// Here we read in the header. We avoid having pb
// do its default 4k allocation for CodedInputStream. We force it to use backing array.
CodedInputStream cis = CodedInputStream.newInstance(buf, offset, buf.length);
int headerSize = cis.readRawVarint32();
offset = cis.getTotalBytesRead();
RequestHeader header = RequestHeader.newBuilder().mergeFrom(buf, offset, headerSize).build();
offset += headerSize;
int id = header.getCallId();
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("RequestHeader " + TextFormat.shortDebugString(header) +
" totalRequestSize: " + totalRequestSize + " bytes");
// Enforcing the call queue size, this triggers a retry in the client
// This is a bit late to be doing this check - we have already read in the total request.
if ((totalRequestSize + callQueueSize.get()) > maxQueueSize) {
final Call callTooBig =
new Call(id, this.service, null, null, null, null, this,
responder, totalRequestSize, null);
ByteArrayOutputStream responseBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
setupResponse(responseBuffer, callTooBig, new CallQueueTooBigException(),
"Call queue is full, is hbase.ipc.server.max.callqueue.size too small?");
MethodDescriptor md = null;
Message param = null;
CellScanner cellScanner = null;
try {
if (header.hasRequestParam() && header.getRequestParam()) {
md = this.service.getDescriptorForType().findMethodByName(header.getMethodName());
if (md == null) throw new UnsupportedOperationException(header.getMethodName());
Builder builder = this.service.getRequestPrototype(md).newBuilderForType();
// To read the varint, I need an inputstream; might as well be a CIS.
cis = CodedInputStream.newInstance(buf, offset, buf.length);
int paramSize = cis.readRawVarint32();
offset += cis.getTotalBytesRead();
if (builder != null) {
param = builder.mergeFrom(buf, offset, paramSize).build();
offset += paramSize;
if (header.hasCellBlockMeta()) {
cellScanner = ipcUtil.createCellScanner(this.codec, this.compressionCodec,
buf, offset, buf.length);
} catch (Throwable t) {
String msg = "Unable to read call parameter from client " + getHostAddress();
LOG.warn(msg, t);
// probably the hbase hadoop version does not match the running hadoop version
if (t instanceof LinkageError) {
t = new DoNotRetryIOException(t);
// If the method is not present on the server, do not retry.
if (t instanceof UnsupportedOperationException) {
t = new DoNotRetryIOException(t);
final Call readParamsFailedCall =
new Call(id, this.service, null, null, null, null, this,
responder, totalRequestSize, null);
ByteArrayOutputStream responseBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
setupResponse(responseBuffer, readParamsFailedCall, t,
msg + "; " + t.getMessage());
TraceInfo traceInfo = header.hasTraceInfo()
? new TraceInfo(header.getTraceInfo().getTraceId(), header.getTraceInfo().getParentId())
: null;
Call call = new Call(id, this.service, md, header, param, cellScanner, this, responder,
scheduler.dispatch(new CallRunner(RpcServer.this, call, userProvider));