for (EditLogFile elf : allLogFiles) {
if (elf.hasCorruptHeader() || (!inProgressOk && elf.isInProgress())) {
if (elf.getFirstTxId() >= firstTxId) {
ret.add(new RemoteEditLog(elf.firstTxId, elf.lastTxId));
} else if (elf.getFirstTxId() < firstTxId && firstTxId <= elf.getLastTxId()) {
// If the firstTxId is in the middle of an edit log segment
if (forReading) {
// Note that this behavior is different from getLogFiles below.
throw new IllegalStateException("Asked for firstTxId " + firstTxId
+ " which is in the middle of file " + elf.file);
} else {
ret.add(new RemoteEditLog(elf.firstTxId, elf.lastTxId));