLogger.POST_HOOK + peh.getClass().getName());

          ((PostExecute) peh).run(SessionState.get(), plan.getInputs(), plan.getOutputs(),
              (SessionState.get() != null ? SessionState.get().getLineageState().getLineageInfo()
                  : null), ShimLoader.getHadoopShims().getUGIForConf(conf));

          perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(LOG, PerfLogger.POST_HOOK + peh.getClass().getName());

      if (SessionState.get() != null) {
        SessionState.get().getHiveHistory().setQueryProperty(queryId, Keys.QUERY_RET_CODE,
    } catch (CommandNeedRetryException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      if (SessionState.get() != null) {
        SessionState.get().getHiveHistory().setQueryProperty(queryId, Keys.QUERY_RET_CODE,
      // TODO: do better with handling types of Exception here
      errorMessage = "FAILED: Hive Internal Error: " + Utilities.getNameMessage(e);
      SQLState = "08S01";
      console.printError(errorMessage + "\n"
          + org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
      return (12);
    } finally {
      if (SessionState.get() != null) {
      if (noName) {
        conf.setVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HADOOPJOBNAME, "");
      perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(LOG, PerfLogger.DRIVER_EXECUTE);

      if (SessionState.get().getLastMapRedStatsList() != null
          && SessionState.get().getLastMapRedStatsList().size() > 0) {
        long totalCpu = 0;
        console.printInfo("MapReduce Jobs Launched: ");
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   * @param command  The HiveQL query to compile
   * @param resetTaskIds Resets taskID counter if true.
   * @return 0 for ok
  public int compile(String command, boolean resetTaskIds) {
    PerfLogger perfLogger = PerfLogger.getPerfLogger();
    perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(LOG, PerfLogger.COMPILE);

    //holder for parent command type/string when executing reentrant queries
    QueryState queryState = new QueryState();

    if (plan != null) {
      plan = null;

    if (resetTaskIds) {

    try {
      command = new VariableSubstitution().substitute(conf,command);
      ctx = new Context(conf);

      ParseDriver pd = new ParseDriver();
      ASTNode tree = pd.parse(command, ctx);
      tree = ParseUtils.findRootNonNullToken(tree);

      BaseSemanticAnalyzer sem = SemanticAnalyzerFactory.get(conf, tree);
      List<AbstractSemanticAnalyzerHook> saHooks =

      // Do semantic analysis and plan generation
      if (saHooks != null) {
        HiveSemanticAnalyzerHookContext hookCtx = new HiveSemanticAnalyzerHookContextImpl();
        for (AbstractSemanticAnalyzerHook hook : saHooks) {
          tree = hook.preAnalyze(hookCtx, tree);
        sem.analyze(tree, ctx);
        for (AbstractSemanticAnalyzerHook hook : saHooks) {
          hook.postAnalyze(hookCtx, sem.getRootTasks());
      } else {
        sem.analyze(tree, ctx);
      }"Semantic Analysis Completed");

      // validate the plan

      plan = new QueryPlan(command, sem, perfLogger.getStartTime(PerfLogger.DRIVER_RUN));
      // initialize FetchTask right here
      if (plan.getFetchTask() != null) {
        plan.getFetchTask().initialize(conf, plan, null);

      // get the output schema
      schema = getSchema(sem, conf);

      // test Only - serialize the query plan and deserialize it
      if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(System.getProperty("test.serialize.qplan"))) {

        String queryPlanFileName = ctx.getLocalScratchDir(true) + Path.SEPARATOR_CHAR
            + "queryplan.xml";"query plan = " + queryPlanFileName);
        queryPlanFileName = new Path(queryPlanFileName).toUri().getPath();

        // serialize the queryPlan
        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(queryPlanFileName);
        Utilities.serializeQueryPlan(plan, fos);

        // deserialize the queryPlan
        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(queryPlanFileName);
        QueryPlan newPlan = Utilities.deserializeQueryPlan(fis, conf);

        // Use the deserialized plan
        plan = newPlan;

      // initialize FetchTask right here
      if (plan.getFetchTask() != null) {
        plan.getFetchTask().initialize(conf, plan, null);

      //do the authorization check
      if (HiveConf.getBoolVar(conf,
          HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_AUTHORIZATION_ENABLED)) {
        try {
          perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(LOG, PerfLogger.DO_AUTHORIZATION);
        } catch (AuthorizationException authExp) {
          console.printError("Authorization failed:" + authExp.getMessage()
              + ". Use show grant to get more details.");
          return 403;
        } finally {
          perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(LOG, PerfLogger.DO_AUTHORIZATION);

      //restore state after we're done executing a specific query

      return 0;
    } catch (SemanticException e) {
      errorMessage = "FAILED: Error in semantic analysis: " + e.getMessage();
      SQLState = ErrorMsg.findSQLState(e.getMessage());
      console.printError(errorMessage, "\n"
          + org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
      return (10);
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      errorMessage = "FAILED: Parse Error: " + e.getMessage();
      SQLState = ErrorMsg.findSQLState(e.getMessage());
      console.printError(errorMessage, "\n"
          + org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
      return (11);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      errorMessage = "FAILED: Hive Internal Error: " + Utilities.getNameMessage(e);
      SQLState = ErrorMsg.findSQLState(e.getMessage());
      console.printError(errorMessage + "\n"
          + org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
      return (12);
    } finally {
      perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(LOG, PerfLogger.COMPILE);
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      boolean doEvalClientSide = hasUserFunctions(compactExpr);

      // Now filter.
      List<Partition> partitions = new ArrayList<Partition>();
      boolean hasUnknownPartitions = false;
      PerfLogger perfLogger = PerfLogger.getPerfLogger();
      if (!doEvalClientSide) {
        perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(CLASS_NAME, PerfLogger.PARTITION_RETRIEVING);
        try {
          hasUnknownPartitions = Hive.get().getPartitionsByExpr(
              tab, compactExpr, conf, partitions);
        } catch (IMetaStoreClient.IncompatibleMetastoreException ime) {
          // TODO: backward compat for Hive <= 0.12. Can be removed later.
          LOG.warn("Metastore doesn't support getPartitionsByExpr", ime);
          doEvalClientSide = true;
        } finally {
          perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(CLASS_NAME, PerfLogger.PARTITION_RETRIEVING);
      if (doEvalClientSide) {
        // Either we have user functions, or metastore is old version - filter names locally.
        hasUnknownPartitions = pruneBySequentialScan(tab, partitions, compactExpr, conf);
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      throw new HiveException(e);

  private static Set<Partition> getAllPartitions(Table tab) throws HiveException {
    PerfLogger perfLogger = PerfLogger.getPerfLogger();
    perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(CLASS_NAME, PerfLogger.PARTITION_RETRIEVING);
    Set<Partition> result = Hive.get().getAllPartitionsOf(tab);
    perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(CLASS_NAME, PerfLogger.PARTITION_RETRIEVING);
    return result;
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Related Classes of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.log.PerfLogger

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