File f1 = new File(TEST_DIR + "/alternatingjournaltest0");
File f2 = new File(TEST_DIR + "/alternatingjournaltest1");
List<URI> editUris = ImmutableList.of(f1.toURI(), f2.toURI());
NNStorage storage = setupEdits(editUris, 10,
new AbortSpec(1, 0),
new AbortSpec(2, 1),
new AbortSpec(3, 0),
new AbortSpec(4, 1),
new AbortSpec(5, 0),
new AbortSpec(6, 1),
new AbortSpec(7, 0),
new AbortSpec(8, 1),
new AbortSpec(9, 0),
new AbortSpec(10, 1));
long totaltxnread = 0;
FSEditLog editlog = createEditLog(storage);;
long startTxId = 0;
// we need to finalize the inprogress segments (this is done on startup)
List<EditLogInputStream> editStreams = new ArrayList<EditLogInputStream>();
editlog.selectInputStreams(editStreams, startTxId, TXNS_PER_ROLL*11 - 1, 0);
for (EditLogInputStream edits : editStreams) {
FSEditLogLoader.EditLogValidation val = FSEditLogLoader.validateEditLog(edits);
long read = val.getNumTransactions();"Loading edits " + edits + " read " + read);
assertEquals(startTxId, val.getStartTxId());
startTxId += read;
totaltxnread += read;
assertEquals(TXNS_PER_ROLL*11, totaltxnread);