// The snapshot references must be copied before the hfiles otherwise the cleaner
// will remove them because they are unreferenced.
try {
FileUtil.copy(inputFs, snapshotDir, outputFs, snapshotTmpDir, false, false, conf);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ExportSnapshotException("Failed to copy the snapshot directory: from=" +
snapshotDir + " to=" + snapshotTmpDir);
// Step 2 - Start MR Job to copy files
// The snapshot references must be copied before the files otherwise the files gets removed
// by the HFileArchiver, since they have no references.
try {
if (files.size() == 0) {
LOG.warn("There are 0 store file to be copied. There may be no data in the table.");
} else {
runCopyJob(inputRoot, outputRoot, files, verifyChecksum,
filesUser, filesGroup, filesMode, mappers);
// Step 3 - Rename fs2:/.snapshot/.tmp/<snapshot> fs2:/.snapshot/<snapshot>
if (!outputFs.rename(snapshotTmpDir, outputSnapshotDir)) {
throw new ExportSnapshotException("Unable to rename snapshot directory from=" +
snapshotTmpDir + " to=" + outputSnapshotDir);
return 0;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Snapshot export failed", e);