boolean ret = client.createDatabase("test1", "strange_loc");
assertTrue("Unable to create the databse", ret);
Database db = client.getDatabase("test1");
assertEquals("name of returned db is different from that of inserted db", "test1", db.getName());
assertEquals("location of the returned db is different from that of inserted db", "strange_loc", db.getDescription());
boolean ret2 = client.createDatabase("test2", "another_strange_loc");
assertTrue("Unable to create the databse", ret2);
Database db2 = client.getDatabase("test2");
assertEquals("name of returned db is different from that of inserted db", "test2", db2.getName());
assertEquals("location of the returned db is different from that of inserted db", "another_strange_loc", db2.getDescription());
List<String> dbs = client.getDatabases();
assertTrue("first database is not test1", dbs.contains("test1"));
assertTrue("second database is not test2", dbs.contains("test2"));