// Set the collection fields; some code might not check presence before accessing them.
sd.setSortCols(new ArrayList<Order>());
sd.setBucketCols(new ArrayList<String>());
sd.setParameters(new HashMap<String, String>());
sd.setSkewedInfo(new SkewedInfo(new ArrayList<String>(),
new ArrayList<List<String>>(), new HashMap<List<String>, String>()));
Boolean tmpBoolean = extractSqlBoolean(fields[7]);
if (tmpBoolean != null) sd.setCompressed(tmpBoolean);
tmpBoolean = extractSqlBoolean(fields[8]);
if (tmpBoolean != null) sd.setStoredAsSubDirectories(tmpBoolean);
if (fields[10] != null) sd.setNumBuckets(extractSqlInt(fields[10]));
List<FieldSchema> cols = colss.get(colId);
// We expect that colId will be the same for all (or many) SDs.
if (cols == null) {
cols = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
colss.put(colId, cols);
// We assume each SD has an unique serde.
SerDeInfo serde = new SerDeInfo();
SerDeInfo oldSerde = serdes.put(serdeId, serde);
if (oldSerde != null) {
throw new MetaException("SDs reuse serdes; we don't expect that");
serde.setParameters(new HashMap<String, String>());
timingTrace(doTrace, queryText, start, queryTime);
// Now get all the one-to-many things. Start with partitions.
queryText = "select \"PART_ID\", \"PARAM_KEY\", \"PARAM_VALUE\" from \"PARTITION_PARAMS\""
+ " where \"PART_ID\" in (" + partIds + ") and \"PARAM_KEY\" is not null"
+ " order by \"PART_ID\" asc";
loopJoinOrderedResult(partitions, queryText, 0, new ApplyFunc<Partition>() {
public void apply(Partition t, Object[] fields) {
t.putToParameters((String)fields[1], (String)fields[2]);
queryText = "select \"PART_ID\", \"PART_KEY_VAL\" from \"PARTITION_KEY_VALS\""
+ " where \"PART_ID\" in (" + partIds + ") and \"INTEGER_IDX\" >= 0"
+ " order by \"PART_ID\" asc, \"INTEGER_IDX\" asc";
loopJoinOrderedResult(partitions, queryText, 0, new ApplyFunc<Partition>() {
public void apply(Partition t, Object[] fields) {
// Prepare IN (blah) lists for the following queries. Cut off the final ','s.
if (sdSb.length() == 0) {
assert serdeSb.length() == 0 && colsSb.length() == 0;
return orderedResult; // No SDs, probably a view.
String sdIds = trimCommaList(sdSb), serdeIds = trimCommaList(serdeSb),
colIds = trimCommaList(colsSb);
// Get all the stuff for SD. Don't do empty-list check - we expect partitions do have SDs.
queryText = "select \"SD_ID\", \"PARAM_KEY\", \"PARAM_VALUE\" from \"SD_PARAMS\""
+ " where \"SD_ID\" in (" + sdIds + ") and \"PARAM_KEY\" is not null"
+ " order by \"SD_ID\" asc";
loopJoinOrderedResult(sds, queryText, 0, new ApplyFunc<StorageDescriptor>() {
public void apply(StorageDescriptor t, Object[] fields) {
t.putToParameters((String)fields[1], (String)fields[2]);
queryText = "select \"SD_ID\", \"COLUMN_NAME\", \"SORT_COLS\".\"ORDER\" from \"SORT_COLS\""
+ " where \"SD_ID\" in (" + sdIds + ") and \"INTEGER_IDX\" >= 0"
+ " order by \"SD_ID\" asc, \"INTEGER_IDX\" asc";
loopJoinOrderedResult(sds, queryText, 0, new ApplyFunc<StorageDescriptor>() {
public void apply(StorageDescriptor t, Object[] fields) {
if (fields[2] == null) return;
t.addToSortCols(new Order((String)fields[1], extractSqlInt(fields[2])));
queryText = "select \"SD_ID\", \"BUCKET_COL_NAME\" from \"BUCKETING_COLS\""
+ " where \"SD_ID\" in (" + sdIds + ") and \"INTEGER_IDX\" >= 0"
+ " order by \"SD_ID\" asc, \"INTEGER_IDX\" asc";
loopJoinOrderedResult(sds, queryText, 0, new ApplyFunc<StorageDescriptor>() {
public void apply(StorageDescriptor t, Object[] fields) {
// Skewed columns stuff.
queryText = "select \"SD_ID\", \"SKEWED_COL_NAME\" from \"SKEWED_COL_NAMES\""
+ " where \"SD_ID\" in (" + sdIds + ") and \"INTEGER_IDX\" >= 0"
+ " order by \"SD_ID\" asc, \"INTEGER_IDX\" asc";
boolean hasSkewedColumns =
loopJoinOrderedResult(sds, queryText, 0, new ApplyFunc<StorageDescriptor>() {
public void apply(StorageDescriptor t, Object[] fields) {
if (!t.isSetSkewedInfo()) t.setSkewedInfo(new SkewedInfo());
}}) > 0;
// Assume we don't need to fetch the rest of the skewed column data if we have no columns.
if (hasSkewedColumns) {
// We are skipping the SKEWED_STRING_LIST table here, as it seems to be totally useless.
queryText =
"select \"SKEWED_VALUES\".\"SD_ID_OID\","
+ "from \"SKEWED_VALUES\" "
+ " left outer join \"SKEWED_STRING_LIST_VALUES\" on \"SKEWED_VALUES\"."
+ "where \"SKEWED_VALUES\".\"SD_ID_OID\" in (" + sdIds + ") "
+ " and \"SKEWED_VALUES\".\"STRING_LIST_ID_EID\" is not null "
+ " and \"SKEWED_VALUES\".\"INTEGER_IDX\" >= 0 "
+ "order by \"SKEWED_VALUES\".\"SD_ID_OID\" asc, \"SKEWED_VALUES\".\"INTEGER_IDX\" asc,"
loopJoinOrderedResult(sds, queryText, 0, new ApplyFunc<StorageDescriptor>() {
private Long currentListId;
private List<String> currentList;
public void apply(StorageDescriptor t, Object[] fields) throws MetaException {
if (!t.isSetSkewedInfo()) t.setSkewedInfo(new SkewedInfo());
// Note that this is not a typical list accumulator - there's no call to finalize
// the last list. Instead we add list to SD first, as well as locally to add elements.
if (fields[1] == null) {
currentList = null; // left outer join produced a list with no values
currentListId = null;
t.getSkewedInfo().addToSkewedColValues(new ArrayList<String>());
} else {
long fieldsListId = extractSqlLong(fields[1]);
if (currentListId == null || fieldsListId != currentListId) {
currentList = new ArrayList<String>();
currentListId = fieldsListId;
// We are skipping the SKEWED_STRING_LIST table here, as it seems to be totally useless.
queryText =
"select \"SKEWED_COL_VALUE_LOC_MAP\".\"SD_ID\","
+ "where \"SKEWED_COL_VALUE_LOC_MAP\".\"SD_ID\" in (" + sdIds + ")"
+ " and \"SKEWED_COL_VALUE_LOC_MAP\".\"STRING_LIST_ID_KID\" is not null "
+ "order by \"SKEWED_COL_VALUE_LOC_MAP\".\"SD_ID\" asc,"
loopJoinOrderedResult(sds, queryText, 0, new ApplyFunc<StorageDescriptor>() {
private Long currentListId;
private List<String> currentList;
public void apply(StorageDescriptor t, Object[] fields) throws MetaException {
if (!t.isSetSkewedInfo()) {
SkewedInfo skewedInfo = new SkewedInfo();
skewedInfo.setSkewedColValueLocationMaps(new HashMap<List<String>, String>());
Map<List<String>, String> skewMap = t.getSkewedInfo().getSkewedColValueLocationMaps();
// Note that this is not a typical list accumulator - there's no call to finalize
// the last list. Instead we add list to SD first, as well as locally to add elements.