JobConf jobConf,
HBaseSerDe hBaseSerDe,
ExprNodeDesc predicate) {
ColumnMapping keyMapping = hBaseSerDe.getHBaseSerdeParam().getKeyColumnMapping();
ColumnMapping tsMapping = hBaseSerDe.getHBaseSerdeParam().getTimestampColumnMapping();
IndexPredicateAnalyzer analyzer = HiveHBaseTableInputFormat.newIndexPredicateAnalyzer(
keyMapping.columnName, keyMapping.isComparable(),
tsMapping == null ? null : tsMapping.columnName);
List<IndexSearchCondition> conditions = new ArrayList<IndexSearchCondition>();
ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc residualPredicate =
(ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc)analyzer.analyzePredicate(predicate, conditions);
for (List<IndexSearchCondition> searchConditions:
HiveHBaseInputFormatUtil.decompose(conditions).values()) {
int scSize = searchConditions.size();
if (scSize < 1 || 2 < scSize) {
// Either there was nothing which could be pushed down (size = 0),
// there were complex predicates which we don't support yet.
// Currently supported are one of the form:
// 1. key < 20 (size = 1)
// 2. key = 20 (size = 1)
// 3. key < 20 and key > 10 (size = 2)
return null;
if (scSize == 2 &&
.equals("org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic.GenericUDFOPEqual") ||
.equals("org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic.GenericUDFOPEqual"))) {
// If one of the predicates is =, then any other predicate with it is illegal.
return null;
DecomposedPredicate decomposedPredicate = new DecomposedPredicate();
decomposedPredicate.pushedPredicate = analyzer.translateSearchConditions(conditions);
decomposedPredicate.residualPredicate = residualPredicate;
return decomposedPredicate;