fs.delete(new Path(topdir), true);
/** verify hdfsproxy implements the hftp interface */
public void testHdfsProxyInterface() throws Exception {
MiniDFSCluster cluster = null;
HdfsProxy proxy = null;
try {
final UserGroupInformation CLIENT_UGI = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
final String testUser = CLIENT_UGI.getShortUserName();
final String testGroup = CLIENT_UGI.getGroupNames()[0];
final Configuration dfsConf = new Configuration();
dfsConf.set("hadoop.proxyuser." + testUser + ".groups", testGroup);
dfsConf.set("hadoop.proxyuser." + testGroup + ".hosts",
dfsConf.set("hadoop.proxyuser." + testUser + ".hosts",
dfsConf.set("hadoop.security.authentication", "simple");
cluster = new MiniDFSCluster(dfsConf, 2, true, null);
final FileSystem localfs = FileSystem.get(LOCAL_FS, dfsConf);
final FileSystem hdfs = cluster.getFileSystem();
final Configuration proxyConf = new Configuration(false);
proxyConf.set("hdfsproxy.dfs.namenode.address", hdfs.getUri().getHost() + ":"
+ hdfs.getUri().getPort());
proxyConf.set("hdfsproxy.https.address", "localhost:0");
final String namenode = hdfs.getUri().toString();
if (namenode.startsWith("hdfs://")) {
MyFile[] files = createFiles(LOCAL_FS, TEST_ROOT_DIR + "/srcdat");
(new Path("file:///" + TEST_ROOT_DIR + "/srcdat"),
new Path(namenode + "/destdat" ));
assertTrue("Source and destination directories do not match.",
checkFiles(hdfs, "/destdat", files));
proxyConf.set("proxy.http.test.listener.addr", "localhost:0");
proxy = new HdfsProxy(proxyConf);
InetSocketAddress proxyAddr = NetUtils.createSocketAddr("localhost:0");
final String realProxyAddr = proxyAddr.getHostName() + ":"
+ proxy.getPort();
final Path proxyUrl = new Path("hftp://" + realProxyAddr);
final FileSystem hftp = proxyUrl.getFileSystem(dfsConf);
FileUtil.copy(hftp, new Path(proxyUrl, "/destdat"),
hdfs, new Path(namenode + "/copied1"),
false, true, proxyConf);
assertTrue("Source and copied directories do not match.", checkFiles(
hdfs, "/copied1", files));
FileUtil.copy(hftp, new Path(proxyUrl, "/destdat"),
localfs, new Path(TEST_ROOT_DIR + "/copied2"),
false, true, proxyConf);
assertTrue("Source and copied directories do not match.", checkFiles(
localfs, TEST_ROOT_DIR + "/copied2", files));
deldir(hdfs, "/destdat");
deldir(hdfs, "/logs");
deldir(hdfs, "/copied1");
deldir(localfs, TEST_ROOT_DIR + "/srcdat");
deldir(localfs, TEST_ROOT_DIR + "/copied2");
} finally {
if (cluster != null) {
if (proxy != null) {