// check the replica's state
if (replicaInfo.getState() != ReplicaState.RBW) {
throw new ReplicaNotFoundException(
ReplicaNotFoundException.NON_RBW_REPLICA + replicaInfo);
ReplicaBeingWritten rbw = (ReplicaBeingWritten)replicaInfo;
LOG.info("Recovering " + rbw);
// Stop the previous writer
// check generation stamp
long replicaGenerationStamp = rbw.getGenerationStamp();
if (replicaGenerationStamp < b.getGenerationStamp() ||
replicaGenerationStamp > newGS) {
throw new ReplicaNotFoundException(
ReplicaNotFoundException.UNEXPECTED_GS_REPLICA + b +
". Expected GS range is [" + b.getGenerationStamp() + ", " +
newGS + "].");
// check replica length
if (rbw.getBytesAcked() < minBytesRcvd || rbw.getNumBytes() > maxBytesRcvd){
throw new ReplicaNotFoundException("Unmatched length replica " +
replicaInfo + ": BytesAcked = " + rbw.getBytesAcked() +
" BytesRcvd = " + rbw.getNumBytes() + " are not in the range of [" +
minBytesRcvd + ", " + maxBytesRcvd + "].");
// bump the replica's generation stamp to newGS
bumpReplicaGS(rbw, newGS);