public void testArchiveOnTableFamilyDelete() throws Exception {
List<HRegion> servingRegions = UTIL.getHBaseCluster().getRegions(TABLE_NAME);
// make sure we only have 1 region serving this table
assertEquals(1, servingRegions.size());
HRegion region = servingRegions.get(0);
// get the parent RS and monitor
HRegionServer hrs = UTIL.getRSForFirstRegionInTable(TABLE_NAME);
FileSystem fs = hrs.getFileSystem();
// put some data on the region
LOG.debug("-------Loading table");
UTIL.loadRegion(region, TEST_FAM);
// get the hfiles in the region
List<HRegion> regions = hrs.getOnlineRegions(TABLE_NAME);
assertEquals("More that 1 region for test table.", 1, regions.size());
region = regions.get(0);
// wait for all the compactions to complete
// disable table to prevent new updates
LOG.debug("Disabled table");
// remove all the files from the archive to get a fair comparison
// then get the current store files
Path regionDir = region.getRegionDir();
List<String> storeFiles = getRegionStoreFiles(fs, regionDir);
// then delete the table so the hfiles get archived
UTIL.getHBaseAdmin().deleteColumn(TABLE_NAME, TEST_FAM);