* @param hfilePath Path of the HFiles to load.
* @throws IOException on I/O error.
public void bulkLoad(Path hfilePath) throws IOException {
final LoadIncrementalHFiles loader = createHFileLoader(mConf);
try {
// LoadIncrementalHFiles.doBulkLoad() requires an HTable instance, not an HTableInterface:
final HTable htable = (HTable) mHTableFactory.create(mConf, mHBaseTableName);
try {
final List<Path> hfilePaths = Lists.newArrayList();
// Try to find any hfiles for partitions within the passed in path
final FileStatus[] hfiles = FileSystem.get(mConf).globStatus(new Path(hfilePath, "*"));
for (FileStatus hfile : hfiles) {
String partName = hfile.getPath().getName();
if (!partName.startsWith("_") && partName.endsWith(".hfile")) {
Path partHFile = new Path(hfilePath, partName);
if (hfilePaths.isEmpty()) {
// If we didn't find any parts, add in the passed in parameter
for (Path path : hfilePaths) {
loader.doBulkLoad(path, htable);
LOG.info("Successfully loaded: " + path.toString());
} finally {