
Examples of$SetQuotaCommand

  public void finalizeNameNode(NameNode nn, Configuration conf) throws Exception{
    if (nn == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Attempting to finalize "
                                    + "Namenode but it is not running");
    } DFSAdmin(conf), new String[] {"-finalizeUpgrade"});
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    final MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster(conf, 2, true, null);
    final FileSystem fs = cluster.getFileSystem();
    assertTrue("Not a HDFS: "+fs.getUri(),
                fs instanceof DistributedFileSystem);
    final DistributedFileSystem dfs = (DistributedFileSystem)fs;
    DFSAdmin admin = new DFSAdmin(conf);
    try {
      final int fileLen = 1024;
      final short replication = 5;
      final long spaceQuota = fileLen * replication * 15 / 8;

      // 1: create a directory /test and set its quota to be 3
      final Path parent = new Path("/test");
      String[] args = new String[]{"-setQuota", "3", parent.toString()};
      runCommand(admin, args, false);

      //try setting space quota with a 'binary prefix'
      runCommand(admin, false, "-setSpaceQuota", "2t", parent.toString());
      assertEquals(2L<<40, dfs.getContentSummary(parent).getSpaceQuota());
      // set diskspace quota to 10000
      runCommand(admin, false, "-setSpaceQuota",
                 Long.toString(spaceQuota), parent.toString());
      // 2: create directory /test/data0
      final Path childDir0 = new Path(parent, "data0");

      // 3: create a file /test/datafile0
      final Path childFile0 = new Path(parent, "datafile0");
      DFSTestUtil.createFile(fs, childFile0, fileLen, replication, 0);
      // 4: count -q /test
      ContentSummary c = dfs.getContentSummary(parent);
      assertEquals(c.getFileCount()+c.getDirectoryCount(), 3);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), 3);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceConsumed(), fileLen*replication);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceQuota(), spaceQuota);
      // 5: count -q /test/data0
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(childDir0);
      assertEquals(c.getFileCount()+c.getDirectoryCount(), 1);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), -1);
      // check disk space consumed
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(parent);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceConsumed(), fileLen*replication);

      // 6: create a directory /test/data1
      final Path childDir1 = new Path(parent, "data1");
      boolean hasException = false;
      try {
      } catch (NSQuotaExceededException e) {
        hasException = true;
      OutputStream fout;
      // 7: create a file /test/datafile1
      final Path childFile1 = new Path(parent, "datafile1");
      hasException = false;
      try {
        fout = dfs.create(childFile1);
      } catch (NSQuotaExceededException e) {
        hasException = true;
      // 8: clear quota /test
      runCommand(admin, new String[]{"-clrQuota", parent.toString()}, false);
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(parent);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), -1);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceQuota(), spaceQuota);
      // 9: clear quota /test/data0
      runCommand(admin, new String[]{"-clrQuota", childDir0.toString()}, false);
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(childDir0);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), -1);
      // 10: create a file /test/datafile1
      fout = dfs.create(childFile1, replication);
      // 10.s: but writing fileLen bytes should result in an quota exception
      hasException = false;
      try {
        fout.write(new byte[fileLen]);
      } catch (DSQuotaExceededException e) {
        hasException = true;
      //delete the file
      dfs.delete(childFile1, false);
      // 9.s: clear diskspace quota
      runCommand(admin, false, "-clrSpaceQuota", parent.toString());
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(parent);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), -1);
      assertEquals(c.getSpaceQuota(), -1);      
      // now creating childFile1 should succeed
      DFSTestUtil.createFile(dfs, childFile1, fileLen, replication, 0);
      // 11: set the quota of /test to be 1
      // HADOOP-5872 - we can set quota even if it is immediately violated
      args = new String[]{"-setQuota", "1", parent.toString()};
      runCommand(admin, args, false);
      runCommand(admin, false, "-setSpaceQuota"// for space quota
                 Integer.toString(fileLen), args[2]);
      // 12: set the quota of /test/data0 to be 1
      args = new String[]{"-setQuota", "1", childDir0.toString()};
      runCommand(admin, args, false);
      // 13: not able create a directory under data0
      hasException = false;
      try {
        assertFalse(dfs.mkdirs(new Path(childDir0, "in")));
      } catch (NSQuotaExceededException e) {
        hasException = true;
      c = dfs.getContentSummary(childDir0);
      assertEquals(c.getDirectoryCount()+c.getFileCount(), 1);
      assertEquals(c.getQuota(), 1);
      // 14a: set quota on a non-existent directory
      Path nonExistentPath = new Path("/test1");
      args = new String[]{"-setQuota", "1", nonExistentPath.toString()};
      runCommand(admin, args, true);
      runCommand(admin, true, "-setSpaceQuota", "1g", // for space quota
      // 14b: set quota on a file
      args[1] = childFile0.toString();
      runCommand(admin, args, true);
      // same for space quota
      runCommand(admin, true, "-setSpaceQuota", "1t", args[1]);
      // 15a: clear quota on a file
      args[0] = "-clrQuota";
      runCommand(admin, args, true);
      runCommand(admin, true, "-clrSpaceQuota", args[1]);
      // 15b: clear quota on a non-existent directory
      args[1] = nonExistentPath.toString();
      runCommand(admin, args, true);
      runCommand(admin, true, "-clrSpaceQuota", args[1]);
      // 16a: set the quota of /test to be 0
      args = new String[]{"-setQuota", "0", parent.toString()};
      runCommand(admin, args, true);
      runCommand(admin, true, "-setSpaceQuota", "0", args[2]);
      // 16b: set the quota of /test to be -1
      args[1] = "-1";
      runCommand(admin, args, true);
      runCommand(admin, true, "-setSpaceQuota", args[1], args[2]);
      // 16c: set the quota of /test to be Long.MAX_VALUE+1
      args[1] = String.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE+1L);
      runCommand(admin, args, true);
      runCommand(admin, true, "-setSpaceQuota", args[1], args[2]);
      // 16d: set the quota of /test to be a non integer
      args[1] = "33aa1.5";
      runCommand(admin, args, true);
      runCommand(admin, true, "-setSpaceQuota", args[1], args[2]);
      // 16e: set space quota with a value larger than Long.MAX_VALUE
      runCommand(admin, true, "-setSpaceQuota",
                 (Long.MAX_VALUE/1024/1024 + 1024) + "m", args[2]);
      // 17:  setQuota by a non-administrator
          new UnixUserGroupInformation(new String[]{"userxx\n", "groupyy\n"}));
      DFSAdmin userAdmin = new DFSAdmin(conf);
      args[1] = "100";
      runCommand(userAdmin, args, true);
      runCommand(userAdmin, true, "-setSpaceQuota", "1g", args[2]);
      // 18: clrQuota by a non-administrator
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    DFSClient client = new DFSClient(addr, conf);
    DatanodeInfo[] info = client.datanodeReport(DatanodeReportType.LIVE);
    assertEquals("Number of Datanodes ", 2, info.length);
    DistributedFileSystem fileSys = cluster.getFileSystem();
    DFSAdmin admin = new DFSAdmin(cluster.getConfiguration(0));

    short replicas = 2;
    // Decommission one node. Verify the decommission status
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      final Path bar = new Path("/bar");
      final Path baz = new Path("/baz");

        final DistributedFileSystem dfs = cluster.getFileSystem();
        final DFSAdmin dfsadmin = new DFSAdmin(conf);

        //illegal argument "abc" to rollingUpgrade option
        runCmd(dfsadmin, false, "-rollingUpgrade", "abc");
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    final Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
    MiniDFSCluster cluster = null;
    try {
      cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(1).build();
      final DFSAdmin dfsadmin = new DFSAdmin(conf);
      DataNode dn = cluster.getDataNodes().get(0);

      // check the datanode
      final String dnAddr = dn.getDatanodeId().getIpcAddr(false);
      final String[] args1 = {"-getDatanodeInfo", dnAddr};

      // issue shutdown to the datanode.
      final String[] args2 = {"-shutdownDatanode", dnAddr, "upgrade" };

      // the datanode should be down.
      Assert.assertFalse("DataNode should exit", dn.isDatanodeUp());

      // ping should fail.
    } finally {
      if (cluster != null) cluster.shutdown();
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    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).build();
    FileSystem fs = null;
    try {
      DFSAdmin dfsAdmin = new DFSAdmin();
      runFetchImage(dfsAdmin, cluster);
      fs = cluster.getFileSystem();
      fs.mkdirs(new Path("/foo"));
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  private void finalizeNamenode(NameNode nn, Configuration conf) throws Exception {
    if (nn == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Attempting to finalize "
                                      + "Namenode but it is not running");
    } DFSAdmin(conf), new String[] {"-finalizeUpgrade"});
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    toolRun(shell, cmd, retcode, contain);

  private void DFSAdminRun(String cmd, int retcode, String contain)
      throws Exception {
    DFSAdmin admin = new DFSAdmin(new Configuration(conf));
    toolRun(admin, cmd, retcode, contain);
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   * @throws Exception
  @Test (timeout = 30000)
  public void testInvalidShell() throws Exception {
    Configuration conf = new Configuration(); // default FS (non-DFS)
    DFSAdmin admin = new DFSAdmin();
    int res = String[] {"-refreshNodes"});
    assertEquals("expected to fail -1", res , -1);
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    assertTrue("Mock queue should have been constructed", mockQueueConstructions > 0);
    assertTrue("Puts are routed through MockQueue", canPutInMockQueue());
    int lastMockQueueConstructions = mockQueueConstructions;

    // Replace queue with the queue specified in core-site.xml, which would be the LinkedBlockingQueue
    DFSAdmin admin = new DFSAdmin(config);
    String [] args = new String[]{"-refreshCallQueue"};
    int exitCode =;
    assertEquals("DFSAdmin should return 0", 0, exitCode);

    assertEquals("Mock queue should have no additional constructions", lastMockQueueConstructions, mockQueueConstructions);
    try {
      assertFalse("Puts are routed through LBQ instead of MockQueue", canPutInMockQueue());
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Related Classes of$SetQuotaCommand

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