missingBlocksInPrevIter = 0;
return blocksToReplicate;
// Go through all blocks that need replications.
BlockIterator neededReplicationsIterator = neededReplications.iterator();
// skip to the first unprocessed block, which is at replIndex
for(int i=0; i < replIndex && neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext(); i++) {
// # of blocks to process equals either twice the number of live
// data-nodes or the number of under-replicated blocks whichever is less
blocksToProcess = Math.min(blocksToProcess, neededReplications.size());
for (int blkCnt = 0; blkCnt < blocksToProcess; blkCnt++, replIndex++) {
if( ! neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext()) {
// start from the beginning
replIndex = 0;
missingBlocksInPrevIter = missingBlocksInCurIter;
missingBlocksInCurIter = 0;
blocksToProcess = Math.min(blocksToProcess, neededReplications.size());
if(blkCnt >= blocksToProcess)
neededReplicationsIterator = neededReplications.iterator();
assert neededReplicationsIterator.hasNext() :
"neededReplications should not be empty.";
Block block = neededReplicationsIterator.next();
int priority = neededReplicationsIterator.getPriority();
if (priority < 0 || priority >= blocksToReplicate.size()) {
LOG.warn("Unexpected replication priority: " + priority + " " + block);
} else {