Package org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.hooks

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.hooks.WriteEntity

    String tableName = getUnescapedName((ASTNode) ast.getChild(0));
    Table tab = getTable(tableName, true);

    inputs.add(new ReadEntity(tab));
    outputs.add(new WriteEntity(tab));

    validateAlterTableType(tab, AlterTableTypes.ADDSKEWEDBY);

    if (ast.getChildCount() == 1) {
      /* Convert a skewed table to non-skewed table. */
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      WriteEntity output = null;

      // Here only register the whole table for post-exec hook if no DP present
      // in the case of DP, we will register WriteEntity in MoveTask when the
      // list of dynamically created partitions are known.
      if ((dpCtx == null || dpCtx.getNumDPCols() == 0)) {
        output = new WriteEntity(dest_tab);
        if (!outputs.add(output)) {
          throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.OUTPUT_SPECIFIED_MULTIPLE_TIMES
      if ((dpCtx != null) && (dpCtx.getNumDPCols() >= 0)) {
        // No static partition specified
        if (dpCtx.getNumSPCols() == 0) {
          output = new WriteEntity(dest_tab, false);
        // part of the partition specified
        // Create a DummyPartition in this case. Since, the metastore does not store partial
        // partitions currently, we need to store dummy partitions
        else {
          try {
            String ppath = dpCtx.getSPPath();
            ppath = ppath.substring(0, ppath.length() - 1);
            DummyPartition p =
                new DummyPartition(dest_tab, dest_tab.getDbName()
                    + "@" + dest_tab.getTableName() + "@" + ppath,
            output = new WriteEntity(p, false);
          } catch (HiveException e) {
            throw new SemanticException(e.getMessage(), e);

      ctx.getLoadTableOutputMap().put(ltd, output);
    case QBMetaData.DEST_PARTITION: {

      dest_part = qbm.getDestPartitionForAlias(dest);
      dest_tab = dest_part.getTable();
      if ((!conf.getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_INSERT_INTO_EXTERNAL_TABLES)) &&
          dest_tab.getTableType().equals(TableType.EXTERNAL_TABLE)) {
        throw new SemanticException(

      Path tabPath = dest_tab.getPath();
      Path partPath = dest_part.getPartitionPath();

      // if the table is in a different dfs than the partition,
      // replace the partition's dfs with the table's dfs.
      dest_path = new Path(tabPath.toUri().getScheme(), tabPath.toUri()
          .getAuthority(), partPath.toUri().getPath());

      queryTmpdir = ctx.getExternalTmpFileURI(dest_path.toUri());
      table_desc = Utilities.getTableDesc(dest_tab);

      // Add sorting/bucketing if needed
      input = genBucketingSortingDest(dest, input, qb, table_desc, dest_tab, rsCtx);

      idToTableNameMap.put(String.valueOf(destTableId), dest_tab.getTableName());
      currentTableId = destTableId;

      lbCtx = constructListBucketingCtx(dest_part.getSkewedColNames(),
          dest_part.getSkewedColValues(), dest_part.getSkewedColValueLocationMaps(),
          dest_part.isStoredAsSubDirectories(), conf);
      ltd = new LoadTableDesc(queryTmpdir, ctx.getExternalTmpFileURI(dest_path.toUri()),
          table_desc, dest_part.getSpec());

      if (holdDDLTime) {
        try {
          Partition part = db.getPartition(dest_tab, dest_part.getSpec(), false);
          if (part == null) {
            throw new SemanticException(generateErrorMessage(
        } catch (HiveException e) {
          throw new SemanticException(e);
        }"this query will not update transient_lastDdlTime!");
      if (!outputs.add(new WriteEntity(dest_part))) {
        throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.OUTPUT_SPECIFIED_MULTIPLE_TIMES
            .getMsg(dest_tab.getTableName() + "@" + dest_part.getName()));
    case QBMetaData.DEST_LOCAL_FILE:
      isLocal = true;
      // fall through
    case QBMetaData.DEST_DFS_FILE: {
      dest_path = new Path(qbm.getDestFileForAlias(dest));
      String destStr = dest_path.toString();

      if (isLocal) {
        // for local directory - we always write to map-red intermediate
        // store and then copy to local fs
        queryTmpdir = ctx.getMRTmpFileURI();
      } else {
        // otherwise write to the file system implied by the directory
        // no copy is required. we may want to revisit this policy in future

        try {
          Path qPath = FileUtils.makeQualified(dest_path, conf);
          queryTmpdir = ctx.getExternalTmpFileURI(qPath.toUri());
        } catch (Exception e) {
          throw new SemanticException("Error creating temporary folder on: "
              + dest_path, e);
      String cols = "";
      String colTypes = "";
      ArrayList<ColumnInfo> colInfos = inputRR.getColumnInfos();

      // CTAS case: the file output format and serde are defined by the create
      // table command
      // rather than taking the default value
      List<FieldSchema> field_schemas = null;
      CreateTableDesc tblDesc = qb.getTableDesc();
      if (tblDesc != null) {
        field_schemas = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();

      boolean first = true;
      for (ColumnInfo colInfo : colInfos) {
        String[] nm = inputRR.reverseLookup(colInfo.getInternalName());

        if (nm[1] != null) { // non-null column alias

        if (field_schemas != null) {
          FieldSchema col = new FieldSchema();
          if ("".equals(nm[0]) || nm[1] == null) {
            // ast expression is not a valid column name for table
          } else {
            col.setName(unescapeIdentifier(colInfo.getAlias()).toLowerCase()); // remove ``

        if (!first) {
          cols = cols.concat(",");
          colTypes = colTypes.concat(":");

        first = false;
        cols = cols.concat(colInfo.getInternalName());

        // Replace VOID type with string when the output is a temp table or
        // local files.
        // A VOID type can be generated under the query:
        // select NULL from tt;
        // or
        // insert overwrite local directory "abc" select NULL from tt;
        // where there is no column type to which the NULL value should be
        // converted.
        String tName = colInfo.getType().getTypeName();
        if (tName.equals(serdeConstants.VOID_TYPE_NAME)) {
          colTypes = colTypes.concat(serdeConstants.STRING_TYPE_NAME);
        } else {
          colTypes = colTypes.concat(tName);

      // update the create table descriptor with the resulting schema.
      if (tblDesc != null) {
        tblDesc.setCols(new ArrayList<FieldSchema>(field_schemas));

      if (!ctx.isMRTmpFileURI(destStr)) {
        idToTableNameMap.put(String.valueOf(destTableId), destStr);
        currentTableId = destTableId;

      boolean isDfsDir = (dest_type.intValue() == QBMetaData.DEST_DFS_FILE);
      loadFileWork.add(new LoadFileDesc(tblDesc, queryTmpdir, destStr, isDfsDir, cols,

      if (tblDesc == null) {
        if (qb.getIsQuery()) {
          String fileFormat = HiveConf.getVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVEQUERYRESULTFILEFORMAT);
          table_desc = PlanUtils.getDefaultQueryOutputTableDesc(cols, colTypes, fileFormat);
        } else {
          table_desc = PlanUtils.getDefaultTableDesc(qb.getLLocalDirectoryDesc(), cols, colTypes);
      } else {
        table_desc = PlanUtils.getTableDesc(tblDesc, cols, colTypes);

      if (!outputs.add(new WriteEntity(destStr, !isDfsDir))) {
        throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.OUTPUT_SPECIFIED_MULTIPLE_TIMES
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      // Currently, partition spec can only be static partition.
      String k = tblName + Path.SEPARATOR;

      // set up WritenEntity for replication
      outputs.add(new WriteEntity(tab, true));

      // add WriteEntity for each matching partition
      if (tab.isPartitioned()) {
        if (partSpec == null) {
          throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.NEED_PARTITION_SPECIFICATION.getMsg());
        List<Partition> partitions = qbp.getTableSpec().partitions;
        if (partitions != null) {
          for (Partition partn : partitions) {
            // inputs.add(new ReadEntity(partn)); // is this needed at all?
            outputs.add(new WriteEntity(partn, true));
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    Context ctx = driverContext.getCtx();
    HiveLockManager lockMgr = ctx.getHiveLockMgr();
    WriteEntity output = ctx.getLoadTableOutputMap().get(ltd);
    List<HiveLockObj> lockObjects = ctx.getOutputLockObjects().get(output);
    if (lockObjects == null) {

    for (HiveLockObj lockObj : lockObjects) {
      List<HiveLock> locks = lockMgr.getLocks(lockObj.getObj(), false, true);
      for (HiveLock lock : locks) {
        if (lock.getHiveLockMode() == lockObj.getMode()) {
"about to release lock for output: " + output.toString() +
              " lock: " + lock.getHiveLockObject().getName());
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        if (tbd.getPartitionSpec().size() == 0) {
          dc = new DataContainer(table.getTTable());
          db.loadTable(new Path(tbd.getSourceDir()), tbd.getTable()
              .getTableName(), tbd.getReplace(), tbd.getHoldDDLTime());
          if (work.getOutputs() != null) {
            work.getOutputs().add(new WriteEntity(table, true));
        } else {
"Partition is: " + tbd.getPartitionSpec().toString());

          // Check if the bucketing and/or sorting columns were inferred
          List<BucketCol> bucketCols = null;
          List<SortCol> sortCols = null;
          int numBuckets = -1;
          Task task = this;
          String path = tbd.getSourceDir();
          // Find the first ancestor of this MoveTask which is some form of map reduce task
          // (Either standard, local, or a merge)
          while (task.getParentTasks() != null && task.getParentTasks().size() == 1) {
            task = (Task)task.getParentTasks().get(0);
            // If it was a merge task or a local map reduce task, nothing can be inferred
            if (task instanceof BlockMergeTask || task instanceof MapredLocalTask) {

            // If it's a standard map reduce task, check what, if anything, it inferred about
            // the directory this move task is moving
            if (task instanceof MapRedTask) {
              MapredWork work = (MapredWork)task.getWork();
              MapWork mapWork = work.getMapWork();
              bucketCols = mapWork.getBucketedColsByDirectory().get(path);
              sortCols = mapWork.getSortedColsByDirectory().get(path);
              if (work.getReduceWork() != null) {
                numBuckets = work.getReduceWork().getNumReduceTasks();

              if (bucketCols != null || sortCols != null) {
                // This must be a final map reduce task (the task containing the file sink
                // operator that writes the final output)
                assert work.isFinalMapRed();

            // If it's a move task, get the path the files were moved from, this is what any
            // preceding map reduce task inferred information about, and moving does not invalidate
            // those assumptions
            // This can happen when a conditional merge is added before the final MoveTask, but the
            // condition for merging is not met, see GenMRFileSink1.
            if (task instanceof MoveTask) {
              if (((MoveTask)task).getWork().getLoadFileWork() != null) {
                path = ((MoveTask)task).getWork().getLoadFileWork().getSourceDir();
          // deal with dynamic partitions
          DynamicPartitionCtx dpCtx = tbd.getDPCtx();
          if (dpCtx != null && dpCtx.getNumDPCols() > 0) { // dynamic partitions

            List<LinkedHashMap<String, String>> dps = Utilities.getFullDPSpecs(conf, dpCtx);

            // publish DP columns to its subscribers
            if (dps != null && dps.size() > 0) {
              pushFeed(FeedType.DYNAMIC_PARTITIONS, dps);

            // load the list of DP partitions and return the list of partition specs
            // TODO: In a follow-up to HIVE-1361, we should refactor loadDynamicPartitions
            // to use Utilities.getFullDPSpecs() to get the list of full partSpecs.
            // After that check the number of DPs created to not exceed the limit and
            // iterate over it and call loadPartition() here.
            // The reason we don't do inside HIVE-1361 is the latter is large and we
            // want to isolate any potential issue it may introduce.
            ArrayList<LinkedHashMap<String, String>> dp =
                  new Path(tbd.getSourceDir()),

            if (dp.size() == 0 && conf.getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_ERROR_ON_EMPTY_PARTITION)) {
              throw new HiveException("This query creates no partitions." +
                  " To turn off this error, set hive.error.on.empty.partition=false.");

            // for each partition spec, get the partition
            // and put it to WriteEntity for post-exec hook
            for (LinkedHashMap<String, String> partSpec: dp) {
              Partition partn = db.getPartition(table, partSpec, false);

              if (bucketCols != null || sortCols != null) {
                updatePartitionBucketSortColumns(table, partn, bucketCols, numBuckets, sortCols);

              WriteEntity enty = new WriteEntity(partn, true);
              if (work.getOutputs() != null) {
              // Need to update the queryPlan's output as well so that post-exec hook get executed.
              // This is only needed for dynamic partitioning since for SP the the WriteEntity is
              // constructed at compile time and the queryPlan already contains that.
              // For DP, WriteEntity creation is deferred at this stage so we need to update
              // queryPlan here.
              if (queryPlan.getOutputs() == null) {
                queryPlan.setOutputs(new HashSet<WriteEntity>());

              // update columnar lineage for each partition
              dc = new DataContainer(table.getTTable(), partn.getTPartition());

              if (SessionState.get() != null) {
                SessionState.get().getLineageState().setLineage(tbd.getSourceDir(), dc,

              console.printInfo("\tLoading partition " + partSpec);
            dc = null; // reset data container to prevent it being added again.
          } else { // static partitions
            List<String> partVals = MetaStoreUtils.getPvals(table.getPartCols(),
            db.loadPartition(new Path(tbd.getSourceDir()), tbd.getTable().getTableName(),
                tbd.getPartitionSpec(), tbd.getReplace(), tbd.getHoldDDLTime(),
                tbd.getInheritTableSpecs(), isSkewedStoredAsDirs(tbd));
            Partition partn = db.getPartition(table, tbd.getPartitionSpec(), false);

            if (bucketCols != null || sortCols != null) {
              updatePartitionBucketSortColumns(table, partn, bucketCols, numBuckets, sortCols);

            dc = new DataContainer(table.getTTable(), partn.getTPartition());
            // add this partition to post-execution hook
            if (work.getOutputs() != null) {
              work.getOutputs().add(new WriteEntity(partn, true));
        if (SessionState.get() != null && dc != null) {
          SessionState.get().getLineageState().setLineage(tbd.getSourceDir(), dc,
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    try {
      if (subject.getTable()) {
        Table tbl = db.getTable(subject.getObject());
        if (subject.getPartSpec() != null) {
          Partition part = db.getPartition(tbl, subject.getPartSpec(), false);
          outputs.add(new WriteEntity(part));
        } else {
          outputs.add(new WriteEntity(tbl));
    } catch (HiveException e) {
      throw new SemanticException(e);
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      !ifExists && !HiveConf.getBoolVar(conf, ConfVars.DROPIGNORESNONEXISTENT);
    try {
      Table tab = db.getTable(db.getCurrentDatabase(), tableName, throwException);
      if (tab != null) {
        inputs.add(new ReadEntity(tab));
        outputs.add(new WriteEntity(tab));
    } catch (HiveException e) {
      throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.INVALID_TABLE.getMsg(tableName));
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    try {
      Table tab = db.getTable(db.getCurrentDatabase(), tableName, false);
      if (tab != null) {
        inputs.add(new ReadEntity(tab));
        outputs.add(new WriteEntity(tab));
    } catch (HiveException e) {
      throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.INVALID_TABLE.getMsg(tableName));
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    try {
      Table tab = db.getTable(db.getCurrentDatabase(), tableName, false);
      if (tab != null) {
        inputs.add(new ReadEntity(tab));
        outputs.add(new WriteEntity(tab));
    } catch (HiveException e) {
      throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.INVALID_TABLE.getMsg(tableName));
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    try {
      Table tab = db.getTable(db.getCurrentDatabase(), tableName, false);
      if (tab != null) {
        inputs.add(new ReadEntity(tab));
        outputs.add(new WriteEntity(tab));
    } catch (HiveException e) {
      throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.INVALID_TABLE.getMsg(tableName));
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Related Classes of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.hooks.WriteEntity

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