return result;
public VectorizedRowBatch nextBatch(VectorizedRowBatch previous) throws IOException {
VectorizedRowBatch result = null;
if (rowInStripe >= rowCountInStripe) {
currentStripe += 1;
long batchSize = 0;
// In case of PPD, batch size should be aware of row group boundaries. If only a subset of row
// groups are selected then marker position is set to the end of range (subset of row groups
// within strip). Batch size computed out of marker position makes sure that batch size is
// aware of row group boundary and will not cause overflow when reading rows
// illustration of this case is here
if (rowIndexStride != 0 && includedRowGroups != null && rowInStripe < rowCountInStripe) {
int startRowGroup = (int) (rowInStripe / rowIndexStride);
if (!includedRowGroups[startRowGroup]) {
while (startRowGroup < includedRowGroups.length && !includedRowGroups[startRowGroup]) {
startRowGroup += 1;
int endRowGroup = startRowGroup;
while (endRowGroup < includedRowGroups.length && includedRowGroups[endRowGroup]) {
endRowGroup += 1;
final long markerPosition = (endRowGroup * rowIndexStride) < rowCountInStripe ? (endRowGroup * rowIndexStride)
: rowCountInStripe;
batchSize = Math.min(VectorizedRowBatch.DEFAULT_SIZE, (markerPosition - rowInStripe));
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled() && batchSize < VectorizedRowBatch.DEFAULT_SIZE) {
LOG.debug("markerPosition: " + markerPosition + " batchSize: " + batchSize);
} else {
batchSize = Math.min(VectorizedRowBatch.DEFAULT_SIZE, (rowCountInStripe - rowInStripe));
rowInStripe += batchSize;
if (previous == null) {
ColumnVector[] cols = (ColumnVector[]) reader.nextVector(null, (int) batchSize);
result = new VectorizedRowBatch(cols.length);
result.cols = cols;
} else {
result = (VectorizedRowBatch) previous;
result.selectedInUse = false;
reader.nextVector(result.cols, (int) batchSize);