* Verifies that reading a file with the direct read(ByteBuffer) api gives the expected set of bytes.
static void checkFileContentDirect(FileSystem fs, Path name, byte[] expected,
int readOffset) throws IOException {
DFSDataInputStream stm = (DFSDataInputStream)fs.open(name);
ByteBuffer actual = ByteBuffer.allocate(expected.length - readOffset);
IOUtils.skipFully(stm, readOffset);
//Read a small number of bytes first.
int nread = stm.read(actual);
actual.limit(nread + 2);
nread += stm.read(actual);
// Read across chunk boundary
actual.limit(Math.min(actual.capacity(), nread + 517));
nread += stm.read(actual);
checkData(actual.array(), readOffset, expected, nread, "A few bytes");
//Now read rest of it
while (actual.hasRemaining()) {
int nbytes = stm.read(actual);
if (nbytes < 0) {
throw new EOFException("End of file reached before reading fully.");
nread += nbytes;
checkData(actual.array(), readOffset, expected, "Read 3");