for (ColumnInfo col : source.getColumnInfos()) {
String[] tabCol = source.reverseLookup(col.getInternalName());
lvForwardRR.put(tabCol[0], tabCol[1], col);
Operator lvForward = putOpInsertMap(OperatorFactory.getAndMakeChild(
new LateralViewForwardDesc(), new RowSchema(lvForwardRR.getColumnInfos()),
op), lvForwardRR);
// The order in which the two paths are added is important. The
// lateral view join operator depends on having the select operator
// give it the row first.
// Get the all path by making a select(*).
RowResolver allPathRR = opParseCtx.get(lvForward).getRowResolver();
// Operator allPath = op;
Operator allPath = putOpInsertMap(OperatorFactory.getAndMakeChild(
new SelectDesc(true), new RowSchema(allPathRR.getColumnInfos()),
lvForward), allPathRR);
// Get the UDTF Path
QB blankQb = new QB(null, null, false);
Operator udtfPath = genSelectPlan((ASTNode) lateralViewTree
.getChild(0), blankQb, lvForward,
lateralViewTree.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_LATERAL_VIEW_OUTER);
// add udtf aliases to QB
for (String udtfAlias : blankQb.getAliases()) {
RowResolver udtfPathRR = opParseCtx.get(udtfPath).getRowResolver();
// Merge the two into the lateral view join
// The cols of the merged result will be the combination of both the
// cols of the UDTF path and the cols of the all path. The internal
// names have to be changed to avoid conflicts
RowResolver lateralViewRR = new RowResolver();
ArrayList<String> outputInternalColNames = new ArrayList<String>();
LVmergeRowResolvers(allPathRR, lateralViewRR, outputInternalColNames);
LVmergeRowResolvers(udtfPathRR, lateralViewRR, outputInternalColNames);
// For PPD, we need a column to expression map so that during the walk,
// the processor knows how to transform the internal col names.
// Following steps are dependant on the fact that we called
// LVmerge.. in the above order
Map<String, ExprNodeDesc> colExprMap = new HashMap<String, ExprNodeDesc>();
int i = 0;
for (ColumnInfo c : allPathRR.getColumnInfos()) {
String internalName = getColumnInternalName(i);
new ExprNodeColumnDesc(c.getType(), c.getInternalName(),
c.getTabAlias(), c.getIsVirtualCol()));
Operator lateralViewJoin = putOpInsertMap(OperatorFactory
.getAndMakeChild(new LateralViewJoinDesc(outputInternalColNames),
new RowSchema(lateralViewRR.getColumnInfos()), allPath,
udtfPath), lateralViewRR);
return lateralViewJoin;