* @param bpid Block pool Id
* @param bpidToWrite Block pool Id to write into the version file
public static void createDataNodeVersionFile(File[] parent,
StorageInfo version, String bpid, String bpidToWrite) throws IOException {
DataStorage storage = new DataStorage(version);
File[] versionFiles = new File[parent.length];
for (int i = 0; i < parent.length; i++) {
File versionFile = new File(parent[i], "VERSION");
StorageDirectory sd = new StorageDirectory(parent[i].getParentFile());
storage.writeProperties(versionFile, sd);
versionFiles[i] = versionFile;
File bpDir = BlockPoolSliceStorage.getBpRoot(bpid, parent[i]);
createBlockPoolVersionFile(bpDir, version, bpidToWrite);