ReplicaInfo diskBlockInfo = new FinalizedReplica(blockId,
diskFile.length(), diskGS, vol, diskFile.getParentFile());
volumeMap.add(bpid, diskBlockInfo);
final DataBlockScanner blockScanner = datanode.getBlockScanner();
if (blockScanner != null) {
blockScanner.addBlock(new ExtendedBlock(bpid, diskBlockInfo));
LOG.warn("Added missing block to memory " + diskBlockInfo);
* Block exists in volumeMap and the block file exists on the disk
// Compare block files
File memFile = memBlockInfo.getBlockFile();
if (memFile.exists()) {
if (memFile.compareTo(diskFile) != 0) {
LOG.warn("Block file " + memFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ " does not match file found by scan "
+ diskFile.getAbsolutePath());
// TODO: Should the diskFile be deleted?
} else {
// Block refers to a block file that does not exist.
// Update the block with the file found on the disk. Since the block
// file and metadata file are found as a pair on the disk, update
// the block based on the metadata file found on the disk
LOG.warn("Block file in volumeMap "
+ memFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ " does not exist. Updating it to the file found during scan "
+ diskFile.getAbsolutePath());
memFile = diskFile;
LOG.warn("Updating generation stamp for block " + blockId
+ " from " + memBlockInfo.getGenerationStamp() + " to " + diskGS);
// Compare generation stamp
if (memBlockInfo.getGenerationStamp() != diskGS) {
File memMetaFile = FsDatasetUtil.getMetaFile(diskFile,
if (memMetaFile.exists()) {
if (memMetaFile.compareTo(diskMetaFile) != 0) {
LOG.warn("Metadata file in memory "
+ memMetaFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ " does not match file found by scan "
+ (diskMetaFile == null? null: diskMetaFile.getAbsolutePath()));
} else {
// Metadata file corresponding to block in memory is missing
// If metadata file found during the scan is on the same directory
// as the block file, then use the generation stamp from it
long gs = diskMetaFile != null && diskMetaFile.exists()
&& diskMetaFile.getParent().equals(memFile.getParent()) ? diskGS
LOG.warn("Updating generation stamp for block " + blockId
+ " from " + memBlockInfo.getGenerationStamp() + " to " + gs);
// Compare block size
if (memBlockInfo.getNumBytes() != memFile.length()) {
// Update the length based on the block file
corruptBlock = new Block(memBlockInfo);
LOG.warn("Updating size of block " + blockId + " from "
+ memBlockInfo.getNumBytes() + " to " + memFile.length());
// Send corrupt block report outside the lock
if (corruptBlock != null) {
LOG.warn("Reporting the block " + corruptBlock
+ " as corrupt due to length mismatch");
try {
datanode.reportBadBlocks(new ExtendedBlock(bpid, corruptBlock));
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.warn("Failed to repot bad block " + corruptBlock, e);