Package org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.HiveObjectRef$HiveObjectRefTupleSchemeFactory

            throw new HiveException(
                "For user-level privileges, column sets should be null. columns="
                    + privileges.get(idx).getColumns().toString());

          privBag.addToPrivileges(new HiveObjectPrivilege(new HiveObjectRef(
              HiveObjectType.GLOBAL, null, null, null, null), null, null,
              new PrivilegeGrantInfo(priv.toString(), 0, grantor, grantorType,
      } else {
        org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Partition partObj = null;
        List<String> partValues = null;
        if (tableObj != null) {
          if ((!tableObj.isPartitioned())
              && privSubjectDesc.getPartSpec() != null) {
            throw new HiveException(
                "Table is not partitioned, but partition name is present: partSpec="
                    + privSubjectDesc.getPartSpec().toString());

          if (privSubjectDesc.getPartSpec() != null) {
            partObj = db.getPartition(tableObj, privSubjectDesc.getPartSpec(),
            partValues = partObj.getValues();

        for (PrivilegeDesc privDesc : privileges) {
          List<String> columns = privDesc.getColumns();
          Privilege priv = privDesc.getPrivilege();
          if (columns != null && columns.size() > 0) {
            if (!priv.supportColumnLevel()) {
              throw new HiveException(priv.toString()
                  + " does not support column level.");
            if (privSubjectDesc == null || tableName == null) {
              throw new HiveException(
                  "For user-level/database-level privileges, column sets should be null. columns="
                      + columns);
            for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) {
              privBag.addToPrivileges(new HiveObjectPrivilege(
                  new HiveObjectRef(HiveObjectType.COLUMN, dbName, tableName,
                      partValues, columns.get(i)), null, null,  new PrivilegeGrantInfo(priv.toString(), 0, grantor, grantorType, grantOption)));
          } else {
            if (privSubjectDesc.getTable()) {
              if (privSubjectDesc.getPartSpec() != null) {
                privBag.addToPrivileges(new HiveObjectPrivilege(
                    new HiveObjectRef(HiveObjectType.PARTITION, dbName,
                        tableName, partValues, null), null, null,  new PrivilegeGrantInfo(priv.toString(), 0, grantor, grantorType, grantOption)));
              } else {
                    .addToPrivileges(new HiveObjectPrivilege(
                        new HiveObjectRef(HiveObjectType.TABLE, dbName,
                            tableName, null, null), null, null, new PrivilegeGrantInfo(priv.toString(), 0, grantor, grantorType, grantOption)));
            } else {
              privBag.addToPrivileges(new HiveObjectPrivilege(
                  new HiveObjectRef(HiveObjectType.DATABASE, dbName, null,
                      null, null), null, null, new PrivilegeGrantInfo(priv.toString(), 0, grantor, grantorType, grantOption)));
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      if (privilegeList != null && privilegeList.size() > 0) {
        Iterator<HiveObjectPrivilege> privIter = privilegeList.iterator();

        while (privIter.hasNext()) {
          HiveObjectPrivilege privDef =;
          HiveObjectRef hiveObject = privDef.getHiveObject();
          String privilegeStr = privDef.getGrantInfo().getPrivilege();
          if (privilegeStr == null || privilegeStr.trim().equals("")) {
          String[] privs = privilegeStr.split(",");
          String userName = privDef.getPrincipalName();
          PrincipalType principalType = privDef.getPrincipalType();

          if (hiveObject.getObjectType() == HiveObjectType.GLOBAL) {
            List<MGlobalPrivilege> mSecUser = this.listPrincipalGlobalGrants(
                userName, principalType);
            boolean found = false;
            if (mSecUser != null) {
              for (String privilege : privs) {
                for (MGlobalPrivilege userGrant : mSecUser) {
                  String userGrantPrivs = userGrant.getPrivilege();
                  if (privilege.equals(userGrantPrivs)) {
                    found = true;
                if (!found) {
                  throw new InvalidObjectException(
                      "No user grant found for privileges " + privilege);

          } else if (hiveObject.getObjectType() == HiveObjectType.DATABASE) {
            MDatabase dbObj = getMDatabase(hiveObject.getDbName());
            if (dbObj != null) {
              String db = hiveObject.getDbName();
              boolean found = false;
              List<MDBPrivilege> dbGrants = this.listPrincipalDBGrants(
                  userName, principalType, db);
              for (String privilege : privs) {
                for (MDBPrivilege dbGrant : dbGrants) {
                  String dbGrantPriv = dbGrant.getPrivilege();
                  if (privilege.equals(dbGrantPriv)) {
                    found = true;
                if (!found) {
                  throw new InvalidObjectException(
                      "No database grant found for privileges " + privilege
                          + " on database " + db);
          } else if (hiveObject.getObjectType() == HiveObjectType.TABLE) {
            boolean found = false;
            List<MTablePrivilege> tableGrants = this
                .listAllTableGrants(userName, principalType,
                    hiveObject.getDbName(), hiveObject.getObjectName());
            for (String privilege : privs) {
              for (MTablePrivilege tabGrant : tableGrants) {
                String tableGrantPriv = tabGrant.getPrivilege();
                if (privilege.equalsIgnoreCase(tableGrantPriv)) {
                  found = true;
              if (!found) {
                throw new InvalidObjectException("No grant (" + privilege
                    + ") found " + " on table " + hiveObject.getObjectName()
                    + ", database is " + hiveObject.getDbName());
          } else if (hiveObject.getObjectType() == HiveObjectType.PARTITION) {

            boolean found = false;
            Table tabObj = this.getTable(hiveObject.getDbName(), hiveObject.getObjectName());
            String partName = null;
            if (hiveObject.getPartValues() != null) {
              partName = Warehouse.makePartName(tabObj.getPartitionKeys(), hiveObject.getPartValues());
            List<MPartitionPrivilege> partitionGrants = this
                .listPrincipalPartitionGrants(userName, principalType,
                    hiveObject.getDbName(), hiveObject.getObjectName(), partName);
            for (String privilege : privs) {
              for (MPartitionPrivilege partGrant : partitionGrants) {
                String partPriv = partGrant.getPrivilege();
                if (partPriv.equalsIgnoreCase(privilege)) {
                  found = true;
              if (!found) {
                throw new InvalidObjectException("No grant (" + privilege
                    + ") found " + " on table " + tabObj.getTableName()
                    + ", partition is " + partName + ", database is " + tabObj.getDbName());
          } else if (hiveObject.getObjectType() == HiveObjectType.COLUMN) {

            Table tabObj = this.getTable(hiveObject.getDbName(), hiveObject
            String partName = null;
            if (hiveObject.getPartValues() != null) {
              partName = Warehouse.makePartName(tabObj.getPartitionKeys(),

            if (partName != null) {
              List<MPartitionColumnPrivilege> mSecCol = listPrincipalPartitionColumnGrants(
                  userName, principalType, hiveObject.getDbName(), hiveObject
                      .getObjectName(), partName, hiveObject.getColumnName());
              boolean found = false;
              if (mSecCol != null) {
                for (String privilege : privs) {
                  for (MPartitionColumnPrivilege col : mSecCol) {
                    String colPriv = col.getPrivilege();
                    if (colPriv.equalsIgnoreCase(privilege)) {
                      found = true;
                  if (!found) {
                    throw new InvalidObjectException("No grant (" + privilege
                        + ") found " + " on table " + tabObj.getTableName()
                        + ", partition is " + partName + ", column name = "
                        + hiveObject.getColumnName() + ", database is "
                        + tabObj.getDbName());
            } else {
              List<MTableColumnPrivilege> mSecCol = listPrincipalTableColumnGrants(
                  userName, principalType, hiveObject.getDbName(), hiveObject
                      .getObjectName(), hiveObject.getColumnName());
              boolean found = false;
              if (mSecCol != null) {
                for (String privilege : privs) {
                  for (MTableColumnPrivilege col : mSecCol) {
                    String colPriv = col.getPrivilege();
                    if (colPriv.equalsIgnoreCase(privilege)) {
                      found = true;
                  if (!found) {
                    throw new InvalidObjectException("No grant (" + privilege
                        + ") found " + " on table " + tabObj.getTableName()
                        + ", column name = "
                        + hiveObject.getColumnName() + ", database is "
                        + tabObj.getDbName());
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  public PrincipalPrivilegeSet get_privilege_set(HiveObjectType objectType,
      String db_name, String table_name, List<String> part_values,
      String column_name, String user_name, List<String> group_names)
      throws HiveException {
    try {
      HiveObjectRef hiveObj = new HiveObjectRef(objectType, db_name,
          table_name, part_values, column_name);
      return getMSC().get_privilege_set(hiveObj, user_name, group_names);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new HiveException(e);
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  public List<HiveObjectPrivilege> showPrivilegeGrant(
      HiveObjectType objectType, String principalName,
      PrincipalType principalType, String dbName, String tableName,
      List<String> partValues, String columnName) throws HiveException {
    try {
      HiveObjectRef hiveObj = new HiveObjectRef(objectType, dbName, tableName,
          partValues, columnName);
      return getMSC().list_privileges(principalName, principalType, hiveObj);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new HiveException(e);
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      if (privilegeList != null && privilegeList.size() > 0) {
        Iterator<HiveObjectPrivilege> privIter = privilegeList.iterator();
        Set<String> privSet = new HashSet<String>();
        while (privIter.hasNext()) {
          HiveObjectPrivilege privDef =;
          HiveObjectRef hiveObject = privDef.getHiveObject();
          String privilegeStr = privDef.getGrantInfo().getPrivilege();
          String[] privs = privilegeStr.split(",");
          String userName = privDef.getPrincipalName();
          PrincipalType principalType = privDef.getPrincipalType();
          String grantor = privDef.getGrantInfo().getGrantor();
          String grantorType = privDef.getGrantInfo().getGrantorType().toString();
          boolean grantOption = privDef.getGrantInfo().isGrantOption();

          if (hiveObject.getObjectType() == HiveObjectType.GLOBAL) {
            List<MGlobalPrivilege> globalPrivs = this
                .listPrincipalGlobalGrants(userName, principalType);
            if (globalPrivs != null) {
              for (MGlobalPrivilege priv : globalPrivs) {
                if (priv.getGrantor().equalsIgnoreCase(grantor)) {
            for (String privilege : privs) {
              if (privSet.contains(privilege)) {
                throw new InvalidObjectException(privilege
                    + " is already granted by " + grantor);
              MGlobalPrivilege mGlobalPrivs = new MGlobalPrivilege(userName,
                  principalType.toString(), privilege, now, grantor, grantorType, grantOption);
          } else if (hiveObject.getObjectType() == HiveObjectType.DATABASE) {
            MDatabase dbObj = getMDatabase(hiveObject.getDbName());
            if (dbObj != null) {
              List<MDBPrivilege> dbPrivs = this.listPrincipalDBGrants(
                  userName, principalType, hiveObject.getDbName());
              if (dbPrivs != null) {
                for (MDBPrivilege priv : dbPrivs) {
                  if (priv.getGrantor().equalsIgnoreCase(grantor)) {
              for (String privilege : privs) {
                if (privSet.contains(privilege)) {
                  throw new InvalidObjectException(privilege
                      + " is already granted on database "
                      + hiveObject.getDbName() + " by " + grantor);
                MDBPrivilege mDb = new MDBPrivilege(userName, principalType
                    .toString(), dbObj, privilege, now, grantor, grantorType, grantOption);
          } else if (hiveObject.getObjectType() == HiveObjectType.TABLE) {
            MTable tblObj = getMTable(hiveObject.getDbName(), hiveObject
            if (tblObj != null) {
              List<MTablePrivilege> tablePrivs = this
                  .listAllTableGrants(userName, principalType,
                      hiveObject.getDbName(), hiveObject.getObjectName());
              if (tablePrivs != null) {
                for (MTablePrivilege priv : tablePrivs) {
                  if (priv.getGrantor() != null
                      && priv.getGrantor().equalsIgnoreCase(grantor)) {
              for (String privilege : privs) {
                if (privSet.contains(privilege)) {
                  throw new InvalidObjectException(privilege
                      + " is already granted on table ["
                      + hiveObject.getDbName() + ","
                      + hiveObject.getObjectName() + "] by " + grantor);
                MTablePrivilege mTab = new MTablePrivilege(
                    userName, principalType.toString(), tblObj,
                    privilege, now, grantor, grantorType, grantOption);
          } else if (hiveObject.getObjectType() == HiveObjectType.PARTITION) {
            MPartition partObj = this.getMPartition(hiveObject.getDbName(),
                hiveObject.getObjectName(), hiveObject.getPartValues());
            String partName = null;
            if (partObj != null) {
              partName = partObj.getPartitionName();
              List<MPartitionPrivilege> partPrivs = this
                      principalType, hiveObject.getDbName(), hiveObject
                          .getObjectName(), partObj.getPartitionName());
              if (partPrivs != null) {
                for (MPartitionPrivilege priv : partPrivs) {
                  if (priv.getGrantor().equalsIgnoreCase(grantor)) {
              for (String privilege : privs) {
                if (privSet.contains(privilege)) {
                  throw new InvalidObjectException(privilege
                      + " is already granted on partition ["
                      + hiveObject.getDbName() + ","
                      + hiveObject.getObjectName() + ","
                      + partName + "] by " + grantor);
                MPartitionPrivilege mTab = new MPartitionPrivilege(userName,
                    principalType.toString(), partObj, privilege, now, grantor,
                    grantorType, grantOption);
          } else if (hiveObject.getObjectType() == HiveObjectType.COLUMN) {
            MTable tblObj = getMTable(hiveObject.getDbName(), hiveObject
            if (tblObj != null) {
              if (hiveObject.getPartValues() != null) {
                MPartition partObj = null;
                List<MPartitionColumnPrivilege> colPrivs = null;
                partObj = this.getMPartition(hiveObject.getDbName(), hiveObject
                    .getObjectName(), hiveObject.getPartValues());
                if (partObj == null) {
                colPrivs = this.listPrincipalPartitionColumnGrants(
                    userName, principalType, hiveObject.getDbName(), hiveObject
                        .getObjectName(), partObj.getPartitionName(),

                if (colPrivs != null) {
                  for (MPartitionColumnPrivilege priv : colPrivs) {
                    if (priv.getGrantor().equalsIgnoreCase(grantor)) {
                for (String privilege : privs) {
                  if (privSet.contains(privilege)) {
                    throw new InvalidObjectException(privilege
                        + " is already granted on column "
                        + hiveObject.getColumnName() + " ["
                        + hiveObject.getDbName() + ","
                        + hiveObject.getObjectName() + ","
                        + partObj.getPartitionName() + "] by " + grantor);
                  MPartitionColumnPrivilege mCol = new MPartitionColumnPrivilege(userName,
                      principalType.toString(), partObj, hiveObject
                          .getColumnName(), privilege, now, grantor, grantorType,

              } else {
                List<MTableColumnPrivilege> colPrivs = null;
                colPrivs = this.listPrincipalTableColumnGrants(
                    userName, principalType, hiveObject.getDbName(), hiveObject
                        .getObjectName(), hiveObject.getColumnName());

                if (colPrivs != null) {
                  for (MTableColumnPrivilege priv : colPrivs) {
                    if (priv.getGrantor().equalsIgnoreCase(grantor)) {
                for (String privilege : privs) {
                  if (privSet.contains(privilege)) {
                    throw new InvalidObjectException(privilege
                        + " is already granted on column "
                        + hiveObject.getColumnName() + " ["
                        + hiveObject.getDbName() + ","
                        + hiveObject.getObjectName() + "] by " + grantor);
                  MTableColumnPrivilege mCol = new MTableColumnPrivilege(userName,
                      principalType.toString(), tblObj, hiveObject
                          .getColumnName(), privilege, now, grantor, grantorType,
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              principalType, dbName, tableName, partName, columnName);
          if (mPartitionCols.size() > 0) {
            result = new ArrayList<HiveObjectPrivilege>();
            for (int i = 0; i < mPartitionCols.size(); i++) {
              MPartitionColumnPrivilege sCol = mPartitionCols.get(i);
              HiveObjectRef objectRef = new HiveObjectRef(
                  HiveObjectType.COLUMN, dbName, tableName,
                  part == null ? null : part.getValues(), sCol
              HiveObjectPrivilege secObj = new HiveObjectPrivilege(objectRef,
                  sCol.getPrincipalName(), principalType,
                  new PrivilegeGrantInfo(sCol.getPrivilege(), sCol
                      .getCreateTime(), sCol.getGrantor(), PrincipalType
                      .valueOf(sCol.getGrantorType()), sCol.getGrantOption()));
        } else {
          List<MTableColumnPrivilege> mTableCols = ms
              .listPrincipalTableColumnGrants(principalName, principalType,
                  dbName, tableName, columnName);
          if (mTableCols.size() > 0) {
            result = new ArrayList<HiveObjectPrivilege>();
            for (int i = 0; i < mTableCols.size(); i++) {
              MTableColumnPrivilege sCol = mTableCols.get(i);
              HiveObjectRef objectRef = new HiveObjectRef(
                  HiveObjectType.COLUMN, dbName, tableName, null, sCol
              HiveObjectPrivilege secObj = new HiveObjectPrivilege(
                  objectRef, sCol.getPrincipalName(), principalType,
                  new PrivilegeGrantInfo(sCol.getPrivilege(), sCol
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            principalName, principalType, dbName);
        if (mDbs.size() > 0) {
          List<HiveObjectPrivilege> result = new ArrayList<HiveObjectPrivilege>();
          for (int i = 0; i < mDbs.size(); i++) {
            MDBPrivilege sDB = mDbs.get(i);
            HiveObjectRef objectRef = new HiveObjectRef(
                HiveObjectType.DATABASE, dbName, null, null, null);
            HiveObjectPrivilege secObj = new HiveObjectPrivilege(objectRef,
                sDB.getPrincipalName(), principalType,
                new PrivilegeGrantInfo(sDB.getPrivilege(), sDB
                    .getCreateTime(), sDB.getGrantor(), PrincipalType
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            principalName, principalType, dbName, tableName, partName);
        if (mParts.size() > 0) {
          List<HiveObjectPrivilege> result = new ArrayList<HiveObjectPrivilege>();
          for (int i = 0; i < mParts.size(); i++) {
            MPartitionPrivilege sPart = mParts.get(i);
            HiveObjectRef objectRef = new HiveObjectRef(
                HiveObjectType.PARTITION, dbName, tableName, partValues,
            HiveObjectPrivilege secObj = new HiveObjectPrivilege(objectRef,
                sPart.getPrincipalName(), principalType,
                new PrivilegeGrantInfo(sPart.getPrivilege(), sPart
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            .listAllTableGrants(principalName, principalType, dbName, tableName);
        if (mTbls.size() > 0) {
          List<HiveObjectPrivilege> result = new ArrayList<HiveObjectPrivilege>();
          for (int i = 0; i < mTbls.size(); i++) {
            MTablePrivilege sTbl = mTbls.get(i);
            HiveObjectRef objectRef = new HiveObjectRef(
                HiveObjectType.TABLE, dbName, tableName, null, null);
            HiveObjectPrivilege secObj = new HiveObjectPrivilege(objectRef,
                sTbl.getPrincipalName(), principalType,
                new PrivilegeGrantInfo(sTbl.getPrivilege(), sTbl.getCreateTime(), sTbl
                    .getGrantor(), PrincipalType.valueOf(sTbl
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            principalName, principalType);
        if (mUsers.size() > 0) {
          List<HiveObjectPrivilege> result = new ArrayList<HiveObjectPrivilege>();
          for (int i = 0; i < mUsers.size(); i++) {
            MGlobalPrivilege sUsr = mUsers.get(i);
            HiveObjectRef objectRef = new HiveObjectRef(
                HiveObjectType.GLOBAL, null, null, null, null);
            HiveObjectPrivilege secUser = new HiveObjectPrivilege(
                objectRef, sUsr.getPrincipalName(), principalType,
                new PrivilegeGrantInfo(sUsr.getPrivilege(), sUsr
                    .getCreateTime(), sUsr.getGrantor(), PrincipalType
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Related Classes of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.HiveObjectRef$HiveObjectRefTupleSchemeFactory

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