List<INode> cList = dir1DiffList.get(0).getChildrenDiff()
assertEquals(1, cList.size());
INode cNode = cList.get(0);
INode fooNode = fsdir.getINode4Write(newfoo.toString());
assertSame(cNode, fooNode);
// check foo and its subtree
final Path newbar = new Path(newfoo, bar.getName());
INodeDirectoryWithSnapshot barNode = (INodeDirectoryWithSnapshot) fsdir
assertSame(fooNode.asDirectory(), barNode.getParent());
// bar should only have a snapshot diff for s0
List<DirectoryDiff> barDiffList = barNode.getDiffs().asList();
assertEquals(1, barDiffList.size());
DirectoryDiff diff = barDiffList.get(0);
assertEquals("s0", Snapshot.getSnapshotName(diff.snapshot));
// and file should be stored in the deleted list of this snapshot diff
assertEquals("file", diff.getChildrenDiff().getList(ListType.DELETED)
// check dir2: a WithName instance for foo should be in the deleted list
// of the snapshot diff for s2
INodeDirectoryWithSnapshot dir2Node = (INodeDirectoryWithSnapshot) fsdir
List<DirectoryDiff> dir2DiffList = dir2Node.getDiffs().asList();
// dir2Node should contain 2 snapshot diffs, one for s2, and the other was
// originally s1 (created when dir2 was transformed to a snapshottable dir),
// and currently is s0
assertEquals(2, dir2DiffList.size());
dList = dir2DiffList.get(1).getChildrenDiff().getList(ListType.DELETED);
assertEquals(1, dList.size());
cList = dir2DiffList.get(0).getChildrenDiff().getList(ListType.CREATED);
final Path foo_s2 = SnapshotTestHelper.getSnapshotPath(dir2, "s2",
INodeReference.WithName fooNode_s2 =
(INodeReference.WithName) fsdir.getINode(foo_s2.toString());
assertSame(dList.get(0), fooNode_s2);