Package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.UnderReplicatedBlocks

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.UnderReplicatedBlocks.BlockIterator

        missingBlocksInPrevIter = 0;
        return blocksToReplicate;
      // Go through all blocks that need replications.
      BlockIterator neededReplicationsIterator = neededReplications.iterator();
      // skip to the first unprocessed block, which is at replIndex
      for(int i=0; i < replIndex && neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext(); i++) {;
      // # of blocks to process equals either twice the number of live
      // data-nodes or the number of under-replicated blocks whichever is less
      blocksToProcess = Math.min(blocksToProcess, neededReplications.size());

      for (int blkCnt = 0; blkCnt < blocksToProcess; blkCnt++, replIndex++) {
        if( ! neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext()) {
          // start from the beginning
          replIndex = 0;
          missingBlocksInPrevIter = missingBlocksInCurIter;
          missingBlocksInCurIter = 0;
          blocksToProcess = Math.min(blocksToProcess, neededReplications.size());
          if(blkCnt >= blocksToProcess)
          neededReplicationsIterator = neededReplications.iterator();
          assert neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext() :
                                  "neededReplications should not be empty.";

        Block block =;
        int priority = neededReplicationsIterator.getPriority();
        if (priority < 0 || priority >= blocksToReplicate.size()) {
          LOG.warn("Unexpected replication priority: " + priority + " " + block);
        } else {
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        missingBlocksInPrevIter = 0;
        return blocksToReplicate;
      // Go through all blocks that need replications.
      BlockIterator neededReplicationsIterator = neededReplications.iterator();
      // skip to the first unprocessed block, which is at replIndex
      for(int i=0; i < replIndex && neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext(); i++) {;
      // # of blocks to process equals either twice the number of live
      // data-nodes or the number of under-replicated blocks whichever is less
      blocksToProcess = Math.min(blocksToProcess, neededReplications.size());

      for (int blkCnt = 0; blkCnt < blocksToProcess; blkCnt++, replIndex++) {
        if( ! neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext()) {
          // start from the beginning
          replIndex = 0;
          missingBlocksInPrevIter = missingBlocksInCurIter;
          missingBlocksInCurIter = 0;
          blocksToProcess = Math.min(blocksToProcess, neededReplications.size());
          if(blkCnt >= blocksToProcess)
          neededReplicationsIterator = neededReplications.iterator();
          assert neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext() :
                                  "neededReplications should not be empty.";

        Block block =;
        int priority = neededReplicationsIterator.getPriority();
        if (priority < 0 || priority >= blocksToReplicate.size()) {
          LOG.warn("Unexpected replication priority: " + priority + " " + block);
        } else {
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          return blocksToReplicate;

        for (int priority = 0; priority<UnderReplicatedBlocks.LEVEL; priority++) {
        // Go through all blocks that need replications of priority
        BlockIterator neededReplicationsIterator = neededReplications.iterator(priority);
        int numBlocks = neededReplications.size(priority);
        if (replIndex[priority] > numBlocks) {
          replIndex[priority] = 0;
        // skip to the first unprocessed block, which is at replIndex
        for (int i = 0; i < replIndex[priority] && neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext(); i++) {
        // # of blocks to process for this priority
        int blocksToProcessIter = getQuotaForThisPriority(blocksToProcess,
            numBlocks, neededReplications.getSize(priority+1));
        blocksToProcess -= blocksToProcessIter;

        for (int blkCnt = 0; blkCnt < blocksToProcessIter; blkCnt++, replIndex[priority]++) {
          if (!neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext()) {
            // start from the beginning
            replIndex[priority] = 0;
            neededReplicationsIterator = neededReplications.iterator(priority);
            assert neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext() :
              "neededReplications should not be empty.";

          Block block =;
        } // end for
      } // end try
      return blocksToReplicate;
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        // print a limited # of corrupt files per call
        int count = 0;
        ArrayList<CorruptFileBlockInfo> corruptFiles =
          new ArrayList<CorruptFileBlockInfo>();

        BlockIterator blkIterator = null;
        if (decommissioningOnly) {
          blkIterator = neededReplications.iterator(0);
        } else {
          blkIterator = getCorruptReplicaBlockIterator();
        if (cookieTab == null) {
          cookieTab = new String[] { null };
        int skip = getIntCookie(cookieTab[0]);
        for(int i = 0; i < skip && blkIterator.hasNext(); i++) {
        while (blkIterator.hasNext()) {
          Block blk =;
          INode inode = blocksMap.getINode(blk);
          if (inode != null) {
            String src = FSDirectory.getFullPathName(inode);
            if (src.startsWith(path)) {
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        missingBlocksInPrevIter = 0;
        return blocksToReplicate;
      // Go through all blocks that need replications.
      BlockIterator neededReplicationsIterator = neededReplications.iterator();
      // skip to the first unprocessed block, which is at replIndex
      for(int i=0; i < replIndex && neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext(); i++) {;
      // # of blocks to process equals either twice the number of live
      // data-nodes or the number of under-replicated blocks whichever is less
      blocksToProcess = Math.min(blocksToProcess, neededReplications.size());

      for (int blkCnt = 0; blkCnt < blocksToProcess; blkCnt++, replIndex++) {
        if( ! neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext()) {
          // start from the beginning
          replIndex = 0;
          missingBlocksInPrevIter = missingBlocksInCurIter;
          missingBlocksInCurIter = 0;
          blocksToProcess = Math.min(blocksToProcess, neededReplications.size());
          if(blkCnt >= blocksToProcess)
          neededReplicationsIterator = neededReplications.iterator();
          assert neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext() :
                                  "neededReplications should not be empty.";

        Block block =;
        int priority = neededReplicationsIterator.getPriority();
        if (priority < 0 || priority >= blocksToReplicate.size()) {
          LOG.warn("Unexpected replication priority: " + priority + " " + block);
        } else {
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        missingBlocksInPrevIter = 0;
        return blocksToReplicate;
      // Go through all blocks that need replications.
      BlockIterator neededReplicationsIterator = neededReplications.iterator();
      // skip to the first unprocessed block, which is at replIndex
      for(int i=0; i < replIndex && neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext(); i++) {;
      // # of blocks to process equals either twice the number of live
      // data-nodes or the number of under-replicated blocks whichever is less
      blocksToProcess = Math.min(blocksToProcess, neededReplications.size());

      for (int blkCnt = 0; blkCnt < blocksToProcess; blkCnt++, replIndex++) {
        if( ! neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext()) {
          // start from the beginning
          replIndex = 0;
          missingBlocksInPrevIter = missingBlocksInCurIter;
          missingBlocksInCurIter = 0;
          blocksToProcess = Math.min(blocksToProcess, neededReplications.size());
          if(blkCnt >= blocksToProcess)
          neededReplicationsIterator = neededReplications.iterator();
          assert neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext() :
                                  "neededReplications should not be empty.";

        Block block =;
        int priority = neededReplicationsIterator.getPriority();
        if (priority < 0 || priority >= blocksToReplicate.size()) {
          LOG.warn("Unexpected replication priority: " + priority + " " + block);
        } else {
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        missingBlocksInPrevIter = 0;
        return blocksToReplicate;
      // Go through all blocks that need replications.
      BlockIterator neededReplicationsIterator = neededReplications.iterator();
      // skip to the first unprocessed block, which is at replIndex
      for(int i=0; i < replIndex && neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext(); i++) {;
      // # of blocks to process equals either twice the number of live
      // data-nodes or the number of under-replicated blocks whichever is less
      blocksToProcess = Math.min(blocksToProcess, neededReplications.size());

      for (int blkCnt = 0; blkCnt < blocksToProcess; blkCnt++, replIndex++) {
        if( ! neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext()) {
          // start from the beginning
          replIndex = 0;
          missingBlocksInPrevIter = missingBlocksInCurIter;
          missingBlocksInCurIter = 0;
          blocksToProcess = Math.min(blocksToProcess, neededReplications.size());
          if(blkCnt >= blocksToProcess)
          neededReplicationsIterator = neededReplications.iterator();
          assert neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext() :
                                  "neededReplications should not be empty.";

        Block block =;
        int priority = neededReplicationsIterator.getPriority();
        if (priority < 0 || priority >= blocksToReplicate.size()) {
          LOG.warn("Unexpected replication priority: " + priority + " " + block);
        } else {
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        missingBlocksInPrevIter = 0;
        return blocksToReplicate;
      // Go through all blocks that need replications.
      BlockIterator neededReplicationsIterator = neededReplications.iterator();
      // skip to the first unprocessed block, which is at replIndex
      for(int i=0; i < replIndex && neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext(); i++) {;
      // # of blocks to process equals either twice the number of live
      // data-nodes or the number of under-replicated blocks whichever is less
      blocksToProcess = Math.min(blocksToProcess, neededReplications.size());

      for (int blkCnt = 0; blkCnt < blocksToProcess; blkCnt++, replIndex++) {
        if( ! neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext()) {
          // start from the beginning
          replIndex = 0;
          missingBlocksInPrevIter = missingBlocksInCurIter;
          missingBlocksInCurIter = 0;
          blocksToProcess = Math.min(blocksToProcess, neededReplications.size());
          if(blkCnt >= blocksToProcess)
          neededReplicationsIterator = neededReplications.iterator();
          assert neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext() :
                                  "neededReplications should not be empty.";

        Block block =;
        int priority = neededReplicationsIterator.getPriority();
        if (priority < 0 || priority >= blocksToReplicate.size()) {
          LOG.warn("Unexpected replication priority: " + priority + " " + block);
        } else {
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        missingBlocksInPrevIter = 0;
        return blocksToReplicate;
      // Go through all blocks that need replications.
      BlockIterator neededReplicationsIterator = neededReplications.iterator();
      // skip to the first unprocessed block, which is at replIndex
      for(int i=0; i < replIndex && neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext(); i++) {;
      // # of blocks to process equals either twice the number of live
      // data-nodes or the number of under-replicated blocks whichever is less
      blocksToProcess = Math.min(blocksToProcess, neededReplications.size());

      for (int blkCnt = 0; blkCnt < blocksToProcess; blkCnt++, replIndex++) {
        if( ! neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext()) {
          // start from the beginning
          replIndex = 0;
          missingBlocksInPrevIter = missingBlocksInCurIter;
          missingBlocksInCurIter = 0;
          blocksToProcess = Math.min(blocksToProcess, neededReplications.size());
          if(blkCnt >= blocksToProcess)
          neededReplicationsIterator = neededReplications.iterator();
          assert neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext() :
                                  "neededReplications should not be empty.";

        Block block =;
        int priority = neededReplicationsIterator.getPriority();
        if (priority < 0 || priority >= blocksToReplicate.size()) {
          LOG.warn("Unexpected replication priority: " + priority + " " + block);
        } else {
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        missingBlocksInPrevIter = 0;
        return blocksToReplicate;
      // Go through all blocks that need replications.
      BlockIterator neededReplicationsIterator = neededReplications.iterator();
      // skip to the first unprocessed block, which is at replIndex
      for(int i=0; i < replIndex && neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext(); i++) {;
      // # of blocks to process equals either twice the number of live
      // data-nodes or the number of under-replicated blocks whichever is less
      blocksToProcess = Math.min(blocksToProcess, neededReplications.size());

      for (int blkCnt = 0; blkCnt < blocksToProcess; blkCnt++, replIndex++) {
        if( ! neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext()) {
          // start from the beginning
          replIndex = 0;
          missingBlocksInPrevIter = missingBlocksInCurIter;
          missingBlocksInCurIter = 0;
          blocksToProcess = Math.min(blocksToProcess, neededReplications.size());
          if(blkCnt >= blocksToProcess)
          neededReplicationsIterator = neededReplications.iterator();
          assert neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext() :
                                  "neededReplications should not be empty";

        Block block =;
        int priority = neededReplicationsIterator.getPriority();
        if (priority < 0 || priority >= blocksToReplicate.size()) {
          LOG.warn("Unexpected replication priority: " + priority + " " + block);
        } else {
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Related Classes of org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.UnderReplicatedBlocks.BlockIterator

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