private String processFS(Node nd, Stack<Node> stack,
NodeProcessorCtx opProcCtx, boolean chDir) throws SemanticException {
// Is it the dummy file sink after the mapjoin
FileSinkOperator fsOp = (FileSinkOperator) nd;
if ((fsOp.getParentOperators().size() == 1)
&& (fsOp.getParentOperators().get(0) instanceof MapJoinOperator)) {
return null;
GenMRProcContext ctx = (GenMRProcContext) opProcCtx;
List<FileSinkOperator> seenFSOps = ctx.getSeenFileSinkOps();
if (seenFSOps == null) {
seenFSOps = new ArrayList<FileSinkOperator>();
if (!seenFSOps.contains(fsOp)) {
Task<? extends Serializable> currTask = ctx.getCurrTask();
// If the directory needs to be changed, send the new directory
String dest = null;
if (chDir) {
dest = fsOp.getConf().getDirName();
// generate the temporary file
// it must be on the same file system as the current destination
ParseContext parseCtx = ctx.getParseCtx();
Context baseCtx = parseCtx.getContext();
String tmpDir = baseCtx.getExternalTmpFileURI((new Path(dest)).toUri());
Task<? extends Serializable> mvTask = null;
if (!chDir) {