if (nnAddr == null){
out.print(JspHelper.NAMENODE_ADDRESS + " url param is null");
DFSClient dfs = getDFSClient(ugi, nnAddr, conf);
String target = dir;
final HdfsFileStatus targetStatus = dfs.getFileInfo(target);
if (targetStatus == null) { // not exists
out.print("<h3>File or directory : " + target + " does not exist</h3>");
JspHelper.printGotoForm(out, namenodeInfoPort, tokenString, target,
} else {
if (!targetStatus.isDir()) { // a file
List<LocatedBlock> blocks = dfs.getNamenode().getBlockLocations(dir, 0, 1)
LocatedBlock firstBlock = null;
DatanodeInfo[] locations = null;
if (blocks.size() > 0) {
firstBlock = blocks.get(0);
locations = firstBlock.getLocations();
if (locations == null || locations.length == 0) {
out.print("Empty file");
} else {
DatanodeInfo chosenNode = JspHelper.bestNode(firstBlock, conf);
String fqdn = canonicalize(chosenNode.getIpAddr());
int datanodePort = chosenNode.getXferPort();
String redirectLocation = HttpConfig.getSchemePrefix() + fqdn + ":"
+ chosenNode.getInfoPort() + "/browseBlock.jsp?blockId="
+ firstBlock.getBlock().getBlockId() + "&blockSize="
+ firstBlock.getBlock().getNumBytes() + "&genstamp="
+ firstBlock.getBlock().getGenerationStamp() + "&filename="
+ URLEncoder.encode(dir, "UTF-8") + "&datanodePort="
+ datanodePort + "&namenodeInfoPort=" + namenodeInfoPort
+ JspHelper.getDelegationTokenUrlParam(tokenString)
+ JspHelper.getUrlParam(JspHelper.NAMENODE_ADDRESS, nnAddr);
// directory
// generate a table and dump the info
String[] headings = { "Name", "Type", "Size", "Replication",
"Block Size", "Modification Time", "Permission", "Owner", "Group" };
out.print("<h3>Contents of directory ");
JspHelper.printPathWithLinks(dir, out, namenodeInfoPort, tokenString,
JspHelper.printGotoForm(out, namenodeInfoPort, tokenString, dir, nnAddr);
File f = new File(dir);
String parent;
if ((parent = f.getParent()) != null)
out.print("<a href=\"" + req.getRequestURL() + "?dir=" + parent
+ "&namenodeInfoPort=" + namenodeInfoPort
+ JspHelper.getDelegationTokenUrlParam(tokenString)
+ JspHelper.getUrlParam(JspHelper.NAMENODE_ADDRESS, nnAddr)
+ "\">Go to parent directory</a><br>");
DirectoryListing thisListing =
dfs.listPaths(target, HdfsFileStatus.EMPTY_NAME);
if (thisListing == null || thisListing.getPartialListing().length == 0) {
out.print("Empty directory");
} else {
int row = 0;
JspHelper.addTableRow(out, headings, row++);
String cols[] = new String[headings.length];
do {
HdfsFileStatus[] files = thisListing.getPartialListing();
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
String localFileName = files[i].getLocalName();
// Get the location of the first block of the file
if (!files[i].isDir()) {
cols[1] = "file";
cols[2] = StringUtils.byteDesc(files[i].getLen());
cols[3] = Short.toString(files[i].getReplication());
cols[4] = StringUtils.byteDesc(files[i].getBlockSize());
} else {
cols[1] = "dir";
cols[2] = "";
cols[3] = "";
cols[4] = "";
String datanodeUrl = req.getRequestURL() + "?dir="
+ URLEncoder.encode(files[i].getFullName(target), "UTF-8")
+ "&namenodeInfoPort=" + namenodeInfoPort
+ JspHelper.getDelegationTokenUrlParam(tokenString)
+ JspHelper.getUrlParam(JspHelper.NAMENODE_ADDRESS, nnAddr);
cols[0] = "<a href=\"" + datanodeUrl + "\">"
+ localFileName + "</a>";
cols[5] = lsDateFormat.format(new Date((files[i]
cols[6] = files[i].getPermission().toString();
cols[7] = files[i].getOwner();
cols[8] = files[i].getGroup();
JspHelper.addTableRow(out, cols, row++);
if (!thisListing.hasMore()) {
thisListing = dfs.listPaths(target, thisListing.getLastName());
} while (thisListing != null);
out.print("<br><a href=\"" + HttpConfig.getSchemePrefix()
+ canonicalize(nnAddr) + ":"
+ namenodeInfoPort + "/dfshealth.jsp\">Go back to DFS home</a>");