// after creating snapshot s0, create a directory tempdir under dir and then
// delete dir immediately
Path tempDir = new Path(dir, "tempdir");
Path tempFile = new Path(tempDir, "tempfile");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, tempFile, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
final INodeFile temp = TestSnapshotBlocksMap.assertBlockCollection(
tempFile.toString(), 1, fsdir, blockmanager);
BlockInfo[] blocks = temp.getBlocks();
hdfs.delete(tempDir, true);
// check dir's quota usage
checkQuotaUsageComputation(dir, 9L, BLOCKSIZE * REPLICATION * 3);
// check blocks of tempFile
for (BlockInfo b : blocks) {
// make a change: create a new file under subsub
Path newFileAfterS0 = new Path(subsub, "newFile");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, newFileAfterS0, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
// further change: change the replicator factor of metaChangeFile
hdfs.setReplication(metaChangeFile1, REPLICATION_1);
hdfs.setReplication(metaChangeFile2, REPLICATION_1);
// create snapshot s1
SnapshotTestHelper.createSnapshot(hdfs, dir, "s1");
// check dir's quota usage
checkQuotaUsageComputation(dir, 14L, BLOCKSIZE * REPLICATION * 4);
// get two snapshots for later use
Snapshot snapshot0 = ((INodeDirectorySnapshottable) fsdir.getINode(dir
Snapshot snapshot1 = ((INodeDirectorySnapshottable) fsdir.getINode(dir
// Case 2 + Case 3: delete noChangeDirParent, noChangeFile, and
// metaChangeFile2. Note that when we directly delete a directory, the
// directory will be converted to an INodeDirectoryWithSnapshot. To make
// sure the deletion goes through an INodeDirectory, we delete the parent
// of noChangeDir
hdfs.delete(noChangeDirParent, true);
// while deletion, we add a diff for metaChangeFile2 as its snapshot copy
// for s1, we also add diffs for both sub and noChangeDirParent
checkQuotaUsageComputation(dir, 17L, BLOCKSIZE * REPLICATION * 4);
// check the snapshot copy of noChangeDir
Path snapshotNoChangeDir = SnapshotTestHelper.getSnapshotPath(dir, "s1",
sub.getName() + "/" + noChangeDirParent.getName() + "/"
+ noChangeDir.getName());
INodeDirectory snapshotNode =
(INodeDirectory) fsdir.getINode(snapshotNoChangeDir.toString());
// should still be an INodeDirectory
assertEquals(INodeDirectory.class, snapshotNode.getClass());
ReadOnlyList<INode> children = snapshotNode.getChildrenList(null);
// check 2 children: noChangeFile and metaChangeFile2
assertEquals(2, children.size());
INode noChangeFileSCopy = children.get(1);
assertEquals(noChangeFile.getName(), noChangeFileSCopy.getLocalName());
assertEquals(INodeFile.class, noChangeFileSCopy.getClass());
TestSnapshotBlocksMap.assertBlockCollection(new Path(snapshotNoChangeDir,
noChangeFileSCopy.getLocalName()).toString(), 1, fsdir, blockmanager);
INodeFileWithSnapshot metaChangeFile2SCopy =
(INodeFileWithSnapshot) children.get(0);
assertEquals(metaChangeFile2.getName(), metaChangeFile2SCopy.getLocalName());
assertEquals(INodeFileWithSnapshot.class, metaChangeFile2SCopy.getClass());
TestSnapshotBlocksMap.assertBlockCollection(new Path(snapshotNoChangeDir,
metaChangeFile2SCopy.getLocalName()).toString(), 1, fsdir, blockmanager);
// check the replication factor of metaChangeFile2SCopy
// Case 4: delete directory sub
// before deleting sub, we first create a new file under sub
Path newFile = new Path(sub, "newFile");
DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, newFile, BLOCKSIZE, REPLICATION, seed);
final INodeFile newFileNode = TestSnapshotBlocksMap.assertBlockCollection(
newFile.toString(), 1, fsdir, blockmanager);
blocks = newFileNode.getBlocks();
checkQuotaUsageComputation(dir, 18L, BLOCKSIZE * REPLICATION * 5);
hdfs.delete(sub, true);
// while deletion, we add diff for subsub and metaChangeFile1, and remove
// newFile
checkQuotaUsageComputation(dir, 19L, BLOCKSIZE * REPLICATION * 4);