PacketReceiveProfile pktProfile = null;
while (running && datanode.shouldRun && !lastPacketInBlock) {
Packet pkt = null;
try {
long expected = PipelineAck.UNKOWN_SEQNO;
PipelineAck ack = new PipelineAck();
long seqno = PipelineAck.UNKOWN_SEQNO;
boolean localMirrorError = mirrorError;
try {
synchronized (this) {
// wait for a packet to arrive
while (running && datanode.shouldRun && ackQueue.size() == 0) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("PacketResponder " + numTargets +
" seqno = " + seqno +
" for block " + block +
" waiting for local datanode to finish write.");
if (!running || !datanode.shouldRun) {
pkt = ackQueue.removeFirst();
expected = pkt.seqno;
processingAck = true;
if (pkt != null) {
pktProfile = pkt.eventAckDequeuedAndReturnProfile(pktProfile);
// receive an ack if DN is not the last one in the pipeline
if (numTargets > 0 && !localMirrorError) {
// read an ack from downstream datanode
ack.readFields(mirrorIn, numTargets, pktProfile != null);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("PacketResponder " + numTargets +
" for block " + block + " got " + ack);
seqno = ack.getSeqno();
// verify seqno
if (seqno != expected) {
throw new IOException("PacketResponder " + numTargets +
" for block " + block +
" expected seqno:" + expected +
" received:" + seqno);
assert pkt != null;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ine) {
isInterrupted = true;"PacketResponder " + block + " " + numTargets +
" : Thread is interrupted when waiting for data persistent.");
lastPacketInBlock = pkt.lastPacketInBlock;
if (pkt.seqno >= 0) {
} catch (InterruptedException ine) {
isInterrupted = true;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
if (Thread.interrupted()) {
isInterrupted = true;
} else {
// continue to run even if can not read from mirror
// notify client of the error
// and wait for the client to shut down the pipeline
mirrorError = true;"PacketResponder " + block + " " + numTargets +
" Exception " + StringUtils.stringifyException(ioe));
} finally {
synchronized (this) {
processingAck = false;
if (Thread.interrupted() || isInterrupted) {
/* The receiver thread cancelled this thread.
* We could also check any other status updates from the
* receiver thread (e.g. if it is ok to write to replyOut).
* It is prudent to not send any more status back to the client
* because this datanode has a problem. The upstream datanode
* will detect that this datanode is bad, and rightly so.
*/"PacketResponder " + block + " " + numTargets +
" : Thread is interrupted.");
if (lastPacketInBlock) {
// Wait receiver thread to finish flush() before sending out the
// last ack.
try {
synchronized (this) {
while (running && datanode.shouldRun && !isBlockClosed) {
} catch (InterruptedException ine) {"PacketResponder " + block + " " + numTargets
+ " : Thread is interrupted while waiting for the block "
+ "to be closed.");
isInterrupted = true;
// construct my ack message
short[] replies = null;
PacketBlockReceiverProfileData[] profiles = null;
if (mirrorError) { // no ack is read
replies = new short[2];
replies[0] = DataTransferProtocol.OP_STATUS_SUCCESS;
replies[1] = DataTransferProtocol.OP_STATUS_ERROR;
} else {
boolean hasError = false;
short ackLen = numTargets == 0 ? 0 : ack.getNumOfReplies();
replies = new short[1+ackLen];
replies[0] = DataTransferProtocol.OP_STATUS_SUCCESS;
for (int i=0; i<ackLen; i++) {
replies[i+1] = ack.getReply(i);
if (replies[i+1] != DataTransferProtocol.OP_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
hasError = true;
if (!hasError && pktProfile != null) {
profiles = new PacketBlockReceiverProfileData[ackLen + 1];
for (int i=0; i < ackLen; i++) {
profiles[i + 1] = ack.getProfile(i);
if (profiles[i + 1] == null) {
throw new IOException("Excpect profile data but it's missing.");
profiles[0] = pktProfile.getPacketBlockReceiverProfileData();
PipelineAck replyAck = new PipelineAck(expected, replies, profiles);
// send my ack back to upstream datanode
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("PacketResponder " + numTargets +
" for block " + block +
" responded an ack: " + replyAck);