private void verifyRegion(FileSystem fs, Path snapshotDir, HRegionInfo region) throws IOException {
// make sure we have region in the snapshot
Path regionDir = new Path(snapshotDir, region.getEncodedName());
if (!fs.exists(regionDir)) {
// could happen due to a move or split race.
throw new CorruptedSnapshotException("No region directory found for region:" + region,
// make sure we have the region info in the snapshot
Path regionInfo = new Path(regionDir, HRegionFileSystem.REGION_INFO_FILE);
// make sure the file exists
if (!fs.exists(regionInfo)) {
throw new CorruptedSnapshotException("No region info found for region:" + region, snapshot);
HRegionInfo found = HRegionFileSystem.loadRegionInfoFileContent(fs, regionDir);
if (!region.equals(found)) {
throw new CorruptedSnapshotException("Found region info (" + found
+ ") doesn't match expected region:" + region, snapshot);
// make sure we have the expected recovered edits files
TakeSnapshotUtils.verifyRecoveredEdits(fs, snapshotDir, found, snapshot);
// check for the existance of each hfile
PathFilter familiesDirs = new FSUtils.FamilyDirFilter(fs);
FileStatus[] columnFamilies = FSUtils.listStatus(fs, regionDir, familiesDirs);
// should we do some checking here to make sure the cfs are correct?
if (columnFamilies == null) return;
// setup the suffixes for the snapshot directories
Path tableNameSuffix = FSUtils.getTableDir(new Path("./"), tableName);
Path regionNameSuffix = new Path(tableNameSuffix, region.getEncodedName());
// get the potential real paths
Path archivedRegion = new Path(HFileArchiveUtil.getArchivePath(services.getConfiguration()),
Path realRegion = new Path(rootDir, regionNameSuffix);
// loop through each cf and check we can find each of the hfiles
for (FileStatus cf : columnFamilies) {
FileStatus[] hfiles = FSUtils.listStatus(fs, cf.getPath(), null);
// should we check if there should be hfiles?
if (hfiles == null || hfiles.length == 0) continue;
Path realCfDir = new Path(realRegion, cf.getPath().getName());
Path archivedCfDir = new Path(archivedRegion, cf.getPath().getName());
for (FileStatus hfile : hfiles) {
// make sure the name is correct
if (!StoreFileInfo.validateStoreFileName(hfile.getPath().getName())) {
throw new CorruptedSnapshotException("HFile: " + hfile.getPath()
+ " is not a valid hfile name.", snapshot);
// check to see if hfile is present in the real table
String fileName = hfile.getPath().getName();
Path file = new Path(realCfDir, fileName);
Path archived = new Path(archivedCfDir, fileName);
if (!fs.exists(file) && !fs.exists(archived)) {
throw new CorruptedSnapshotException("Can't find hfile: " + hfile.getPath()
+ " in the real (" + realCfDir + ") or archive (" + archivedCfDir
+ ") directory for the primary table.", snapshot);