// Get the total region num for the current table
this.totalRegions = regionInfoList.size();
// Get the existing assignment plan
FavoredNodesPlan favoredNodesAssignment = snapshot.getExistingAssignmentPlan();
// Get the region to region server mapping
Map<HRegionInfo, ServerName> currentAssignment =
// Initialize the server to its hosing region counter map
Map<ServerName, Integer> serverToHostingRegionCounterMap =
new HashMap<ServerName, Integer>();
Map<ServerName, Integer> primaryRSToRegionCounterMap =
new HashMap<ServerName, Integer>();
Map<ServerName, Set<ServerName>> primaryToSecTerRSMap =
new HashMap<ServerName, Set<ServerName>>();
// Check the favored nodes and its locality information
// Also keep tracker of the most loaded and least loaded region servers
for (HRegionInfo region : regionInfoList) {
try {
ServerName currentRS = currentAssignment.get(region);
// Handle unassigned regions
if (currentRS == null) {
// Keep updating the server to is hosting region counter map
Integer hostRegionCounter = serverToHostingRegionCounterMap.get(currentRS);
if (hostRegionCounter == null) {
hostRegionCounter = Integer.valueOf(0);
hostRegionCounter = hostRegionCounter.intValue() + 1;
serverToHostingRegionCounterMap.put(currentRS, hostRegionCounter);
// Get the favored nodes from the assignment plan and verify it.
List<ServerName> favoredNodes = favoredNodesAssignment.getFavoredNodes(region);
if (favoredNodes == null ||
favoredNodes.size() != FavoredNodeAssignmentHelper.FAVORED_NODES_NUM) {